
How to choose an epilator. Which epilator is better to choose: disk or tweezers

The perfect epilator is what many girls actually dream of. If you finally decided to throw your old machine into the bin, then you need to go to the store and buy a replacement for it.

Let's see how to choose an epilator and how to be guided when buying. It is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. This device must meet a number of requirements, and only then can it be considered ideal.

how to choose an epilator

Some general information

Before proceeding directly to the selection, it is necessary to understand at least a little how the epilator works. In principle, there is nothing complicated. Regardless of the price range and manufacturer, the essence in all devices is the same. The principle of action is 100% hair removal with a root.

In fact, it can be compared with tweezers. Rotating discs pull hair with the root. In this case, it is worth considering the painfulness of the procedure. The faster the removal, the better. But before choosing an epilator, pay attention to what class it belongs to. Many do not pay absolutely no attention to this, but in vain. Let's get to know them better.

Device classification

Currently, it is customary to divide all epilators into two types: disk and tweezers. The essence of the first is that there are several rows of disks that are located in close proximity to each other. During rotation, they move, and the hair caught between them is irrevocably removed. As for the tweezers, the main point remains the same, the only difference is that instead of the discs, small tweezers are used.

During operation, the tweezers' flaps move, and the hair that gets there is pulled out. If you are wondering how to choose a disk or tweezer epilator, then one thing can be said. If removal speed is important to you, then buy a disk, if the quality is tweezers. At the same time, note that the pain is slightly lower in the tweezers. But which epilator is better to choose, it's up to you.

Number of speeds

In most cases, modern models are equipped with 2 speeds. Although the most budget options have only one speed. How to make a choice? Yes, everything is very simple. The first speed is designed directly to remove thin as well as short hair. Please note that such areas of the body are not suitable for high speed. This is due to the fact that the hairs in this case will not break out, but break off, while the root will remain in place. The second speed is necessary to remove hard and long hair. If the number of revolutions of the disks or tweezers is insufficient, then you will encounter unnecessary pain. If everything goes quickly, then it is not so painful, although hair clippings can not be avoided.

What else should you be guided by when choosing?

Functionality is what you need to pay attention to. Of course, a device with more features will always cost more, so you need to soberly evaluate the pros and cons. In addition, always look at the manufacturer's company. If you do not want to overpay for a brand, then purchase devices of the middle price range of the brand that you have heard about the positive feedback from customers.

Of course, before choosing an epilator for legs, look at the number of tweezers or discs. The more of them, the faster the process of hair removal will take place. But that is not all.If you want to use the device at a time convenient for you, it will be useful to understand the issue of nutrition. But we will talk about this a little later, and now let's talk about the manufacturer.

What brand of epilator to buy?

Currently, many companies produce high-quality epilators and not very. There are several companies that manufacture and supply only high-quality goods that are very popular. These are giants such as Brown, Phillips and Roventa. But there are less well-known manufacturers whose epilators are no worse than that, and the price is several times lower. But it's up to you to decide.

If you are willing to take a chance and buy a pig in a poke, then hardly anyone will stop you. If you purchase a proven product of a well-known brand, then you will definitely be satisfied. Of course, the cost varies in a wide range, it all depends on the functionality. But we’ll talk about this a little later, and now about how to make the hair removal process not so painful, because every girl dreams about it.

About anesthesia

Currently, there are three topical ways to reduce the pain from the process. One of them is cooling. Epilators with this function are equipped with special helium bags. Before starting the procedure, they are applied to the treated area of ​​the skin, which they cool. Most of the reviews about such devices are positive. Helium can be perfectly replaced with ice cubes or just with a wet towel.

Another way is to use the blow function. This solution is implemented with the help of a special epilator unit that blows around a skin area during hair removal. We can say that this approach reduces pain by about 30%. “How to choose an epilator for sensitive skin?” You ask. The blow function is exactly what is suitable in this case. For the most part, this solution is found in Philips epilators.

There are also special massage brushes whose work is simple to disgrace. A soft rubber brush is mounted above the discs or tweezers. During hair removal by vibration, the brush relaxes the skin, which reduces pain. Such a system is best implemented by Brown.

Which epilator is better to choose: customer reviews and recommendations

Do not forget that you can always take advantage of the experience of other customers. It will be useful to listen to reviews and recommendations. In particular, pay attention to such a trifle as a form. Many would not have thought that this is important, but those who bought uncomfortable epilators know the importance of this parameter like no other. If the device is inconvenient to hold in your hand and there is no direct access to the buttons, bypass such a model. Hair removal is a lengthy procedure and comfort is very important.

