
How to choose a coffee machine for home? What to choose a coffee machine for home (reviews)?

Coffee is rightly called one of the most popular drinks in the world. Moreover, there are a great many ways to prepare it.

For the busy and lazy, the soluble type of this product is suitable, for the gourmet - ground. At the same time, neither one nor the other will refuse a cup of aromatic drink prepared by a good coffee machine. This device today is increasingly found not only in cafes and offices, but also in ordinary kitchens. How to choose a coffee machine for home to enjoy a quality made invigorating drink daily?

how to choose a coffee machine for home

How not to get lost in the sea of ​​parameters

When choosing a coffee machine for the home, it is important to decide on the technical characteristics of the device that are essential for you. Of course, there are extremely important parameters. For example, a real espresso cannot be obtained without a pump operating pressure of seven to nine bar and a brewing temperature of 92-95 degrees. Divide all the parameters into three groups.

  • External and internal. Include the manufacturer (quality, popularity, reliability, etc.), dimensions and performance of the device. In addition, when choosing a device, the quality of the custard mechanism, coffee grinder and water heating system plays an important role.
  • Subjective preferences. One, for example, is enough for an espresso machine to make black coffee. Others want the purchased device to provide their latte macchiato, cappuccino, warm milk. The same group can include various additional options like a display, cup heating and two heating systems. How to choose a coffee machine for home? For some, this question is extremely simple: a suitable product is one that has an exclusive design, built-in cup illumination and other nice options.
  • Price. If you have a problem with how to choose a coffee machine, limit yourself to this option. Decide in advance how much money you are willing to allocate to purchase the specified device, and do not go beyond a certain range.

And now we turn to a detailed discussion of each of the three groups of parameters presented.

We focus on the brand

A coffee machine is not a cheap purchase. Therefore, its purchase should be taken with all seriousness, because it will serve you more than one day. If you visit several specialized stores and study the offers available on the World Wide Web, you will get about the following picture: there are a little more than a dozen manufacturers, and each of them has from one to fifteen models. How to choose a coffee machine for home? If the brand is in your first place, this information will be useful. So, the reviews say that the most popular and proven companies to date:

- Electrolux (Sweden).

- JURA (Switzerland).

- Miele (Germany).

- Philips-Saeco (Italy / Holland).

- Spidem (Italy).

- Nivona (Switzerland).

- Melitta (Germany).

- Siemens (Germany)

- Gaggia (Italy).

They offer products at prices ranging from 25 to 118 thousand rubles. Buying a semi-automatic coffee machine with a minimum of options and manual functionality will not hit your wallet so much. For the maximum price, you will get a super-automatic with an exclusive design, an analog display, a chrome-plated case and wide capabilities. If you are not striving for excessive simplicity, but also do not want to overpay for unnecessary options, pay attention to mid-range devices. These include, for example, JURA ENO Micro 9 One Touch or Philips Saeco HD 8838.

how to choose a coffee machine

Do you want to buy a coffee machine for the home? How to choose a decent model? Let's give some recommendations based on feedback from experienced users. When deciding on the manufacturer, pay attention to the warranty provided, find out at what level the warranty and post-warranty service is performed. An additional advantage will be the availability of a hotline for the proposed products and a wide network of authorized service centers.

The standard warranty period is 12 months from the date of purchase. However, some manufacturers, for example, Philips Saeco and JURA, double this period. Thus, they indirectly confirm the excellent quality of the products.

Important feature - size

How to choose a coffee machine for home? In confined spaces, consider the dimensions of the device. Modern manufacturers are moving towards the owners of small kitchens, developing compact models. Judging by the reviews, among the most popular are DeLonghi ECAM23.210B (parameters - 23.8 by 33.8 by 43 cm) and JURA ENA Micro 9 (23 by 32 by 45 cm).

Performance. The bigger, the better?

How to choose a coffee machine for home? To do this, determine what volumes of an invigorating drink you need. It is equally important which coffee you like and how you prefer to make it (manually or completely trusting the process of the device). All this will significantly affect the purchase, because coffee machines have different volumes of working capacities (among them a tank for water and grains, a container for the waste product) and productivity.

If you select the wrong device, you simply overpay for the development. Professional coffee machines, capable of producing more than fifty servings of an invigorating drink per day, do this, of course, perfectly, but not more qualitatively than their not so effective brethren.

Appliance heart

The process of preparing a drink depends on the quality of functioning of the custard mechanism. The latter can be removable or non-removable. What are their fundamental differences? How to choose a coffee machine for the home - with a mobile or stationary mechanism? Consider their features.

