Occasionally, citizens are interested in how rights can be restored. The solution to this issue, as a rule, does not cause huge problems. The main thing is to clearly understand what is at stake. And how exactly it is necessary to organize the conduct of this process. Indeed, in this case, the restoration and replacement of a driver’s license is a very simple task, which is easy to implement. Let's try to understand what you need to pay attention to.
What is the reason for exchanging the relevant document? After all, the list of papers that you must present, depending on this, is changing. Recovering a driver’s license and its replacement is an ordinary matter, but with its own nuances.
In what cases is it worth contacting the appropriate authorities for rights? Firstly, if the certificate has expired (10 years have passed). Secondly, when changing the name. These situations require exchange, but not recovery. But with the loss or damage of rights, it is necessary to deal with the direct issuance of a duplicate.
In principle, there are no significant changes in these processes. Lost your rights? How to restore them? Let's understand this issue. Do not be alarmed, they will not require much from you.
Where to go
Can't find your driver’s license? Then it's time to think about how to restore rights. The thing is that to begin the solution of the task it is necessary to find out which authorities to seek help from. And only then you need to collect a complete list of documents to solve the problem.
Honestly, the answer is obvious: the restoration of a driver’s license takes place in the same place as the initial receipt. It's about the traffic police. It is advisable to contact the place of registration, so you save yourself from unnecessary problems.
In principle, you can turn to the help of the Internet. But here the traffic police will be the dominant body. In any case, it is with this authority that you will have to contact while you are dealing with the solution of the task set before us today. Where to restore rights? Already understood. But how and what needs to be prepared?
The first is a statement. This document is compulsorily drawn up by a citizen and submitted to the STSI when applying. Without it, you will not be able to restore rights. The form is clearly set.
Fortunately, filling out and writing an application is not such a difficult task. You can look at the sample on the website of the State Service or in the traffic police department (in any). There, everyone has the right to take himself a form to fill out.
What data is entered here? For example, passport data and the reason for contacting the relevant authorities will be indicated without fail. Restoring a driver’s license without a description of the situation is impossible. You will still be asked why you are recovering. And every citizen is obliged to fix this in his statement.
The second point worth paying attention to is the presentation identity document. Practice shows that this is often a passport. In this case, you will save yourself the need to confirm your own registration. After all, the passport has a separate page with this information.
How to restore a driver’s license? Scan your passport (all pages) and take its original with you. In principle, copies are optional but desirable. Practice shows that it is better to have them always with you. Especially in Russia.There are often cases when without copies you simply will not accept documents. It is illegal, but still better not to swear and not waste your and others' nerves. Making copies of a document is not so difficult right now.
Driver card
How to restore rights in case of loss? Once you have a passport on hand with copies of all pages, as well as a statement, find your card. It is called a driver card. This is an examination document that confirms your driving skills.
You can do without it, but in exceptional cases. When is this possible? For example, when it comes to changing a driver’s license for one reason or another. But the loss requires you to have a driver test card. If you contact the traffic police because of a damage to your driver’s license, this document is not required. No need to make a copy.
Lost your rights? How to restore them? A huge problem for modern drivers is the moment called the medical commission. You must pass it without fail and get the appropriate certificate of your health. Bring this conclusion along with the package of other documents. It is better to have the original and a copy.
Please note that this paper is included in the list of required documents upon receipt, replacement or restoration of a driver’s license. In the clinic, it’s enough to say that you need to go through a medical commission to obtain a certificate that allows you to drive.
What to do if a medical examination has been completed recently? The previous document will do, but only if it was received no more than 3 months ago. Although the traffic police, as a rule, require the presence of a "fresh" medical commission. It’s better not to risk it and go through the inspection shortly before submitting a request.
The loss of any document requires a full description of the situation. What is this about? In addition to all of the above, if you are thinking about restoring your rights, you will have to describe in detail why and under what circumstances you could not find such an important document for the driver.
It turns out writing a kind of explanatory. It is performed on a separate sheet of A4 and is written in free form. This does not exempt you from filling out a restoration application. There is nothing difficult and dangerous in this. Sometimes you don’t have to write an explanatory note. But its presence will be a significant plus in your direction.
One more thing is photographs. Each citizen without fail brings and makes them independently. Pictures should be taken on matte paper and have a size of 3 by 4 cm, colored.
Practice shows that it’s enough just to go to any photo studio and say that you need photos on the right. Basically, 1-2 snapshots are enough. But it is better to bring 4. Especially if the price in the cabin is not much different in one case or another. Extra images will be given to you.
There are some rules that can prevent the restoration of rights. For example, images must be new. The newer the better. The maximum allowable period of "life" of the photo is 6 months. Pictures taken more than six months ago will have to be redone. They are not accepted. It is advisable to check out the photos a few days before applying for the restoration of a driver’s license.
The last, but no less important, binding document is state duty. Each citizen who has thought about how to restore rights in case of loss, without fail pays for this process in a fixed amount. It is not too small, but you can’t avoid paying a fee. At the moment, restoration (as well as obtaining) of the rights will cost 2,000 rubles. Such rates have been established since 2015. Earlier, for this service it was enough to contribute 800 rubles to the state treasury. But that is no longer important.
The fee is paid before you have filed a direct application with all of the above documents. Why? Without a paid receipt and a check on the payment of "debt" they simply will not talk to you.
Where to pay for the deal? The citizen has a lot of options. Or you pay the appropriate fee to the traffic police, where you apply, either at the bank or through the Internet / payment terminal / ATM. The main thing is that the recipient in this case is the traffic police department. In principle, you can pay the state fee at the time of applying to the appropriate authority. But this will slightly increase the duration of the submission of documents for the restoration of a driver’s license. It is better to worry about solving this issue in advance. Copies do not need to be provided, only original receipts and receipts are accepted.
How many recover rights? Typically, this process, as practice shows, takes about 1 month. In rare cases, it will pass faster. But longer - easily. In principle, it all depends on how many people turned to the traffic police, depending on the employment instance. But set yourself up for a month of waiting.
Once all the documents are gathered together, you can go to submit a request. Restoring rights in Moscow or any other city is easy and simple. As you can see, it’s enough to just know how this process is going and how to prepare for it. Timely and correct actions by the citizen accelerate the solution of the task.
If you need not to restore, but to change the rights, then the list remains the same. Only the original of the current driver’s license is added to it, as well as documents confirming the change of surname (in a separate case). That's all. To replace the rights, an explanatory note is also not required. Now it’s clear how to restore a driver’s license and not be tormented with this process.