Not everyone can afford to buy a car that has just left the factory conveyor. Many buy a used car at a more affordable price. In any case, the appearance of a car in the family is always a joyful event. In order not to overshadow him and not to make problems, you need to know how to properly re-register the car, where to do it and what documents to collect.
Sometimes a car is inherited. And then the question arises of how to re-register the car from the former owner to himself. This must be done not only correctly, but also legally.
You can enter into the inheritance only six months after the death of the owner of the car. During this time, it is necessary to find out if there are still applicants for the car. If you are the only heir, then after 6 months you can safely go to a notary for a certificate. Then you need to pay a fee to the state in the amount of 0.5% of the estimated cost of a car specialist and go to the traffic police. For registration you will need:
- passport;
- certificate of inheritance;
- all documents for the vehicle.
Well, if other legitimate applicants for this vehicle are announced, and it does not work out to agree with them peacefully, then the decision will be in court.
Auto as a gift
Everyone loves to receive gifts. Sometimes, for example, for a wedding or anniversary, a car can become a gift.
After they congratulate you, they will hand over the keys and documents for the car, it is advisable to arrange everything with documents. This is done primarily in order to avoid conflicts with the owner of the machine in the future. In addition, it is easier to re-register the car for another person.
When making a donation, you will need not only the consent of the owner of the car, but also yours. If the document is paid for at a notary's office, a fee is paid to the state. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance who will bear the costs. This transaction also provides for an ordinary written contract, a sample of which can be easily found. Before transferring the car, you have the right to refuse it. But if the contract was in writing, then a protest is needed on a piece of paper.
After signing the document, the question arises of how to re-register the car in the traffic police. This will require a statement by the former owner, passport, deed of gift, certificate of assessment Vehicle Title and the CTP policy issued for the new owner. If a car was donated between relatives, it is not subject to taxation. In other cases, you will be required to pay 13% of the cost of the vehicle to the state.
General Power of Attorney
Some buy a car by general power of attorney, and then do not know how to re-register a car in their own name. In this case, it is impossible to do this, because the seller remains the owner. You can only own a car and dispose of it as you wish.
The real owner at any time can withdraw the general document from you, sell the car or transfer it to another person. If the owner dies, then your power of attorney is canceled, and the car will become the property of the heirs. And they are completely not concerned that once you gave money for it. Therefore, you should not spare a few thousand rubles for concluding a contract of sale and registering a vehicle with the traffic police.
Contract of sale
The seller and the buyer themselves can draw up a contract of sale without resorting to the help of third parties. The content of the document in the law is not clearly regulated.The main thing is that the contract was drawn up clearly, without spelling errors, with the most complete and truthful information. If the document is filled out incorrectly, it will not work to re-register the car for another person in the traffic police. It is not necessary to certify a deal with a notary, it is enough for the seller and the buyer to personally sign the document.
Renewal without removal of numbers
How to re-register a car when buying according to the new rules? This question has puzzled many car owners.
In October 2013, the law was amended. And the main document was the contract of sale. It is he who makes it possible to transfer ownership of the car to the new owner.
Now you do not need to go to a notary public and provide a certificate account. But the contract must be signed personally by the owner of the car or by a person who has a written power of attorney from the owner.
Under the new conditions, it is now possible to re-register a car to another person without removing old numbers. Registration marks are assigned to the machine and transferred to its new owner. If the former owner is going to buy another car and wants to keep these numbers for him, he must write a statement to MREO. Previously, registration marks were stored for 30 days, now the term has been increased to 6 months. So that the numbers are not disposed of, during this period you need to buy yourself another car.
Registration of a vehicle today takes place without reference to registration. Thus, you can register a car in any department of MREO. For example, if you are registered in the Yaroslavl region and live and work in the capital, you can re-arrange a car in Moscow and leave its old numbers without any problems.
Re-registration without deregistration
In the adopted innovations, a clause appeared explaining how to re-register a car upon purchase without removing it from the register. However, you need to be vigilant. When buying a car, it is necessary to verify the data from the vehicle with its engine and body numbers, check the VIN code and registration marks, try to find out if the bailiffs are banned from the car, whether it is listed in theft. It is best to buy a vehicle from relatives or good old friends. Protect yourself with strangers. Indicate in the contract of sale that in case of any problems when registering with the traffic police, the transaction will be considered invalid and the seller must return all the money received to you.
Joint car re-registration
This method is the most optimal and safe when buying a car without deregistration.
The seller and the buyer must come to MREO together and write a statement there. With a client, the car owner gives the car and all documents for inspection to the traffic police inspector. If everything is in order, then the buyer transfers the money to the former owner and receives keys from him, a technical inspection card and an insurance policy. The new owner of a car can only wait for documents reissued in the traffic police.
In this case, all the main documents: TCP, registration card, inspection, insurance and passport are provided by the seller. From the buyer only identification is required.
Renewal in the absence of the owner
It happens that the owner of the car for various reasons can not appear in MREO. Then in three copies the contract of sale is drawn up. One of the copies remains with the seller, the rest are taken by the buyer. Then both must sign in special columns in the TCP. There is a nuance that should be discussed. If the vehicle has never passed from hand to hand, then there may not be any free space in its technical passport, and it will become impossible to re-register the car to another person. In this case, the seller needs to get a new car passport before the transaction.
The signatures in the columns “Former Owner” and “New Owner” must be clear and coincide with those indicated in the contract of sale.
Then the seller transfers the registration documents, Title, diagnostic card and MTPL policy to the new owner of the car, and receives the agreed money in return. All other worries fall on the shoulders of the buyer. He must choose the MREO, where it is convenient for him to re-register the car.
Registration of the car in the traffic police
Having received all the necessary documents from the seller, you need to check whether the diagnostic card is expired. If it is valid, you can safely go to the insurance company for a new insurance policy. Otherwise, you will first need to undergo inspection. After all, without it insurance will not be issued.
In the traffic police you must provide:
- application for registration of the machine;
- passport;
- correctly drawn up sales contract;
- registration documents for the car;
- Title
- current insurance policy;
- payment receipt state fees for car registration.
Please note that you need to make a diagnostic card, get insurance and re-register the car in MREO within 10 days from the date of signing the contract. If this does not happen, then the former owner of the car has every right to file an application with the traffic police and terminate the transaction.
Commission reissuance
How to re-register a used car when buying it at a car dealership or in the market?
In this case, without the participation of third parties can not do. Employees of the store conclude an agreement with the former owner of the car and undertake to sell it, while demanding a deregistered car with “clean” documents.
When the buyer is located, specialists make a contract of sale, stamp the company in the TCP and can even issue an insurance policy.
That is, they act as intermediaries between the new owner and the former owner of the machine. This reissuance is called a commission.
Today there are a huge number of offices where you can re-register a car. And if you do not have time to draw up a contract of sale, you can turn to professionals who for a fee will prepare everything clearly and quickly.
Re-registration cost
Having collected the list of documents, you need to take the last step - re-register the car. How much does it cost today? And how much should I take with me to MREO?
In a state institution, registration with the issuance of numbers will cost you 1,500 rubles, and reissuing with old registration marks is three times cheaper. In commercial organizations, this amount will be several times larger. After re-registration in the traffic police, you will receive a plastic registration card with your personal data indicated in it and become the full owner of the car.