The simplicity and ease of use of plastic cards with a certain credit limit hides specific skills and knowledge acquired by the bank's customers in the process of servicing. Everyone who systematically pays with "credit cards" at first faces many difficulties. Without timely clarification of some important details, acquaintance with this type of credit services can bring the borrower only disappointment. Let's try to figure out how to use a Sberbank credit card.
What types of credit cards issued by the Savings Bank of Russia are available to customers today?
The choice of credit plastic cards issued by the most popular credit institution in the country is quite wide. Now, borrowers have access to card loans in two main areas:
- universal credit card issuance;
- participation in affiliate programs.
A card product with universal conditions implies the production of such credit cards as:
- gold;
- classic
- instant.
As part of the partnership programs, Aeroflot and Give Life cards are issued.
How to use a credit card of Sberbank of Russia? It depends on the particular type of card product. Consider the features of receiving and spending money for each of the loan programs of this financial institution.
Visa and MasterCard plastic cards
How to use a credit card of Sberbank Visa? This banking product is now considered one of the most sought after. The credit limit for these cards reaches 600 thousand rubles. The minimum cost of the loan is 25.9%, the maximum payment is 33.9% per year. Both cards are issued for a period of 3 years.
How to use a credit card of Sberbank "Mastercard"? These types of credit cards also managed to fall in love with bank customers. The validity period of the MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Standart cards is 3 years. But the interest rate is set by the bank's employees depending on which category the applicant belongs to. This indicator also depends on the quality of the credit history.
It should be noted that Visa and MasterCard credit cards without a service fee are available only to regular customers of the Savings Bank of our country as part of a personal offer. The cost of servicing for ordinary borrowers is from 750 to 3000 rubles per year, depending on the type of loan product.
Plastic cards Momentum
This banking product is also known as instant issuance cards.
Let's try to find out how to use the credit card of Sberbank “Momentum”. The credit limit established by Sberbank under this program cannot exceed 120 thousand rubles. This type of "credit card" is issued in the form of MasterCard and Visa cards. Plastic cards are issued for a period of 3 years with interest payment of 25.9% per annum. Registration time will take no more than 15 minutes.
Many customers already know how to use a Sberbank credit card. The “Momentum” loan differs from other loan products of a financial institution only in the length of processing. You do not need to pay for card service.
In what case can a credit card of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation come in handy?
The most convenient way to spend the credit limit established by a banking institution for a client is to pay for goods purchased and services received. Payment between the borrower and the seller in this case is carried out through the POS terminal, without cash withdrawal.Similar devices can now be found almost everywhere: in supermarkets, in pharmacy chains, in private clinics, restaurants and airports.
Credit cards save customers from having to carry large amounts of cash when making expensive purchases. Another undoubted advantage of this method of spending money is that the client does not have to lose part of the limit in the form of a commission for cashing out.
It is a completely different matter to withdraw money from a credit card through an ATM or POS terminal. The size of the fee charged by Sberbank for cashing out credit resources is 3% of the limit amount. It should be remembered that there is a daily limit on cash withdrawals. During the day, you can remove from a plastic card no more than 50 thousand rubles.
What opportunities do Sberbank customers have with credit cards?
The list of advantages of credit plastic cards of this banking institution can be supplemented by a few more points:
- the ability to attach a “credit card” to your electronic wallets, for example, to the Yandex.Money system;
- participation in various programs and promotions, receiving all kinds of discounts and bonuses from Visa and MasterCard payment systems;
- automatic replenishment of accounts under the "Auto Payment" program.
What gives the grace period for using credit resources of Momentum, Visa and MasterCard cards?
The meaning of the term "grace period" is that the borrower is granted the right to use the set amount of the loan for a certain period of time. To find out how to use a Sberbank credit card without paying interest, you need to check with the employee of the credit institution what period is considered preferential for a particular program.
The period of delay in interest payments on MasterCard, Visa and Momentum cards is 50 days calculated from the moment of activation. At this time, you can freely use the financial resources of Sberbank without overpaying a single ruble for a loan. However, it is recommended to carefully monitor the timing - late payment of funds leads to overdue debts and deterioration in the quality of the client’s credit history.
Who can count on a personal offer from the bank?
The Savings Bank can approve a certain limit on special conditions only to its regular customers, which include:
- depositors;
- borrowers credited under various programs;
- people using debit cards bank;
- individuals - recipients of salaries or pension payments to plastic cards of this financial institution.
How can I replenish Sberbank credit cards?
Money for a "credit card" to pay the main debt and monthly accrued interest must be received on time. That is why the answer to the question “how to use a Sberbank credit card?” Should also contain information about the possibility of repaying a loan. There are several credit card recharge options.
- Repayment of debt with the help of a bank employee - through one of the operating cash desks of the nearest branch.
- Cash deposit via ATM with the ability to accept money or through the terminal.
- Bank transfer through any bank, including third-party. In this case, you need to know all the details of the payment.
- Through the online service "Sberbank OnL @ yn", available to owners of computers and phones.
Having figured out how to use a Sberbank credit card, you can think about which banking product will suit you personally. Think, make a choice and enjoy the freedom of action that credit cards of this bank give to their borrowers!