
How to sleep a little and get enough sleep? Proven methodology, recommendations

It's no secret that we spend half our lives sleeping. It is good if nature has laid down clearly working biological clocks that will raise 6-8 hours after going to bed. But if they fail, and falling asleep at 22:00, you can’t get out of bed before 11:00? It turns out that you spent 13 hours and at the same time stood up in a broken state, which means that some more time will pass before you can begin normal life activities. Today we want to talk about how to sleep little and get enough sleep at the same time. Such knowledge is very useful to every person, giving him a happy morning every day.how to sleep a little and get enough sleep

The course is on health

This is our first and most important landmark. Speaking about how to sleep little and get enough sleep, we do not mean that you should act to the detriment of your health. We are interested in precisely the system, which will allow you to spend less time sleeping, but at the same time save maximum strength and energy. If you act at random and simply reduce your rest time, as a result you will wander around like a zombie all day, actually losing much more useful time trying to wake yourself up.

Sleep phases, or How much does the body need to relax?

In the question of "how little to sleep and get enough sleep," the physiological component is very important. Physiologists distinguish 4 stages of sleep, they differ among themselves by the depth of immersion. The most superficial sleep is at the first stage, and the deepest, during which complete relaxation and rest of the body occurs, is the fourth stage. According to modern research, only in the first three hours the brain switches to the fourth stage. The fourth hour of sleep is more superficial, only occasionally does the brain erupt in the third phase. how to sleep less and get enough sleepAll the rest of the time, the subconscious mind works, the brain stays in the first and second phases, that is, it rather sleeps than fully sleeps. The recovery of the body at this time does not occur. That is, if you use the time of sleep as efficiently as possible, you can increase the period of wakefulness up to 20 hours. The whole point is to increase the time spent in the fourth, deepest phase. Ideally, it should take up all the time when you are in bed.

Let's move on to practice

In fact, everything here is not so simple. At first glance, what’s wrong with that? We set up an alarm clock, which will have to wake you up after four to five hours, and go to bed. However, the following situation arises: at first you can’t fall asleep, then you wake up every 20 minutes and think whether it’s time to get up, and now you have a deep sleep, as the sound of the alarm announces that it is time to get up. As a result, after several days of torment, the question: "How to sleep a little and get enough sleep?" disappears, and you go to your normal mode. What to do? Let's experiment.how to learn to sleep less and get enough sleep

First difficulties

Problem: "How to sleep a little and get enough sleep?" very relevant for modern society, since lack of time - this is our main scourge. The abundance of information, material for study and self-improvement opens up an almost endless world for every person, and the only limitation is time. In days, only 24 hours, we can’t increase this figure, but we can spend it rationally.

However, let us once again dwell on the fact that simply failing to set the alarm clock so that it rings after 4 hours will fail. First of all, because each of us is individual, and what is good for one, is not necessarily suitable for the other.In addition, among various methods, it is proposed to use short sleep breaks with a certain frequency, as well as other tricks that will allow you to live a day with more productivity. However, they work only with a discount on our biological clock and working rhythm. If you are employed in a large company, it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to take a break for sleep every 4 hours. So how to sleep less and get enough sleep without getting out of the usual working rhythm? In fact, it will be necessary, through trial and error, to select the only correct technique for yourself.

Method number one: complex, but effective

It is not suitable for people working on a standard schedule, since the boss is unlikely to make concessions. So, first of all, you need to determine at what time the body most needs sleep. It is at this time that he will be the most productive. You need to choose for yourself a couple of days when you will not have urgent matters and assignments. So, choosing a specific day, you begin the experiment. Get up at 7 in the morning and do the usual things. The study will begin around midnight. Now it is extremely important to listen to your feelings. Usually the desire to sleep comes on paroxysmally: then the eyes just close, and after 20-30 minutes it is again bearable. All this needs to be recorded, time recorded and assessed by your desire to sleep, for example, from 1 to 3. At 7 a.m. the experiment ends, go to bed, and freshly evaluate the results.how to learn to sleep less and get enough sleep

Draw conclusions

It remains only to give your observations the final form, and you will know exactly how to sleep less and get enough sleep. The proven technique over and over again only confirms its effectiveness, and if you have enough free time, you can also try.

