
How to choose a home puncher correctly

How to choose a hammer drill

Repair is a rather expensive undertaking, which entails a number of problems.

It doesn’t matter what the total financial cost is, but all that matters is that all the materials and tools used should be of the highest quality.

And the punch in this case plays an important role. However, the purchase of a quality device quite often leads to certain difficulties.

That is why it is worth understanding the question of how to choose a hammer drill. And for this you should know as much as possible about this device.

Hammer types

Conventionally, all devices in this category can be divided into professional and household. The second option allows you to not only hammer and knock out the walls, but also to drill, as well as screw the screws. Naturally, household models do not last as long as professional ones, but since professionals usually know exactly how to choose their own tools, the features of household models will be described below.

So, speaking about how to choose a good hammer drill, it’s worth saying that, depending on the weight, all these devices can be divided into light (weighing 2-4 kg), medium (about 5 kg) and heavy (their weight exceeds 7 kg). There are several operating modes: impact, drilling, drilling with impact. The first option is required to get holes. Drilling allows you to make a hole in a soft material: wood, drywall and others. And drilling with a punch is a function that is appropriate to use when working with concrete, brick and similar structures. The device can be single, dual or tri-mode.

Understanding how to choose a hammer drill for concrete, it is possible to note the type of drive - it can be electric or battery. The second option is much more convenient, since it does not require an outlet nearby, but the time it takes to use this device is limited by the battery capacity. There are also pneumatic and gasoline models that belong to the class of professional equipment.

The difference between a home tool and a professional one

Sometimes the question arises, how to choose a drill with a hammer drill. And here it is important to understand what is the difference between a professional device and a household appliance. So, if you do not go into special details, it must be said that in the case of using a drill, the hole is obtained due to the rotation of the cartridge, and the blow serves only as an addition. The punch makes a hole due to impact, which allows you to drill materials with high density.

The most important difference between a household and a professional tool is its uptime. The second type is designed for a duration of at least six hours a day, and the first can last no more than four hours. A household rotary hammer must rest after every 15 minutes of operation for about the same amount of time. Professional tools today are characterized by minimizing human exposure, for example, manufacturers are trying to reduce the vibrations that are created during operation.

Cartridge types

Modern devices are equipped with two types of cartridges: SDS-max and SDS +. The first type is usually used on professional models, and the second on ordinary household ones. Before choosing a puncher for concrete, you should find out that any device of this category is capable of working only with nozzles and drills of a certain type, so a special adapter will be required to attach the drill from a screwdriver or drill.


This characteristic for perforators is one of the main ones, since the speed and quality of the tool, as well as the thickness of the drill, through which the tasks of drilling and drilling walls will be solved, directly depend on it. Naturally, the greater the power value, the better the device works, however, there are also negative aspects: more powerful perforators weigh more, which significantly complicates the work.

Engine location

When deciding which puncher to choose, it’s worthwhile to find out that the engine in it can be located horizontally or vertically. The first option is characterized by greater efficiency, it is more powerful and will last much longer. The second is not so good, as the weight of the punch is much higher.

Additional functions

How to choose a hammer for home

Before choosing a punch, you should pay attention to the presence of a function of switching speeds, which is quite convenient, since holes of different depths can be obtained at different speeds.

Some models are equipped with an automatic speed selection function, with the help of which the device itself selects the necessary parameters taking into account the features of the work.

If you are wondering how to choose the right punch, then you need to know that before buying a particular brand or model, you can pay attention to another feature.

An instrument drill can sometimes get stuck in the material you are working with, and pulling it out is quite difficult. Some manufacturers have devices equipped with a vacuum dust extraction system, which can be either built-in or removable. The depth measurement option is also quite interesting.

How to choose a puncher for long-term work with it? It is worth paying attention to the stopper of the switch, which will allow you not to constantly hold the power button.

Number of strokes

This indicator cannot be called especially important, since all modern perforators in the drilling mode with impact are capable of producing 2000-3000 strokes per minute, which is quite enough. Otherwise, you can always pay attention to professional models, characterized by a higher rate.

