
How to find out the bank details of your company?

Bank details are required to perform cash transactions. In order for an organization or an individual to pay for a service or product or simply transfer money, for example, in the form of a loan, you must provide your bank details. How do I know the bank details that belong to you or your organization?

General concepts

Almost all operating enterprises open one or more settlement accounts. This is necessary for their current activities, cash flow is carried out on them.

In addition to settlement enterprises, card accounts are sometimes issued, and special corporate bank cards are attached to them, which facilitate the performance of a number of operations on the account.

To be able to work with current account and make various calculations using it, you need to know his bank details, which include the following information:

change of bank details

  • account number is a combination of numbers that is assigned to each current account;
  • name of organization that owns the account;
  • number of TIN and PPC of the organization;
  • BIC of the bank in which the account is opened;
  • Full name of the bank;
  • Correspondent account bank;
  • Bank TIN and PPC number.

Sample bank details:

LLC "Gifts of the Dwarves"

TIN 1234567891

PPC 123456789

Bank account 40702810500000000009

Full name of the bank OJSC “Bank“ Discovery ”, Moscow

Bank correspondent account 30101000000000000809

BIC 04580809

TIN 1234567891

PPC 123456789

In each payment document, bank details are indicated in full and without errors. Otherwise, the money may be misplaced or returned back to the sender's account.

sample bank details

When drawing up any contract, whether with a client or with a supplier, the details of a bank account are prescribed without fail in order to be able to make settlements with them in the future.

Change account details

Sometimes a situation arises in which there is a change in bank details. This happens when a bank decides to change its name or merge with several financial organizations, but there are other factors that affect the current situation. But in any case, regardless of the reasons, the bank must notify its customers in writing that there has been a change in bank details. The time periods for which banking institutions are required to notify customers are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

And customers, after receiving a letter from the bank, should bring information about the change of details to their counterparties, with whom current affairs are conducted and contracts are concluded.

How to find out the bank details of the organization?

You can find out the details of the bank account of your organization by contacting the bank branch where this account is open.

All data, except for the current account number, can be found on the official website of the bank. As for the number, you can find it out by logging in to the Internet Bank system, or by calling the banking specialists on the hotline. In addition, the account number, as a rule, is indicated in the contract for its opening.

how to find out bank details

It turns out that in order to receive information regarding bank details you will need:

  • a computer or other device that allows access to the Internet;
  • Internet access;
  • phone;
  • registration documents of your company;
  • passport of the business owner or authorized person;
  • account opening agreement.

Let's consider each method in more detail.

We learn the details through the bank website

This is the easiest way to find out details.To do this, simply open the bank's website and find the appropriate section. Similar information may also be present in the sections “About the Bank” or “Contacts”.

Bank details

Unfortunately, you will not find the account number of your company on the site. But it is necessarily indicated in the contract for opening an account that you concluded with the bank when it was drawn up. In addition, this information can be prompted by bank experts, for this you just need to call the bank's call center. When recording data under dictation, be extremely careful if you make a mistake in at least one digit, the money can go to another client of the bank or return to the sender.

How to find out details through online banking

If your company is connected to the Internet Bank system, then information regarding the current account number and other information necessary for settlements with counterparties can be found in it. In addition, in this system all current accounts opened by the company in this bank are indicated.

Through a personal account in the Internet banking system, you can send a letter to the bank’s electronic address with a request to send an official letter with its banking information to the mailing address of the company.

What to do if an agreement to open an account is lost?

As mentioned above, data on the account number is contained in the contract for its opening. But what if he got lost?

You must contact the bank and report the loss of the document. They will provide a copy of the contract certified by the bank on the basis of a passport belonging to the owner of the enterprise, if he himself came to the bank, or to an authorized person.

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