Each child of fourteen years of age under the laws of the Russian Federation must receive a passport. From this age, the birth certificate ceases to certify the identity of the child, and therefore the receipt of the first adult document cannot be delayed until the last moment and you must immediately begin collecting documents for subsequent submission to the FMS.This is one of the important steps in the life of a teenager, because getting a passport at the age of 14 means entering a new adult life.
Features of the procedure
The main difference between obtaining a passport and the procedure for replacing photographs in it is that you have to document citizenship. Otherwise, extradition will be refused. In order to receive such paper, parents or guardians should contact the HOA or the management company with a statement of the corresponding sample. In some cases, the FMS when applying for documents may require copies of the passports of the parents, which will also be proof of the citizenship of the teenager.
Recently, there is a practice when citizenship of the child indicated on the back of the birth certificate. If there is one, then only a certificate from the place of registration is needed.
It should be remembered that upon reaching the age when, according to the law, a teenager must obtain a passport (at the age of 14), one month is given to collect all the papers for circulation at the IFS. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you should keep within this time.
So, a child of 14 years old, where to get a passport and what you need to know so that you do not have to pay a fine? This procedure is extremely simple, but if documents are not collected on time, unnecessary problems may arise that will entail unnecessary costs.
Package of documents
Before you go to the migration service to get a passport at the age of 14, you need to collect a package of documents. It consists of a birth certificate, a special citizenship insert or other papers that confirm it, as well as two 3.5 by 4.5 cm photographs. Only after that you can go and file an application that will be issued within 10 days The child’s first adult document. Collecting these papers is easy.
The following should be considered here:
• If for some reason there is no evidence on hand, then it must be restored. A duplicate will be issued upon application to the registry office. If this document has already been issued repeatedly, then the staff of the registration department may refuse another duplicate. Then the FMS should clarify the documents that can be provided instead of a certificate.
• Passport photos must be clear. Under the new rules, they can be color or black and white. People who wear glasses should be aware that tinted windows are not allowed in the picture. Headgear is allowed only if it cannot be removed due to religious affiliation. However, he should not mask his face.
FMS application
When all the papers and photographs are ready, you can go to the migration service to apply for a passport at the age of 14. A teenager must come there personally and fill out a special form No. 1 with his own hand. The signature on the document must be certified by an employee of the service. If for some reason the child cannot independently fill out Form P1, an employee of the state body can do this for him.
Here you will also need to pay the state fee for the services of the service and attach the receipt to form P1 along with the documents.
If the child is sick
What to do if a child is disabled, how to get a passport at the age of 14? What is needed for this? First of all, it should be understood that this procedure is a duty that applies to absolutely all children. If the child is sick and cannot independently appear in the FMS department, the parents or designated guardians can invite the service employee to the house to apply for Form P1. It should be borne in mind that at the time of arrival of the representative of the state body, the entire package of documents should be ready, along with the paid receipt. You can order this service in accordance with the regulations established by law by filling out a written request on behalf of the child. It can be written with the hand of a child, his parents, legal representatives or typed on a computer and signed, that is, have the signature of a teenager or those responsible for him.
Obtaining a passport outside the country
In cases where a teenager has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, but lives outside the country, obtaining an identity document is also required if the child is 14 years old. You can get a passport at any Russian embassy. The terms for circulation in this case also amount to one month, and a penalty is charged for late payment. If the child previously had another citizenship, but now Russian, then the receipt of a national identity document is carried out according to generally accepted rules. The only thing in the migration service when submitting Form P1 and documents will need to be attached papers relating to previous citizenship translated into Russian.
What to do if a passport is expired
In the event that for some reason it was not possible to collect all the documents and apply to the FMS, you still need to try to collect all the papers as soon as possible and get a passport at the age of 14. What you need to know in this case? First of all, the fact that the procedure after a month expires is similar. Secondly, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay a fine for late payment. The minimum amount is 2000 rubles, but employees, taking into account the reasons and the period of delay, can increase the size of the fine in accordance with the procedure established by law.
Temporary document instead of a passport
The law provides that a fourteen year old child must have a passport. But what if the trip was planned and the document is not ready yet? In this case, you should contact the migration service, which, upon application, will issue a temporary document to identify the teenager.
Typically, verification of documents and the production of a passport takes 10 days, but the time may be up to 60 days. Obtaining a 14-year-old passport in Moscow, provided that registration is also local, is possible in just a week.