
How to get a license for alcohol? The cost of obtaining a license for retail and wholesale trade in alcohol

How to get a license for alcoholAlcoholic beverages in modern conditions are quite popular.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many entrepreneurs are trying to open a store specializing in the sale of this product.

This article will tell you how to get a license for alcohol.

License is a prerequisite for certain activities.

Selling alcohol and products containing alcohol is a licensed process. License - a type of document that gives the right to legally carry out the production and sale of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and an alcohol-containing product.

Who is responsible for issuing the required documents?

How to get a license for alcohol? The issuance of such documents is the responsibility of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Market for Alcoholic Products. Each region has corresponding departments for monitoring the production and turnover of alcoholic beverages, which accept documents for the issuance of licenses for relevant products.

There are two types of alcohol licenses:

  • license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • a document involving the wholesale sale of an alcohol-containing product.

Retail sale of alcohol

Let's consider in more detail the first type of license.

The following documents will be required to obtain a license for alcohol:

  1. An application that is necessary to issue a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages. The original in 1 copy is provided to the appropriate authority. The following information shall be indicated in the application: name of the enterprise, its legal form, location of both the organization itself and its separate divisions engaged in activities for which a license is required, as well as electronic mail addresses, bank name and account number. In addition, you will need the name of the type of activity that is subject to licensing and which this organization is going to engage in, the type of product and the license term. A license to trade in alcohol is issued for a period not exceeding 5 years.
  2. Documents confirming that the applicant has retail facilities and premises for a warehouse at a permanent place of stay in the property, operational management or rental. The contract concluded between the applicant and the lessor of the premises must indicate the rental period of at least 1 year. Original documents are provided in 1 copy. Submission of documents on electronic media is allowed.
  3. Copies of documents that serve as the basis for the work of a legal entity. Copies certified by a notary public are provided.
  4. A document that confirms that the organization is included in the state register, in which all legal entities are entered. A copy is provided in 1 copy.
  5. A copy of the certificate confirming the registration of the organization with the tax organization.
  6. A receipt confirming payment of state duty for a license. The original in 1 copy is provided.
  7. A document that confirms that the applicant has an authorized capital (authorized capital).
  8. These documents can be submitted both by the applicant and his representative. Obtaining the result of the application for a license is carried out in several ways: in person, by the representative of the applicant, by mail, by e-mail, by courier.

License cost

The first question that worries a person about to trade in alcohol is: "How much does the alcohol license cost?" To obtain a license, the applicant needs to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 40 thousand rubles. Payment takes place either in cash or by bank transfer. A license for the retail sale of alcohol does not require any additional cash.

The licensing authority must make a decision on the application within 30 days. If necessary, conduct an additional examination of the documents submitted by the applicant, the licensing authority may extend this period by another 30 days. The total term for a decision by the relevant authority should not exceed 63 days.

Only legal entities with the legal form of LLC, OJSC, or CJSC can obtain a license.

As a result of a positive decision, the licensing authority issues an internal order to issue a license and issues a license to the applicant.

As a result of a negative decision, the licensing authority issues an internal order to refuse to issue a license. In this case, money for the license is not returned to the applicant.

License Renewal

If the organization needs an extension of the license for alcohol, documents are provided, a list of which is given below.

1. An application for the extension of the document required for the retail sale of an alcohol-containing product. The original in 1 copy is provided. The application shall be submitted to the appropriate organization not earlier than 90 days before the moment when the license expires.

2. Receipt of payment of state duty for license renewal.

3. The form of the license. The applicant provides the original in 1 copy.

All documents are submitted in person.

What will be required to renew a license?

Alcohol license renewalThe answer on renewal of the license can be obtained in the following way: in person, by e-mail, by courier. A legal representative can also get an answer.

To renew the license, a state fee is paid, the amount of which is 40 thousand rubles, for cash or by bank transfer.

The licensing authority must make a decision within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application. If it is necessary to conduct an additional examination of documents, this period is extended by another 30 days. The total term for making a decision and notifying the licensee about this decision should not exceed 63 days. 3 days are given to the licensing authority to notify the applicant of the decision.

Renewal Solution

The license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages is renewed for a period not exceeding 5 years.

If the decision is positive, the licensing authority issues an internal order to renew the license to the applicant, and a new license form is issued.

If a negative decision is made on the application for extension, the licensing authority issues an internal order to refuse extension. At the same time, the old license form and the money paid for the state duty are not returned to the applicant.

