
How to choose equipment for the production of kvass. Kvass production technology

Kvass begins to enjoy special demand in the summer. According to statistical indicators, the annual growth in production and sale of this drink reaches about 25 percent. Therefore, there is a serious enough reason to think about opening your own enterprise in this field of activity.

In modern conditions, the production of kvass can be considered a highly profitable and profitable business. In addition, if you pay all your attention to the preparation of the corresponding project and the search for distribution channels, then even when you open a not too large company, you can get quite a high profit.

What should be done in order to organize your business?

kvass production equipment

At a time when heat reigns on the street, people are happy to acquire kvass. In this case, barrels with such a drink can be located directly in the fresh air. However, with this approach, you will need to think about acquiring equipment for the production of kvass, not only basic, but also of an additional nature.

In addition, materials are also needed. To sell kvass directly on the street through the use of barrels, you need to purchase tanks that include dispensers and cooling technology, plastic bottles and glasses. However, it should be noted that all the money spent on equipment for the production of kvass, and other factors, will pay off very quickly. This option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who want to start a small home business.

Coolant Production Procedure

Kvass can be attributed to such products, which deteriorate quickly enough. This occurs over a period of three to seven days. In this regard, in order to obtain a quality product, one should thoroughly approach the observance of production technology. The process of making kvass can be divided into several stages, which does not depend on the scale of the enterprise.

  1. Cooking wort. To do this, in a specially prepared container, it is necessary to place all the ingredients used and add water in a certain ratio. The temperature of the added fluid should be about 10-20 degrees.
  2. The technology for the production of kvass includes a wort fermentation procedure. In order for this process to begin, yeast must be added to the must. After this, the container must be corked and held at a constant temperature for two days in a similar condition.
  3. Lightening In order for the drink to acquire a light shade, it is necessary to do the appropriate procedure. However, this step is not always necessary.
  4. Exposure In order for the drink to acquire all the necessary organoleptic properties, it is necessary to maintain it within one day while maintaining a certain temperature.
  5. Filtration. The technology for the production of kvass in a factory requires the mandatory cleaning of the drink from yeast and other numerous components that are formed at the bottom.
  6. Spill. Finished products can be placed in special bottles, cans or tanks.

kvass production technology

Using new technologies

Can also be used by entrepreneurs biotechnology kvass production. In itself, it carries the transformation of the original product into the desired drink. At this stage of production, the synthesis of organic compounds takes place. In addition, at this step, one can distinguish such processes as biotransformation, fermentation, biocatalysis, biooxidation, methane fermentation, and many others.

With equipment you can achieve high performance

The production procedure of one batch of the drink will take about three days. In order to make live kvass, a lot of effort is not required. This can be done even at home. And it is not always necessary to purchase equipment for the production of kvass in such situations. However, if there are no machines, then it will not even be possible to think about making a drink in large volumes, which is enough for sale. Therefore, a minimum technological line will still be required to be purchased.

Too powerful equipment at the very beginning of business is not needed

kvass wort concentrate barrel

Before you purchase all the necessary equipment for the production of kvass, you should decide on the volume of production that should be achieved at the enterprise. It will depend on this which installation will need to be purchased.

For example, a novice entrepreneur who does not yet have an established sales line does not need powerful equipment. This will only lead to unnecessary costs, which may not always pay off. A small plant should be equipped with not too powerful equipment. Only in case of expansion can you think about purchasing another type of installation.

What to buy?

The standard production line includes the following types of equipment and tanks:

  • a dosing container in which water is mixed with must;
  • fermentation-blending tanks;
  • a tank in which sugar syrup is prepared;
  • spill line.

Costs to be faced

dosing container

The minimum cost of medium-power equipment reaches two million rubles. Due to the fact that we are talking about the manufacture of food products, then, in addition to devices such as a fermentation apparatus, you will need to purchase a washing machine. All tanks must be cleaned after each production cycle. Washing devices are characterized by a rather high cost. Therefore, in order to save money, at the initial stage it is better to wash everything by hand.


What makes it possible to reduce the cost of equipment?

It should also be noted that the cost of equipment will almost double if the production process is fully automated. Is there such an opportunity with which you can reduce the cost of equipping the enterprise with all the necessary equipment? There are a few methods that you can resort to.

  1. A barrel for kvass wort concentrate, as well as other equipment, can be purchased from China. The quality does not have sufficiently large differences from European models, but the cost is lower. A powerful line can be purchased for one and a half million rubles.
  2. You can buy one fermentation-blending type container, in which all stages of kvass production will be carried out. In terms of productivity, such equipment does not have too high parameters, but this is enough to start your business. The cost of the device reaches about 700 thousand rubles. In such a situation, you can save money on the purchase of a production line and on the rental of premises. However, in this case, the spill of products will be carried out in manual mode. Although it is possible to purchase a special machine.
  3. You can significantly reduce costs by purchasing used equipment.

Raw materials for the production of kvass must be purchased in bulk. In this situation, you can reduce the monthly cost of money for manufacturing products. The cost of one thousand liters of the drink will reach about 6 thousand rubles. In order to prepare such a volume of kvass, it will be necessary to purchase raw materials of the following type:

  • leavened wort, namely its concentrate (it is necessary to acquire about 28 kilograms);
  • water - 2.5 cubic meters;
  • sugar - 50 kilograms;
  • yeast.

All components must have a certificate of conformity. In order to start producing high-quality products, we must thoroughly approach the issue of raw materials procurement.

What to do if you plan to establish home production?

raw materials for the production of kvass

If you purchased mini-equipment that you plan to use at home, then such a large amount of raw materials is not needed. To do this, you can buy ready-made mixtures that you only need to dilute with water and add wort to them. The taste of the resulting beverage will not differ much from kvass, which was made at the factory using powerful equipment.

kvass biotechnology


In this review, we indicated the main nuances that are associated with the production of a cooling drink. The cost of organizing business is, of course, quite high. However, you should not be afraid of high costs, since profits will not take long.

The main thing is to approach the matter competently. Good luck in building your own business!

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