
How to open an account in a Swiss bank. Options for opening an account for a company and an individual

How to open an account in a Swiss bankProbably, everyone at least once heard about the banks of Switzerland, in which wealthy people all over the planet keep their savings. Many believe that they are the most reliable in the world.

At present, more than 400 financial institutions operate in this country, the main advantage of which is confidentiality. The structure of the passive account allows any bank to accumulate its resources.

In addition, the banking system is constantly evolving, attracting a fairly low interest rate, and also conducts currency exchange, trades in precious metals and manages assets. Let's see how to open an account in a Swiss bank.

Who has the right to open an account?

Any natural or legal person can do this, but despite this, some institutions may, at their discretion, refuse to cooperate with some people. For example, these clients may include politically engaged people who can adversely affect the reputation of the bank.

Also in this category are participants who have funds of dubious origin. Legislation prosecutes banks that cooperate with companies or people who have acquired their capital in a criminal or illegal way.

There is another question that interests many customers: “How to open an account with a Swiss bank via the Internet, and is this even possible?” At the moment, this is not possible, since a program has not yet been invented that provides an opportunity to identify the client’s identity through a worldwide network. At the moment, opening an account is carried out only after receiving the original or a certified copy of an identity card.

Where to begin?

If you have already managed to accumulate a significant amount of money, you can keep your capital in the most stable banks in the country. When choosing an offshore bank, many businessmen rely on the advice and opinions of their friends and partners. If you decide to go this route, be sure to check for a license, registration, other positive feedback and a SWIFT code.

When you have chosen the Swiss direction for storing money, you can proceed directly to choosing a bank. There are several different options for opening an account with a Swiss bank and other foreign institutions. It is worth considering that each foreign bank has its own characteristics compared to others. If you decide to use the help of an authorized representative or agent of Switzerland, then a personal presence at the opening and activation of an account is not necessary.

banks of switzerland

Swiss financial institutions have strict rules that are independent of the location of the client. The bank will conduct a thorough check and start with the customer’s identity, for this you need to provide a passport or other official document.

If the bank you have chosen has a branch or representative office in your country, then you can check it. If this is not the case, then you need to directly contact a financial institution or find an official intermediary, that is, an agency that deals with such matters.

What documents do you need to provide?

As mentioned above, the first thing you need is an official identification card. For this, banks prefer either a personal meeting or a meeting with representatives.In addition, a Swiss financial institution may ask for documentation that will confirm the legal origin of your capital, for example, it can be a receipt, contract or statement. You need to understand that in such banks there is no such thing as an anonymous account.

Number account

Such a service can be used only by a limited number of customers, or rather, only those who have worked with this bank for more than six months. A Swiss account number has a specific short or code name. This is necessary in order to avoid various misunderstandings and problems that may arise between the bank and the client.

A significant advantage of this option is that if a person has lost his statement, the name of the owner still remains classified, which means that stealing money illegally will not work.

swiss bank account

Alternative option

Do not worry, because you can open an account with a Swiss bank in a simpler and easier way. To do this, you need to create your own offshore company, and then proceed to the account. Opening a corporate option is much easier than a numbered account. This method also has a fairly high confidentiality, since it is possible to withdraw or transfer money only on behalf of the company, and not from the client.

How to open an account in a Swiss bank?

A huge number of financial institutions in this country require depositors to have a minimum deposit of 200 thousand and a maximum of 2.5 million. But there are banks that can make concessions for some customers if they have a desire to increase their balance in the future.

The main condition for opening an account in such an institution is the minimum deposit that must be in the bank is one thousand dollars. Only this is permissible if the client at the time of opening a personal account pays 5 thousand dollars, and when opening a corporate account - at least 20 thousand. To do this, you need to find a good assistant or agent who is well versed in the banking sector.

Many banks in Switzerland after opening an account send their representative to meet with the client. Thanks to technological development, many financial institutions of the country practice web-conferences.


  1. Swiss banks offer their customers the opportunity to open an account in any currency convenient for them, for example, in dollars, euros, francs, etc.
  2. The Swiss bank, whose interest on deposits depends on the type of account and on market conditions, remains the most popular in the world. In addition, it will be necessary to withhold tax at a 35% rate. It is possible for foreigners to refund this tax if their country of residence has concluded certain agreements with Switzerland.

Now it’s worth paying attention to another important question: “How to open a business in Switzerland, then open an account?”

Pros of starting a business in this country

  1. Business in Switzerland gives its owner confidence in safety, reliability and stability.
  2. The company will have a prestige that is ensured by the authority of the state.
  3. You have the opportunity to use holding nominal and non-resident companies.
  4. There is no exchange control in Switzerland.
  5. Switzerland has a favorable economic environment that promotes business development.
  6. The labor force in this country is quite qualified.
  7. Switzerland has a well-developed infrastructure, which includes airports, railways, a port and highways.

General Provisions and Rules

All companies and firms that operate in Switzerland must comply with the Civil Law and Code of Obligations. Currently, the most popular business in Switzerland is an open joint stock company. Therefore, we dwell on it in more detail.

The capital of such an enterprise should be at least 1,000 Swiss francs. Before you register your business, you will need to make an advance payment - at least 20%.Requirements for the value of shares are also put forward, it should be more than 0.01 Swiss francs. You can issue registered shares as well as bearer shares that do not have any transfer restrictions. All stocks can be divided into the following types:

  1. Voters. Such shares must be registered. Their owner has the right to vote at company meetings.
  2. Without the right to vote. People who have such actions can participate in meetings, but do not vote.
  3. Without face value and voice. In this case, a person who has shares has limited opportunities and makes a profit only in case of liquidation of the business.

The Swiss company should directly have a charter, which should contain the following information:

  • title;
  • legal address;
  • the purpose of the company and what activities it does;
  • the amount of initial capital and a list of all contributions;
  • all stock information;
  • information on the holding of meetings, etc .;
  • management and audit system.

Leadership structure

Each OJSC should consist of 3 governing bodies:

  1. Meeting of shareholders. A scheduled meeting should be held 2 times a year, but besides this, unscheduled and emergency meetings can be convened. This body has the right to adopt or amend the charter, change the composition of directors, approve and verify the annual reporting, share the profit, etc.
  2. Board of Directors. This executive body may include any number of people. Swiss law indicates that board members may not be shareholders. This body decides issues that are not within the powers of the main body, that is, a meeting of shareholders. An important condition is that a Swiss national who must be a director or a member of the board must be in charge of management.
  3. Auditors These people are entitled to be appointed only by the board of directors. Only specialists who have the appropriate auditor certificate can apply for this position. Among the accepted workers, there must certainly be a Swiss citizen.

Swiss bank deposit interest

The main rules for opening a public company

To establish a business in Switzerland, it is enough to have only one founder. If there are more of them, then shares are divided between them, and each automatically becomes a shareholder of the company. Money capital must be paid to the appropriate financial institution, which operates according to Swiss law.

As soon as the created business is entered into the commercial register, the company receives all legal rights. Invested money, which became the authorized capital, will be returned to shareholders only in case of liquidation of the enterprise.

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