In order to read the result, build a graph, and you will see that attacks of desire to sleep are repeated after a certain time. Of these, you need to choose the longest, and already from them - the two strongest. It is at this time that you most need sleep. That is, you can sleep at this time and feel better than when you slept 8-10 hours. It can be 22:00, then you can set the alarm at 00:30, and calmly stay awake until the morning. Most likely, a second attack of drowsiness will occur at 5-6 in the morning. Just a couple of hours, and you are ready for a productive day. If you have a second dream during the daytime, then it can be reduced to one hour. Now you know how to sleep less and get enough sleep, it remains only to find your optimal schedule.how to learn to sleep little and get enough sleep

We are preparing a schedule

If you are not ready for such dramatic changes, then you can use one of the following methods to increase the length of your wakeful period. Since you can’t learn how to sleep less and get enough sleep without adjusting your schedule, we’ll start training the biological clock. Nutritionists do not get tired of saying that you need to take food at the same time, so that the body gets used to and sends out hunger signals at this time. The same thing with sleep. If you get up and go to bed at the same time (even on weekends), you can reduce the rest time by 45-60 minutes. So you won one hour, and without any discomfort at all.

Best time to sleep

We have already said that it is individual for each, but there is a framework that is suitable for all of us. Usually this time is from 22:00 to 06:00. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to learn how to sleep a little and get enough sleep, but do not want to waste time experimenting, then try to go to bed every day at 22:00. Most likely, you can easily get up at 4 in the morning without any alarm. But getting in at 5-6 in the morning, you can oversleep until the evening and still feel overwhelmed. Physiologists confirm that when you go to bed before midnight, you are providing a service to your body. If you have set yourself this goal and are thinking how to teach yourself to sleep a little and get enough sleep, then think again about your schedule.Although there are people who are much more comfortable going to bed at 4 in the morning, and getting up at 10, and at the same time they feel great.how to accustom yourself to sleep a little and get enough sleep

Sleep and Nutrition

The basic physiological processes are very much interconnected with each other. Among the many experiments, the best effect shows the option of not eating after 18:00. However, people are not robots, it is not always possible to lie down strictly at 22:00, so just keep in mind that you don’t need to fill your stomach in the last three to four hours before going to bed. This rule is especially important for those who are looking for a way to sleep less and get enough sleep. The body will not spend time digesting food, which means that sleep will be deeper.

Room decor, mask and ear plugs

And we will continue the conversation on how to learn how to sleep a little and get enough sleep. The situation is actually very important. Any light source, extraneous noise - all this makes your dream more superficial and sensitive. Therefore, try either to close the curtains tightly so that there are no light sources, or wear a special dark mask. Earplugs will solve the sound problem. These accessories reduce sleep time by about 60 minutes - here you have won another hour, without completely suffering from lack of sleep. Do not forget to maintain a cool air temperature in the bedroom and be sure to ventilate the room every night.how to sleep less and get enough sleep a proven technique


An active lifestyle, in theory, should exhaust the body, but it turns out the opposite. A man who sits in place all day, barely crawls to the bed in the evening, and gets up late and is again broken. And if you have worked productively the day, worked out in the gym and walked before bed with a dog, then you will probably need much less time to recover, and you wake up completely rested. Therefore, the right way of life is the credo of those who think how to sleep less and get enough sleep.how to sleep less and get enough sleep walkthrough

A step-by-step guide also includes recommendations to completely abandon alcohol and nicotine - bad habits do not contribute to sound sleep and well-being. By the way, caffeine should not be abused either, give preference to clean water and freshly squeezed juices. And finally, the last. Speaking about how to learn to sleep less and get enough sleep at the same time, be sure to think about how you will take the freed up time, otherwise you will soon have to abandon the new schedule only because there is nothing to occupy yourself.

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