If the device is equipped with a removable custard mechanism, this part can be independently removed and cleaned under running water without the use of any detergents. In this case, we can talk about some savings. You do not have to purchase special cleaning products. However, do not rush to rejoice, since it is impossible to completely flush the hydraulic system. In process of its pollution all the same it is necessary to resort to "chemistry". Otherwise, the clogged mechanism will spoil the taste of the drink. So which coffee machine to choose for your home? One that is equipped with an automatic cleaning program.

how to choose a coffee maker or coffee machine for home

Feedback from the owners of the units indicates that it is much easier to take care of fixed custard mechanisms. The device will notify you that the system is clogged. All that is required of you is to place a cleaning tablet in the coffee machine and activate a special program.

Devices of Spidem, Philips Saeco, Gaggia and DeLonghi are equipped, as a rule, with removable custard mechanisms, and JURA with non-removable ones.

Silence or strength?

How to choose a coffee maker or a coffee machine for home? Which device to purchase - with steel millstones or ceramic? The latter work relatively quietly, they do not burn grains and do not oxidize them, do not overheat. Most often, models with millstones of this type are found among the products of Gaggia and Philips Saeco. The only drawback is the following: if, for example, a pebble not seen among coffee beans gets into the device, it may fail.

Steel millstones are most often equipped with devices from Melitta and JURA. If a foreign object accidentally appears in such a device, its operation will stop. Consequently, the millstones will remain intact. The only drawback: the coffee machine is quite noisy.

Drinks for every taste

Fans of different variations of coffee with milk should be especially careful when purchasing a suitable model. It should be equipped with a special device. How to choose a coffee machine for home with a cappuccino machine? Pay attention to the following:

- If you have a mechanical cappuccino machine, you can control the process of mixing air, steam and milk yourself. Available in such models: Saeco Vienna, Bosch TCA 5608.

- If the device is equipped with an automatic cappuccino machine, you just have to trust the technology. Ready milk foam will be served in the cup. Want a coffee machine with this feature? Buy one of the following models: Saeco Royal Professional Chrome, Melitta Caffeo Bistro, JURA IMPRESSA F50.

how to choose a capsule coffee machine for home

Determine the fluid heating system

This is one of the most important components of any coffee machine. Modern devices are equipped with two fundamentally different systems:

- The first option is a boiler. Thanks to it, the same volume of liquid is always heated. New water is added to the water remaining after making coffee. The next time you turn on the device, heating is performed again. Disadvantages: reduced taste of the drink, increased energy consumption, scale formation.

- Option two - fuser. This system provides instant heating of the volume of fluid that is currently required. As a result, you always get the freshest coffee.

We deal with the options

- Two heating systems. Judging by the reviews, a device with the “quick steam” function will especially appeal to coffee lovers with the addition of milk. One of the most popular models is the DeLonghi ECAM 23.420.SB.

- Ability to put two cups at a time. This option is relevant for a large family. All JURA coffee machines (the only exception is JURA ENA Micro) and the DeLonghi ESAM 6620 are equipped with it.

- Regulation of the beverage dispenser. Thanks to this feature, you can drink coffee from your favorite mug, no matter how large it is.

Capsule type devices

To prepare a fragrant drink in such devices, plastic boxes filled with pressed ground grains are used (on top they are hermetically sealed with foil). How to choose a capsule coffee machine for home? Pay attention to power. In capsule-type devices, it must be at least 1200 watts. This will allow you to get the finished drink as quickly as possible. An equally important parameter is the noise level. The lower it is, the less the device will remind you of its existence during operation. Another significant indicator is the pressure of the pump. If it is below fifteen bar, the taste and aroma of the drink will not be fully disclosed.

buy a coffee machine for home how to choose

Users recommend purchasing devices with a reservoir of at least one liter. Check that it is easily removable from the coffee machine.

Secrets of connoisseurs

Get a coffee machine with the ability to adjust the maximum number of parameters. This will expand your capabilities in the process of preparing a fragrant drink. What is needed for excellent coffee? Not so much: the "right" water, properly ground grains, a heated cup, the exact temperature and the optimal volume of liquid. What do manufacturers offer to create the perfect drink? Some coffee machines are equipped with water filters, heated cup holders. In addition, smart devices regulate the degree of grinding of grains and the temperature of the drink.


The process of acquiring household appliances is almost never simple and quick. In order not to lose money, you should focus on your own preferences and needs, and not chase after fashion.

Above, we looked at how to choose a coffee machine for the home. Carefully study the main and additional characteristics of the devices so as not to overpay for unnecessary options. The right device will please you for many years. Enjoy the shopping!

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Reason for complaint
Igor Rednikov
From personal experience, I can confidently say that it is safer and more convenient to use the capsule. Cars have a simple mechanism, do not require constant maintenance, no additional filters. That is, even if something breaks, repairing is not difficult enough and not expensive. I now use the capsule machine Lui Chic, happy as an elephant. Two minutes a day is spent on the entire cooking procedure, without any troubles.


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