
How to work in Japan. Japan work week

how to work in japanToday, Japan is a country that is especially attractive for those who want to work in a highly developed state and get a decent pay for it.

The fact is that in Japan (in one of the few countries) it is possible in just a month, being a good specialist in the field demanded here, to earn an amount that is quite comparable to annual earnings in such European countries as Germany or France.

How to find a job in Japan

To do this is both simple and difficult. It is difficult because job seekers always need a good knowledge of the language. Many people know that learning Japanese is not easy. Surely everyone traveling to the Land of the Rising Sun is interested in the question of how to work in Japan.

State government programs, which are primarily designed to search for labor abroad, greatly simplify the search for the necessary work. So, if you have mastered the difficult Japanese language, you can use the special government program JET, which will help specialists with knowledge of the language to find jobs in Japan. Before embarking on an active job search, try to learn more about the country in which you are going to live and work.

Working mentality

To understand how the Japanese work, you must know that they strictly adhere to centuries-old traditions. For Japanese employers, it is very important to understand whether you can bring more benefits by working as a "cog" in a large workforce, rather than individually.

We want to warn you right away that a person who preaches the motto “my hut from the edge” is practically without any chance of success. Any Japanese much more respects the ordinary engineer of a large corporation than the son of a billionaire. This is due to the genetically developed favor of the Japanese towards people working for large companies. Moreover, the Japanese do not believe in the easy receipt of money.

Work days

A working day in Japan begins with an unusual “day-beginning ritual” for us. This is an original greeting from superiors and colleagues, chanting with a team of inspirational statements and slogans. Only then can you get to work.

Usually, the Japanese work much more than their Western counterparts. Even if the company officially operates from nine in the morning until six in the evening, employees who come to the service before at least half an hour will not surprise anyone. After the end of the working day, people often linger for two to three hours, and note - on their own initiative.

Every Japanese worker acts as one of the links in a large and strong chain. The most important thing for him is to act in such a way that the task set for the whole working group is completed as efficiently and in less time. For the same reason, the Japanese rarely use their entire vacation. Appreciating the loyalty of its employees, the management of many companies makes short weekly holidays for the New Year, in spring and summer, thus giving people a little rest.

A working day in the country on average lasts ten hours, and, accordingly, work week in Japan is sixty hours.

Sign language

Success in Japan largely depends on knowledge of sign language. Sometimes, in its significance, it significantly exceeds the one to which we are accustomed. Without knowing this language, you are unlikely to achieve any significant success.

Not having mastered the foundations of the culture of this country, you are doomed to failure. The Japanese will begin to treat you either simply disapproving, or even hostilely. This will make you survive many unpleasant minutes.

If you will take part in business meetings, then you need to know how they are held in the Land of the Rising Sun. For example, the Japanese exchange their business cards before shaking hands and bowing. All negotiations begin mid-level managers. The top of tactlessness will be your desire to resolve some issues with your bosses, bypassing the manager.

In any Japanese enterprise, all relations are based on the principle of hierarchy. Therefore, you need to know how to work in Japan. More how the japanese workadult employees always have a higher status, men are valued higher than women. If you need to write a letter or some kind of request at work, you should contact a colleague of equal status.

Business conversations should take place in an atmosphere of trust, friendliness, harmony. Before starting such a conversation, you need to talk on common topics for seven to ten minutes to establish contact.

Japanese often use sophisticated forms of denial. Instead of the word “no,” the Japanese will most likely say: “It will be very difficult to do this.”

Work and accommodation

Usually in big cities there are more vacancies than on the periphery. But life in a large city has its drawbacks. The labor market is usually crowded, and therefore tariff rates are much lower. For example, if in Tokyo an English teacher receives an average of $ 30 per hour, somewhere in the suburbs - $ 40 per hour. In addition, life in a big city takes a large part of earnings. Although there are advantages: you can get a richer experience in national cultural life.

What kind of specialists are needed in Japan

The most popular workers in the country are the following categories:

- teachers of English and Russian languages;

- financiers and bank employees;

- programmers;

- mechanical engineers;

- designers.

Who can work in Japan

There are twenty seven types of statuses for foreign citizens in the country, in seventeen of them you can work provided that the necessary papers are correctly drawn up from the Russian and Japanese sides. The time spent in the country can be different, but should not exceed five years (except for diplomats, whose stay is drawn up for the entire period of activity). Status is issued for fifteen days, three months, six months, a year, three years, five years.

How to work in Japan

For many applicants, this question is extremely relevant. Legal work in Japan is not possible without a work visa. This document is very important for a foreign worker. Japanese law is very tough, so the process of finding a suitable vacancy is further aggravated by the fact that, by law, a company that wishes to hire you should automatically act as a guarantor in obtaining a work visa.

Can non-professionals find work

Yes it is possible. If you have at least an average level of knowledge of the Japanese language, then you can try to look for work to care for the sick or elderly. As you know, this country has the longest life expectancy, and many people in old age need help.

Resume writing

work in japan for menWork in Japan for men is most often provided in computer technology or medicine. Choosing the right vacancy, it is very important to correctly and competently draw up a resume.

The Japanese are respectful of any work, and they are very careful in the selection of employees. When compiling a resume, try to emphasize your ability to work, the desire to work in a team (provided that this is true).

In addition, you must very politely and respectfully contact your future employer and under no circumstances be interested in wages - in Japan this is considered bad form. Today we tried to tell you about how to work in Japan, what specialists are in demand in this country, what requirements are presented to them. We hope that this information will be helpful.

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