By what principle is it advisable to choose equipment for the production of printed circuit boards? Let's try to figure this out in this article.
PCB manufacturing - as a business or for your own needs
So, first of all, it is necessary for the head of the company to decide whether to make printed circuit boards for his own consumption or build a business on this. It depends on what equipment for the production of printed circuit boards you need to purchase. So, domestic consumption will require a small amount of such manufacture. If this is the main activity, then you need to take care that you purchase a fairly expensive machine for the production of printed circuit boards.
Automation of production is a prerequisite for this industry.
This principle will provide high-end equipment for the production of printed circuit boards. This is necessary not only to reduce the cost of additional staff, but also to ensure the maximum reduction in the risk of the human factor affecting the quality of finished products for the purpose of automatic production management (electronic document management, electronic dispatch and logistics).
Properly selected equipment for the production of printed circuit boards will significantly reduce the risk of environmental pollution. So, this process is often associated with fairly aggressive effluents, unless special measures are taken in time.
Of course, we should not forget about planning our future. New technologies will help in this, the introduction of which can be replaced by the usual modernization of equipment already operating at the enterprise.
PCB manufacturing technology
In fact, there are several technologies for such production. Let's consider some of them. So, for example, this is a tenting process, which contains, in comparison with other technologies, fewer operations and requires simpler equipment. However, if foil aluminum is used for the production of printed circuit boards, its deposition and etching often contribute to a large amount of scrap. The possibility of non-alignment of the film photoresist patterns with the necessary holes contributes to caution in assessing its advantages.
There is another technology for the production of printed circuit boards - the direct metallization process. In modern production using subtractive methods (foil etching), this process is quite progressive. Using this technology, manufacturers get rid of the need for chemical copper plating and galvanic tightening, which significantly increases the reliability of all internal interconnects on the printed circuit board.
However, if a high-quality picture resolution is required, then the manufacturer will need to use chemical copper plating.
In recent years, laser methods of patterning with the help of copper vapor from gaps have been quite successfully used. This process is associated with side etching. In this case, the size of the gap in the figures is determined by the wavelength and aperture of the optical systems that separate the energy region from the radiation. Thus, using the laser method, thick conductors can be made. For example, ultraviolet lasers in a copper coating produce a gap of up to 20 microns wide. In this case, it is impossible to free the gap from copper to the base, since when the foil is thinning, the dielectric at the base begins to heat up and a thermal explosion under the foil can occur.That is why this process is not brought to the very end, but about 3 microns of metal is left, which is subsequently etched in a differential way.
The advantage of the semi-additive method is the best resolution of the picture. However, many manufacturers of printed circuit boards are in no hurry to use it, since the subtractive method guarantees greater stability while ensuring adhesion of copper to substrates.
Acquisition of the production process
Equipment for galvanic and chemical processes focuses on a specific set of chemicals that are used in direct metallization, immersion processes, for galvanic and other concentrates; their use eliminates the need for chemical analyzes.
A sufficiently high productivity of raster laser photoplotters is provided by photo masks, which allows organizing three-shift production work. In other words, to produce working photo masks immediately without photo originals. In this way, significant time losses will be eliminated.
With the introduction of technological innovations, appropriate improvements in existing technologies and modernization of existing equipment for the production of printed circuit boards are required. This leads to the active borrowing of effective foreign technical solutions. There is a constantly growing interest on the part of investors in investing in this production.