
How to choose a hair dryer? How to choose a professional hair dryer?

In hairdressing, not a single hairstyle is complete without the use of a hairdryer. In the old days, the use of an electric assistant was only necessary for drying hair.

Today, a hairdryer is a powerful tool, a virtuoso tool for modeling a variety of hairstyles. The level of the final result directly depends on its technical properties and quality characteristics.

We suggest working out together how to choose the right hair dryer so that it is beneficial and saves time on creating beauty. Having made a decision to purchase a new electric device, you need to find out a few questions for yourself in advance.

how to choose a hair dryer

Main purpose

Before choosing a hair dryer, you should decide how you will use it most often. If your hair is not too long, and you only intend to dry it after washing, then road models will be the best choice. They do not have a lot of power, but they have a sufficient number of different options. In addition, road options are compact and easy to carry.

If you need frequent styling, then you should pay attention to a professional or semi-professional hair dryer. To create a stylish hairstyle, you can also choose a hair dryer. This choice will be suitable for medium length hair or short haircuts.

Physical properties

How to choose a hair dryer? The reviews of professional masters suggest that the shape and weight of the instrument are of great importance. Travel options are lightweight, easy to wield, making your own hair style. Light models should be chosen for those women who have long and thick hair. The optimal weight of a hair dryer for home use is five hundred grams.

how to choose a professional hair dryer

How to choose a professional hair dryer? In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the universality of the model. The master in the salon has to deal with various types of hair. The greater their length, the heavier and more thoroughly the hair dryer should be. At the same time, the tool should not turn into a kind of dumbbell, which pumps muscles. The optimal weight of a professional hair dryer is no more than 800 grams.

The usual form of professional models is in the form of a pistol. This creates usability when modeling any hairstyles. But if you want to use a serious tool for home needs, then choose models with the minimum length of the “nose”. Otherwise, the process of creating beauty will turn into a serious physical test.

Convenient cord

Most household hair dryers have a standard cord length of 180 cm. Professional lengths are up to three meters. In low-cost models, shortened wires often come across. This can be a problem if the mirror itself does not have an outlet.

Be sure to pay attention to the type and quality of the cord. It should be flexible enough and not too thin. The freely rotating fastener to the hair dryer does not allow twisting or tangling of the cord.

If there is a small loop on the handle of the device, then it can be hung on a hook in the bathroom. Even more convenient to use is a wall mounted hair dryer. Stationary options are usually used in hotel rooms. But there are also low-power models designed exclusively for domestic needs.

Power level

How to choose a hair dryer that will help you quickly make a hairstyle? When choosing, special attention should be paid to the power of the device.The temperature of the air flow directly depends on its level. The hotter the air, the faster the hair is dried and the ringlets are more firmly fixed.

For short and medium hair household hair dryers with a power of about 1500 watts are quite suitable. Thick and long hair with such a hairdryer will have to be dried longer - up to half an hour. To facilitate the installation process, you can pay attention to professional models, which, as a rule, are characterized by increased power. Depending on the type of model, indicators range from 1800 to 2500 watts.

Owners of lush and long hair for household needs are quite suitable models with a power of 1700-2000 watts. The most important thing is to learn how to manage them correctly. Too strong a stream of hot air can dry your hair so quickly that you do not have time to form curls.

Also, when using powerful hair dryers, there is a big risk of getting a scalp burn. Therefore, wondering how to choose a hair dryer (professional), it is worth consulting with experienced craftsmen first.

There are different nozzles ...