In addition, consumers in their reviews recommend checking the equipment, as they say, "without leaving the cash register." Do not forget to check for cleaning brushes, battery charging, etc. As for nozzles, the more of them, the better. With them, you can remove hair even from the most inaccessible places without much effort. Of course, a good model will cost a lot, but not everything that is expensive is not always good. At least for this simple reason, it makes sense to see what people say about a particular machine.

Epilator makeup

There are three types of device power: mains, battery, and combined mode. As for the optimal solution, this is the last. Most of the models on the market today are outlet-powered devices. But we can say with confidence that this is not always convenient. But what if you need to remove hair, but there is no way to connect the device to the network?

Worse still, they can turn off the lights, and a date or a business meeting can not be canceled ... Then you have to get the machine.Now imagine that you have a battery powered epilator. If you keep it charged all the time, you will not run into similar problems. Well, so which epilator is better to choose? The best option would be to purchase a combined option. This is a network operation and a battery. Such models, although not cheap, but they can help you out in many critical situations.

How to choose a good epilator and not make a mistake?

how to choose a laser epilatorIn fact, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. We have already considered some of the parameters, only a couple of important details remain.

Backlighting is what will help you to remove even the smallest and lightest hairs in a better way. However, this feature is not in all models.

Another useful extra feature is the presence of a razor and trimmer. Older epilators, as a rule, have neither one nor the other. But more modern models are equipped with almost everything necessary.

To care for the armpits and the bikini area, you will have to buy special nozzles, which will significantly increase the cost of the device. Phillips machines that allow the use of nozzles for the bikini zone are marked Bikini Perfect, and Roventa is designated Silence Bikini. But whether this is necessary or not, only you must decide. I would like to say only that far from everyone will be able to withstand hair removal of intimate zones, so always take this issue with all seriousness.

Epilator head and tips for beginners

There are models that are equipped with a stationary head, but this is not the best solution for several obvious reasons. Firstly, it is a matter of hygiene. The fixed head clogs over time and you can’t clean it in any way. Of course, you can dismantle the housing cover and try to do something, but it will take too much time. Secondly, a broken head will be much more difficult to replace. Most likely, you will have to buy a new epilator. As for the models equipped with a removable head, this is much more convenient than the previous version. At least for the reason that you can always wash it after use and thereby you can be sure of its cleanliness.

We have already figured out which epilator is better to choose, so I would like to say a few words about nozzles for beginners, whose main function is to reduce the number of tweezers (tweezers) or disks. Naturally, this significantly reduces pain, but the duration of the process becomes longer. If you are confident in yourself, then you are unlikely to need such nozzles.

About advanced features

As noted above, modern epilators are equipped with a mass of special functions that directly affect the cost of the device. First of all, pay attention to the presence of a protective system. It consists in the fact that the disks and tweezers are placed in a special case, which completely eliminates mechanical damage to the skin during hair removal.

Some models are equipped with a pre-cut hair trimmer with an exfoliating nozzle. This is an ideal solution for removing the top layer of skin where ingrown hair is located. Once it is released, you can quickly and easily remove it. Noise level is another parameter that it makes sense to pay attention to. Not everyone likes a strong buzz during work, so if you belong to this category of people, then there are noiseless models for you. They cost more, but make a barely audible sound.

A few important points

We have already considered all the most important parameters, but nothing was said about the effectiveness and, in fact, the quality of the product. When buying, always pay attention to the integrity of the case, the absence of chips, abrasions or cracks. As for efficiency, not all models allow you to quickly remove hair from your legs, bikini area or armpits.I would like to say that there are also laser epilators, the principle of which is quite simple. It consists in the instantaneous heating of the hair bulb and its subsequent removal.

How to choose a laser epilator? Everything is simple here, the device should be multifunctional, that is, it allows you to perform complex salon procedures at home, as well as expensive. As for the price, there is no need to talk a lot, because such epilators can not be cheap.

Are you still asking yourself how to choose an epilator? Customer reviews and professional advice - all this will help to make the right choice. The assortment today is quite large, so you can not rush, walk around and look at the device that you like.

how to choose the epilator


Do not forget about caring for an epilator. Since these devices are subject to personal hygiene, this issue must be treated with special attention. In order not to infect, rinse the epilator head under running water before each procedure, and wipe the device (work surface) with an alcoholized cotton wool. There are cars with a waterproof case.

Such units can be washed under water. If you often use the dry hair removal function, be sure to use special brushes, which should always be supplied. Rinse them after the procedure. In principle, these are all requirements. Stick to them - everything will be all right. Well, that’s all, now you know how to choose the epilator, and you should not have any problems with this device.

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