How to choose a hammer drill for work

Work at different speeds

If we talk about how to choose a puncher for the home, then the presence of a mechanical gearbox makes the device multifunctional. The disadvantages of this supplement are increased noise, significant overall dimensions and large mass, relatively high cost, the need for additional maintenance of the gearbox, and the high probability that the supplement itself and the entire tool as a whole can fail.

Shock energy

This parameter is quite important, since it is responsible for the efficiency and productivity of work in dense building materials, for example, in concrete. The average figure is 1.5-4 J. Professional models are characterized by a larger value. Rare low-productivity work allows you to confine yourself to a conventional impact drill. Typical models do not allow you to adjust this parameter, so it cannot be changed in the process.


Cost is an important factor in any purchase. The price of a punch depends on all the characteristics described above, as well as on its features. Typically, consumers prefer devices from brands such as Makita and Bosch, which have managed to prove themselves positively due to the quality of the equipment being manufactured and its reliability.

Selection rules

When determining how to choose a punch, it is necessary to say about the presence of a certain functionality for each individual model.

  1. A depth gauge that will not allow you to drill holes deeper than intended.
  2. The ability to control the speed of rotation. When drilling thin holes, a higher speed is required than for making thick holes. Automatic speed control is a fairly convenient option.
  3. Switch for changing the direction of rotation.It may be required in cases where the drill is stuck in the wall.
  4. Switch from chiseling to drilling, and vice versa.

An ideal option would be equipment equipped with all the functions listed above. However, how to choose a punch, if there is not enough money for a full ammunition? Here, too, there are certain tricks.

You should turn on the instrument and listen to how it works. During power-on, it should emit smooth sounds that should not increase or decrease, and should not be accompanied by knocks. Next, you need to put the device at maximum speed. As soon as the tool reaches the required rotation speed, you should turn it off, and then see how the speed will decrease. This should happen very smoothly, and you should hear how all components of the equipment stop working.

It is difficult to say how to choose a hammer drill for work without paying attention to the equipment. It is worth considering as a purchase those tools that are equipped more than the rest. Their cost is a little more, but it will be a savings for you. Ideally, if together with the device you get:

  • an adapter that allows you to install drills on a hammer drill for a conventional drill;
  • spare brushes for the engine;
  • basic set of Boers.

When determining how to choose a hammer drill, you must focus on all of the recommendations listed. And it’s best to buy a device from a well-known manufacturer, not a Chinese copycat.

Tool types

how to choose a drill with a hammer drill

Understanding how to choose a hammer drill, it should be noted that these devices can be of several types, as already mentioned earlier.

A single-mode device is sometimes called a dowel, it is designed to drill holes in concrete, where dowels are then mounted.

It can be a puncher from any weight category: lightweight, weighing up to three kilograms and a capacity of 400-700 watts; average, weighing 3-5 kg ​​and a capacity of 700-1200 watts; heavy, weighing more than 5 kilograms and a capacity of 1200-1500 watts.

In this case, the device can only drill. In a light modification, it is convenient to use for drilling the upper parts of walls and ceilings.

Speaking about how to choose a hammer drill for work, we can note the presence of dual-mode models that are able to drill with a blow.

Light and medium tools are presented in this category. The engine in them is most often located vertically, while single-mode models are characterized by horizontal placement. Such punchers also have heavy models that support drilling with impact and chiselling without rotation. This option is designed to remove tiles and grating. Such constructions do not provide for simple drilling modes.

Three-mode models - this is the most common modification, which is able to support all three modes of operation. It is believed that the best option for a home is a lightweight three-mode tool. If necessary, make a hole in any material, for example, in metal or wood, this puncher is quite able to replace a conventional drill, for which the impact is turned off, and a conventional drill is installed. You must use the special adapter provided. Very rarely on sale you can find heavy models of this type of tool, and their cost is quite high.

If we talk about the diameter of the holes that light, medium and heavy aggregates can make in concrete, then there are maximum sizes located at such marks: 28, 32 and 55 mm, respectively. Possibilities of heavy modification with a break-through drill installed allow you to make holes with a diameter of up to 80 millimeters.

It turns out that it is necessary to choose a tool with a focus on the work performed. And it’s up to you to decide which type of hammer drill you choose, as modern manufacturers offer a wide range of models.The most popular, as mentioned earlier, are Makita and Bosch.

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