Many homeowners believe that they can exercise the right of ownership as they wish at their own discretion. In most cases, this is true. In particular, this applies to sales, leasing, donations. But when a person decides to remodel the room, he needs coordination with a number of controlling organizations. We will consider further how to legitimize redevelopment yourself.
Why is this needed?
Re-planning should be legalized if it affects the interests of not only the homeowner, but also his neighbors. The fact is that such work is often associated with the demolition of walls. Not all of them can be destroyed, since some are load-bearing. Demolition of such a wall threatens with the collapse of the building, structural changes. If the work has already been done, but there are no permits, then subsequently exercising your right to dispose of property - to sell, exchange, donate, and so on - will be very problematic. In any case, it will be necessary to legalize the redevelopment or return the premises to its original state. Mindlessly interfering with the structure, you can cause serious damage to the structure.
Preparatory stage
Before starting dismantling work, it is necessary to conduct a technical inspection of the building or the part that is supposed to be remodeled. Mandatory calculations must be made. In accordance with them, a diagram is drawn up. After this, redevelopment should be legalized and only then proceed with dismantling. If the documentation is executed after the work, it is necessary to invite an engineer and open the finishing layers. The technician must evaluate the condition of the load-bearing elements, verify the presence of amplification, fix the data.
When you can not legitimize redevelopment?
Many owners ignore the requirements and perform work without coordination with supervisory services. In these cases, legalizing the redevelopment of the apartment will be problematic or completely impossible due to a violation of the established order. Many homeowners have no idea where the load-bearing wall is and where not. Often, the owners equip a bathroom over the kitchen of the neighbors, attach cold rooms (balcony, loggia) to warm ones. All this is a violation of established standards and does not allow legalizing the redevelopment of an apartment. In some cases, the situation can be corrected. For this, several schemes should be developed, which should then be agreed with the authorities. However, you will have to make a new repair.
Where to legalize redevelopment?
For dismantling it is necessary to obtain the consent of the authorities. After that, having completed the work, they need to be handed over to the acceptance committee. With a positive expert opinion, changes should be made to the BTI plan and title documents. To carry out calculations and draw up a scheme, you should contact the competent organization. Employees of the Housing Expertise will advise on all issues of interest, designate the time at which they will arrive directly at the facility to measure and analyze the state of the structures. After that, together with the owner, several redevelopment options will be developed. The owner of the property selects the most suitable and carries out repair and construction work.
Many owners are interested in how much it costs to legalize redevelopment. The price consists of several factors.The technical conclusion on average costs from 6 thousand rubles. Further, the price will depend on the type of premises, the nature of the work, the result. So, to legitimize the redevelopment of the house (transfer non-residential premises to residential, for example), you will have to pay from 15 thousand rubles for the project, and for permission - from 89 thousand. To get an act of completion, you will need to pay from 15,000 p. There will be as many changes to the BTI plan. Thus, on average it is possible to legalize the redevelopment of a house for 140 thousand rubles.
Required paper
The experts of the expert organization will give detailed instructions on what documents will be needed. You can legitimize redevelopment as follows:
1. Get in BTI:
- for residential premises - data sheet;
- for non-residential buildings - floor plan, explication, form 1a (extract from the data sheet), form 5a (certificate of the technical condition of the structure).
Reconciliation (including completed) redevelopment begins with a visit to the Bureau of technical inventory. The instance should receive the above documents. If the work has already been done, then the papers can assess how the current state does not match what is indicated in the plans.
2. Order in the design service:
- Redevelopment plan.
- Technical conclusion.
These papers are subject to approval by authorized organizations. A technical conclusion is necessary in order to establish the possibility of dismantling and subsequent construction work. In accordance with it, a redevelopment project is drawn up. It is being amended by the owner to be made. This may be replacing the floor, laying waterproofing, scrapping and building partitions, creating openings and so on. The design should include calculations. In some regions, there is an order in which you can agree on a redevelopment of a sketch. This is allowed if simple work is expected.
3. To coordinate the received documents with the authorities. This stage is considered the longest and most important of all. At this stage, it will be difficult to do without the assistance of professionals. When coordinating, there are many nuances that arise mainly depending on the design features of the building.
4. Submission of documents to the housing inspection. As a rule, this service works with the district administration. After the experts consider the submitted papers, a permit or refusal to conduct work will be issued. The latter must be motivated, with arguments in which the applicant cannot implement the project.
5. Performance of work on agreed securities, calling of a commission, drawing up and signing of an act of acceptance.
6. Amendments to the BTI plan and title documents. After receiving the certificate, you must contact the Bureau of Technical Inventory. Based on the new agreed project, the plan is amended accordingly. It may also be necessary to replace property rights. For example, this is necessary when a non-residential premises is converted into a residential one, the total area or parameters of individual rooms changes. The content of documents stored in the BTI should correspond to the actual state of the structure or premises. After the reorganization, of course, this will not happen.
A special case
As mentioned above, many owners carry out redevelopment without coordinating it with authorized authorities. This is considered a violation of the established procedure. However, in this case, it is necessary to legitimize the work performed, if this is permissible. It should be noted that the fact of violation itself threatens the owner with a fine if the work did not entail serious consequences for the design and the project is potentially coordinated. If measures were taken that were contrary to the law, the situation would be worse. In Appendix 1 of the MRP, clause 11, a list of unacceptable actions in the room is indicated.If at least one of them is committed, the owner will be obligated to partially or completely eliminate the work performed, to bring the building or room to its original or coordinated state.
Important point
Supervisory authorities may have doubts that the owner carried out the work in accordance with the law, SanPinami, SNiPami, fire safety standards. To exclude them, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the safety and acceptability of the work. It can be compiled either by the authors of the house project, or by organizations with SRO approval. The choice of the contractor will depend on the nature of the changes and their scope.
How to find out if the condition of the room is agreed?
In some cases, it happens that the housing becomes the property already completed redevelopment. To verify the legality of the work, you should contact the BTI, requesting a data sheet. This document will include a floor plan, a drawing of a separate apartment. If there are red lines in the diagram, then this indicates that the work was not agreed. Black lines indicate that everything is in order. However, the latter is not always the case. The previous owner could perform work that the supervisory authorities are not aware of. In this case, it is advisable to go through all the rooms with a plan and see if the real state of the walls and other structural elements corresponds to the drawing.