
Own business: currency exchange office. How to open a currency exchange office?

Currently, a huge number of people actively engaged in entrepreneurship are interested in how to earn income on the difference in the exchange rate. Of course, in order to have a relatively high profit in this area, which averages 3000–5000 dollars, it is advisable to open your own “exchanger”. If you are planning to become the owner of this business, you are on the right track: with a competent approach, the money invested in a currency exchange office will pay off quickly enough, in about a year. Yes this is true!

Currency exchange point

So, let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to open a currency exchange point?

Registration and registration

The legislator has established several mandatory requirements for entrepreneurs who plan to derive income on the difference in exchange rates.

First of all, a person must conclude an employment contract with a banking institution, and with one that is empowered to open an “exchanger”. Among other things, such a credit institution must issue a license to an interested person, which provides the right to engage in exchange operations with currency.

Thus, you need to become an employee of the bank as a manager of an exchange office. The management of the credit institution, in turn, will give the businessman a package of documents required to fill out. These include:

a) agreement on the opening of the "exchanger";

b) an employment contract with a credit institution;

c) bank rules binding upon the partner.

As for the last paragraph, it should be noted that they contain requirements developed by the Central Bank of Russia. For example, they oblige the entrepreneur to pay a commission to a credit institution and to submit reports in a timely manner.currency exchange offices

On this, the cooperation of the bank and the future owner of the "exchange" ends.

What's next? And then, in order to open a currency exchange point, it is necessary to rent or purchase a room in which it will be located, to buy and install the necessary equipment, and also to hire workers.

How to choose a place to do business

In order for the "exchanger" to bring as much profit as possible, it should be located where crowds are observed. It is best to rent a room located near cafes, hairdressers, supermarkets, shopping malls. At the same time, the “sleeping” area of ​​the city is considered not too “profitable”. Why? As a rule, in the latter case, people more often exchange domestic rubles for dollars and euros, while in the central part a massive conversion of foreign money into Russian is recorded.

How to open a currency exchange office

The best option if the exchange office will occupy an area not exceeding 10 square meters. In this case, choose a building with strong bulletproof walls. To ensure the safety of your money, it is better to equip a currency exchange not only by telephone, but also by an alarm digger, which in case of an emergency will transmit a signal to law enforcement officials. Without fail, install reliable windows and doors in your own “exchanger”. Do not forget about the hood and the fire alarm.

What equipment will be needed

To organize your own business in this field of activity, you will need certain equipment. Which one? First of all, you should buy a banknote counter and a safe for storing money. In addition to this, you will need a device that recognizes the authenticity of banknotes, as well as a computer with a special program.

Also, a special instruction obliges the owner of the "exchanger" to place on the stand for everyone to see a list of some information and documents. These include contact information: name, phone number and location of the banking institution; information about what types of operations the exchange point with Russian and foreign currency is entitled to perform; data on exchange rates; book of complaints and suggestions; statement of the amount of fees charged from clients; rules for the reception of damaged banknotes, as well as the work schedule of the mini-office.

Moreover, in the latter case, it must be emphasized that currency exchange offices have the right not to have the same operating day duration with banking institutions. They can also work 24 hours a day.

Selection of workers

How to open a currency exchange office

When considering how to open a currency exchange office, you should understand that for this you will need qualified employees. You need cashiers. Moreover, they should not only be professionals in their field, but also have an impeccable reputation.

Often there are situations when "unscrupulous" employees of exchange offices rob their owners. The duties of the cashier include both currency conversion operations and verification of the authenticity of banknotes. As a rule, one mini-office is served by two employees for whom a schedule is provided: “two in two” or “one day in one”. It should be emphasized that the cashier you hired is also required to draw up a labor agreement with the bank.

Additional risks

The profit of "exchangers" is provided due to the difference in exchange rates, and in some cases, the commission fee also brings income. At the same time, the question of how many rubles you can buy a dollar today is decided by the owner of the currency exchange office on his own. He also has the right to independently determine the size of the commission for the services provided.

If during the audit of the “exchange” the bank auditors find violations, they have the right to revoke the license and close the mini-office.

The "potential" owner of the exchange must know that for transactions with currency in his safe box there should always be cash (about 500-600 thousand rubles) that is not subject to collection.

Employees of the tax inspectorate, OBEP and the Central Bank will also be involved in inspecting your business. Please note that they must be prepared in advance for their visit, as they are checked strictly and thoroughly.

Without start-up capital, a business cannot be opened

Exchange pointYou must understand that in order to open an exchange office you will need a “tidy” amount of money, since you will have considerable business expenses. For example, only the purchase of equipment will cost $ 4,000. On an armored cockpit you must find 5,000 thousand dollars. And do not forget about defense means - this is about $ 20,000. And the access control system, video surveillance and alarm installation will empty your wallet for another $ 3,000. As a result, the size of the initial capital is 32,000 "green".

Also, be aware of your monthly expenses. In particular, the commission for a banking institution will be about $ 1,000, renting a room will cost you $ 700, you will also need to pay taxes and wages to employees, which together will amount to $ 800. You must set aside $ 1,000 to guard the facility. As a result, your monthly expenses will be $ 3,500. About.

One way or another, the final choice as to whether or not to invest in this business is up to you.

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