
How to find out where my funded part of my pension is located?

How to find out where my funded part of my pension is? This question interests many. Indeed, in Russia, pension payments have recently been formed due to several components - the insurance part and the funded one. The first, as you might guess, is stored initially in the Pension Fund of Russia. But the second one is a mystery to many. Nevertheless, it is important to understand where these or other remedies for old age lie. How can I find out about their storage and condition? All tips and tricks will be presented later. In fact, it is not so difficult to understand where the accumulative part of pension savings is. The main thing is to prepare correctly. And sort through all the possible options.how to find out where my funded part of my pension

And where did they go

"How do I know where my funded part of my pension is?" - This question is asked by many citizens. Especially those who will soon reach retirement age. The first option is just to remember where the citizen turned to form retirement savings.

In general, there are several options - or state Pension Fund, or non-governmental organization. In the second case, a citizen is given a contract when transferring money. It indicates the organization in which the funded component of pension payments is stored. Therefore, the first advice is an independent search for a contract with one or another Pension Fund.

For the silent

How to find out where your funded part of the pension is? To do this, one point should be clarified. In Russia, this component can be either in the state pension fund or in private pension funds. In order for the money to be stored not with the state, but with one or another organization, it was required to write a statement by December 31, 2014. In this case, the funds were transferred to a particular non-state pension fund.

If the person was silent, then his funded part of the pension remained in the FIU. Therefore, the "silent" can hope that there is money left. In any case, it should be so. Therefore, the need to verify the information can be postponed. Or call the Pension Fund of Russia (district department at the place of residence) and ask whether the funds are actually stored in this organization.how to find out where the funded part of the pension is located

What you need to check

How to find out where my funded part of my pension is? This will require preparation. If the previously listed methods did not work, the application was written, but the contract with the non-state pension fund was not found, it will be necessary to implement the idea by force.

To do this, you need several documents: insurance certificate and ID. Or rather, a passport. You can still do without it, but without SNILS - no. Often it is not necessary to have the original of this document, it is enough to do with a certified copy. The specific information that is required from the insurance certificate is the number of the insured person. This is the account on which all funds are stored. Check where the pension is located without SNILS will not work.

Nothing more is needed. Only a little time, telephone and Internet. With all of this you can answer how to find out where my funded part of the pension is. What verification options exist in practice?

Personal visit

The best, time-tested and reliable method is to clarify information from the state. After all, when the time comes, it will deal with the payment of pension savings. So, the state knows the location of their parts.how to find out where your funded part of your pension

This will require an identity card and SNILS.What to answer, how to find out where the funded part of the pension is stored, you need to contact the district FIU. There, write a free-form statement on the provision of information on the formation of pension savings. Do not forget to write the number of SNILS.

In exchange for the application, the citizen is informed about the status of the personal account, as well as where the accumulative part of the savings is located. This document can be obtained both by mail and in person. It is enough to present, as already mentioned, SNILS and a passport. The received paper will indicate the organization that is responsible for storing the savings.

The employer will help

How to find out where the funded part of the pension is located? Usually financial issues are not a secret for the employer. Moreover, it is he who transfers part of the money from employees' earnings to form a pension. So, you can try to find out information through work.

To do this, it is enough to apply to the accounting department of the corporation. There, the employee will be required, upon request (even verbally), to provide information on the transfer of funds to a particular pension fund. No one has the right to refuse.how to find out where my pension is

This option is only suitable for officially employed citizens. Those who work informally cannot apply to the employer for such a request. After all, the chief simply does not make contributions to the country's pension funds for such an employee.


How to find out where is my pension (funded part)? This topic is of interest to many. If the previously proposed methods did not interest the citizen or any problems arose with them, do not despair. Everyone can discover their money. It is enough to know how to act.

For example, you can apply for information about a pension to banking organizations. Most often we are talking about large banks. Among them are:

  • Sberbank
  • "VTB 24".
  • UralSib.
  • Gazprombank.
  • "Bank of Moscow".

A person must come to a banking company with SNILS and a passport. Next, as in the case of the FIU, you need to make a request to search for the funded part of the pension. A few minutes of waiting - and the employee will say whether there is an accumulation in the bank for old age of a particular client.how to find out where the funded part of the pension is now

The disadvantage is that you have to literally sort through all the existing banks. But it will turn out so exactly to find out about the location of the funded part of the pension savings. That's not all. How to find out where the funded part of the pension is located? You can use other ways.

the Internet

How to find out where the funded part of the pension is stored? The internet may come in handy for this. Some citizens claim that you can use a variety of verification services. According to the input data (passport, SNILS), you can find where the pension is.

In fact, 100% cannot be trusted with such hosting. They are usually divided into several categories - paid and free. Both the first and second are very doubtful. When it comes to paid verification hosting services, they simply pull money from citizens. The services initiate the work and search for information about the person, but in fact there will be no result after making the money.how to find out where the funded part of the pension is stored

If you use shareware hosting, you can stay cheated. This is a popular fraudulent move. After entering the passport data and SNILS number, no result will be displayed on the screen. But information about the citizen will fall into the hands of fraudsters. They will be able to use it for their own selfish purposes.

Thus, Internet services that promise to help sort out the question that sounds like this: "How do I find out where the funded part of the pension is now?" - this is a lie. Do not believe them. The Internet, in principle, should be used very carefully. And be skeptical of proposals requiring the introduction of information from certain documents.

"Government services"

The only place you can truly trust on the World Wide Web is the Public Services portal.Using it is easy and simple. It was invented in order to facilitate the receipt of public services to the population. It is enough to register there, and then clarify information about finding a pension.how to find out where the funded part of the pension is located

After authorization on the Gosuslugi portal, you need to type in the search bar: "Get extended notification about the state of the ILS". Then click on "Get a service." A request will be generated, the user may be required to fill out an application (the SNILS number is indicated). After that, the screen will display information about finding pension benefits. That's all. Now it’s clear how to find out where the funded part of the pension is located.

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