Wholesale of alcohol

A license for the wholesale trade in alcohol is issued upon receipt of the following documents from the applicant by the relevant authority:

  • The conclusion that the storage and production facilities fully comply with all required fire safety standards and requirements. The original in 1 copy is provided. The conclusion is issued to the applicant EMERCOM of Russia.
  • Certificate of Conformity (for basic equipment that should be included in the list of types of basic technological equipment for the production, as well as the sale of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and other products containing alcohol). A copy is provided, which must be certified by a notary organization in 1 copy.
  • The conclusion, which will confirm the conformity of the existing premises of the production and storage type with environmental requirements and standards. Issued by Rosprirodnadzor.The original in 1 copy is provided.
  • A document that confirms that the organization has an authorized capital (authorized capital). The original in 1 copy is provided.

What documents are required in the legal form of an LLC?

If the applicant is the owner of the LLC, then such documents are:

- a certificate from the bank, which confirms that the financial account for the payment of the authorized capital has arrived on the bank account of the organization (the certificate must be signed by the director of the bank, as well as an accountant);

- primary payment documents that indicate the deposit of funds that will be credited to the authorized capital;

- a copy of the decision of the company, confirming the increase in the authorized capital (it can be increased by cash and non-monetary funds contributed by the participants of the company, by third parties).

- a copy of the decision to increase the authorized capital at the expense of tangible assets of the company. Additionally, it will be necessary to provide an accounting report for the year that precedes the period when it was decided to increase the authorized capital in this way.

What should be provided in case of a joint stock company?

If the applicant is the owner of the joint-stock company, before obtaining a license for alcohol, it will be necessary to collect the following documents:

  • if the company issues shares in addition, the decision of the company about this, as well as a document on the state registration of the securities issue process, an official certificate with the results of the issue and, accordingly, a notification on the registration of the document with the results of the issue are provided to the body;
  • if the joint-stock company has decided to increase the value of shares or additionally place shares, a decision is made to increase the authorized capital in this way, as well as additional documents: on state registration of the additional share placement, a document with the results of the additional share placement, a notification on the registration of the document with the results of the additional share placement;
  • if the company increases the authorized capital at the expense of the property of the company, an appropriate decision is provided.

What other documents are needed?

Firstly, the charter. A copy certified by an authorized person in 1 copy is provided.

Secondly, a certificate confirming registration with the tax authority. A certified copy in 1 copy is provided. The certificate is issued by the Federal Tax Service.

Thirdly, another certificate that is issued by the Federal Tax Service is the certificate of registration of the organization. A copy certified by a person authorized to make notarial acts in 1 copy.

Fourthly, since the wholesale sale of alcohol involves the sale of alcoholic beverages in large volumes, the applicant must provide a document that confirms that the products supplied by the applicant are safe and meet all requirements. A notarized copy in 1 copy is provided.

Fifth, a document confirming that the organization has storage facilities for use, possession, management or lease. A copy certified by a notary in 1 copy is provided. The rental period must be at least 1 year.

Sixth, an application for a license to work in terms of the turnover (excluding transportation) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. The original in 1 copy is provided.

Seventh, the receipt of payment of the state duty for the provision of a license for activities in the field of circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products. A receipt in 1 copy is provided.

How much will you need to pay?

alcohol license
How much does an alcohol license cost? In this case, the state duty will be 500,000 rubles.

At wholesale, the license for alcohol is renewed in the manner described above - the appropriate application for the extension of the license for the wholesale sale of alcohol is submitted to the body specializing in this activity. Do not forget about the receipt of payment of state duty.

The cost of renewing such a license is 500,000 rubles. The license is renewed for a period of one to 5 years.

Documents are submitted in person, by mail, through the official website, by courier, legal representative. You can get the answer in the same ways as applying.

The decision-making procedure on renewal of a license can last no more than 30 days, while submitting an application for renewal to the appropriate organization must be done no earlier than 90 days before the end of the license term.

With a positive decision, the licensing authority issues an internal extension order. The applicant is issued a new form of the document. Information about this is recorded in the relevant acts.

Is it worth it?

Trade in alcohol and alcohol products, of course, can bring additional profit. To sell these products, you will have to pay quite a small state duty for obtaining a license. At the same time, if the license is refused, no one will return the money paid. So seriously think about whether you really want to get extra profit. Consider all the disadvantages and the risk that the extra profit may be too small.

We hope this article answered the question of how to get an alcohol license for retail and wholesale.

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