In solving the problem of how to choose a hair dryer, do not forget about the nozzles for it. Their total number and purpose also affect the cost of the product. The following types of nozzles are available:

  • Concentrator slot. The most common type of nozzle, which creates a directed flow of heated air. With its help, a concentrated stream runs along the entire length of the hair, fixing the desired shape of the curls. The crevice nozzle will also be indispensable in the case of straightening curly hair. For safety reasons, the hub nose should be located at least three centimeters from the hair.
  • Diffuser. The nozzle is a large disk with spikes rounded at the ends. This is ideal for curly hair care. It provides gentle drying, avoiding shredding hairstyles. Thorn-fingers, letting warm air through them, cut it into thin streams that feed directly to the hair roots. Diffuse nozzle can be used for those women who have thin and brittle hair.
  • Round brush. Using this nozzle, it is convenient to create volume or form curls on short hair. For long lengths use options brushes with shortened bristles, as they do not allow tangling.
  • Forceps. Used to create curls of a certain size.
  • Hairbrush. Its use requires some skill, because the nozzle can perform several functions:
    • increase in volume at the roots of hair;
    • volume along the entire length;
    • straightening curls.

In addition to the listed standard types, some manufacturers produce special-purpose nozzles of original forms. They can be purchased separately from the hair dryer. It is important to make sure that they fit your model.

Choose the appropriate type

We have already figured out how to choose a hair dryer based on technical parameters. Now let's see what types of devices are offered on the market.

choose a hair dryer

  • Ordinary hairdryers. These are large devices with high power. Two nozzles are supplied with them: slotted and diffuse. Well suited for home and semi-professional use.
  • Compact option. Devices are small in size, low power and, accordingly, low price. It is convenient to use hair dryers on the road, they do not take up much space in your purse. The only drawback is the increased drying time.
  • Styler (hair dryer brush). The low power of the device does not allow its use with thick and long hair. But if we choose a hair dryer, we can be absolutely sure that we will be able to simulate curls of any size. At the same time, the reliability of fixing the hairstyle is significantly increased, since curls are formed simultaneously with the drying of hair.

New technologies to help beauty

Modern professional hair dryers very carefully look after hair, drying and styling them.This is due to the use of a ceramic heating element, which evenly distributes heat over the entire surface. With such a hairdryer it is almost impossible to dry your hair or make a burn. Ceramic technology is the best option for straightening wavy hair.

Positive effect of negative ions

Hair dryers with ionization function are recommended for those people whose hair is curly (by nature or after perming). Ionic technology involves the action of negative particles on water molecules by breaking them down. As a result, moisture penetration into the hair roots is facilitated. As a result of ionization, the hair dries faster and looks healthier and shinier.

how to choose a hair dryer reviews

Hair Dryer Rules

Having clarified the basic requirements and having studied the features of the use of these devices, we learned how to choose a hair dryer. The photo below explains how to use a hairdryer.

To increase the volume of medium and long hair, the head should be tilted well during drying. In this case, you need to beat your hair with your hands, and a stream of hot air should be directed in different directions. Having slightly dried a pile of hair, you can raise your head. Then follows the process of laying the strands in the right direction.

With short hair, they act a little differently. At first, they comb their hair with a comb, simultaneously drying with a hairdryer. Then there is styling with a round brush. Strands of hair should be lifted from the roots, slightly tilting the head.

During drying, the hair dryer muzzle must be positioned at an angle that allows you to direct a stream of air from the hair roots to their ends. The distance from the head should be at least fifteen centimeters.

how to choose a hair dryer

Hair Dryer Life

The frequency of the intended use also affects the choice of hairdryer model. Professional tools are operated very actively, so they must be of the highest quality. With proper use and careful care, powerful hairdressing tools can last at least ten years.

You can lengthen the life of this device by using protective filters that reliably protect the hair dryer motor from mechanical particles - dust, hair and other debris. A set of replacement filters can be purchased separately.

Buying a hair dryer is a serious purchase that will be beneficial for all family members. A professional model will help everyone take care of their hair, creating neat and stylish hairstyles.

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Reason for complaint
2 speed and 3 temperature modes - a set that you will need at home for gentle hair care. There are professional hair dryers with six temperature modes and six speed ones. But, if you are not a master of hairdressing, such a set will not be useful to you.
I bought Boshevsky-PHD9940, very satisfied. I had the task to cope with curls and excessive fluffiness. The hair dryer does it perfectly. But the basal volume, I could not achieve with him. Although, it is possible that this is achieved by a conventional styling tool, or perhaps you just need to choose a styling technique.


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