Today we will deal with the question: "How to open pizza delivery?". Recently, this business has been rapidly gaining momentum.
Although there are already some companies on the Russian market that have managed to prove themselves, everyone can try their hand as a pizza manufacturer.
In this article we will analyze a business model aimed only at the production and delivery of products (without maintenance). That is, in this case there is no need for expensive rental premises.
General Market Watch
Pizza has already become a favorite dish in many European countries, so there are market leaders in this direction. As for Russia, we still do not have complete dominance of individual companies, which enables entrepreneurs to take a place in the sun.
Of course, this does not mean that the business will go smoothly. Still, we must not forget that there are many other competing companies that are engaged in the production of another type of fast food. All this must be taken into account when you are preparing a business plan. Pizza at home will save a lot of money and will compete well even with large companies.
Business organization
In total, two main approaches to organizing your business can be distinguished.
The first is to open an independent restaurant with a large hall for visitors and a built-in kitchen.
The second, on the contrary, excludes the possibility for visitors to taste your dishes on site. Sometimes this model is called "Pizzeria on wheels." As mentioned earlier, we will consider this particular method of organizing a business, since it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, no need to spend money on the room (design, design, maintenance). Today it is very difficult to find a suitable place to open a pizzeria.
You can combine these business models depending on the situation, but this will require a significant investment of capital. Each entrepreneur should strive to build his personal network, covering all settlements. In crowded places, you can set up a real pizzeria (with customer service), and in areas where such a model is not practical, you need to organize only production and delivery points.
As for the status of your business, in the first stages you can use the IP. The status of an individual entrepreneur does not require the owner of a legal entity and the introduction of authorized capital. In the process of developing a business, a company can be formed as an LLC (limited liability company).
Necessary equipment
The question "How to open pizza delivery?" very complex and includes many points. One of the most important is the list of necessary equipment. In order to start the production of pizza, you will need: a cutting table, refrigeration units, an oven, a flour sifter, a plate for making sauce, a dough former, a vegetable cutter, a dough divider.
Some types of equipment can be replaced with manual labor. The larger the scale of production, the more automatic devices are needed, but you can’t do without some equipment, for example, without an oven or refrigerators. Their quantity in your production depends on the desired sales volume. Do not forget about the choice of containers for storage.
In small bakeries, plastic utensils are used, as other starting materials are considered unacceptable. Grater, dough divider, dough moulder and other similar equipment in small production are replaced by manual labor. At average prices for all equipment, it can take from 4.5 to 150 thousand dollars. As you can see, the scatter is quite significant. The cost of equipment depends on the manufacturer and their maximum performance.
Types of pizza
To open pizza delivery, you need to familiarize yourself with the main varieties of this product. Over the entire existence of an amazing dish, people have come up with hundreds of species that differ in ingredients, thickness, calorie content, etc. We only need to know that there is American pizza and Italian. They are distinguished by the thickness of the cake.
In American - 2 cm, in Italian - 0.5 cm. The second type of pizza is excluded from the list of delivered to your home: a thin layer of cake quickly cools down (in just 15 minutes), the goods do not have time to deliver in such a short time, and the dish loses its flavor quality.
Pizza making
The price of pizza is calculated depending on the size of the cake. In most cases, customers order a medium-sized dish (30–40 cm), the cost of which will range from 290 to 350 rubles along with delivery. The total weight will be from 800 g to 1.7 kg. Based on average calculations, you can find out how much pizza costs to order an average size.
But enough general judgment, let's discuss the manufacturing process. Approximately half of the mass of the product will be cake, all the rest are additional ingredients. It is this proportion of the components of the dish that provides the best combination of taste and price. By production of pizza it is impossible to save on ingredients.
By the way, they must be prepared in advance and stored in food containers. This approach will significantly speed up the customer service process, and the baking process will take only 10-15 minutes. After complete preparation, it is placed in a box and cut into 8 equal parts with a special knife. Let's take a quick look at the cooking process:
- First of all, the cake is spread with tomato paste.
- Add ingredients that can be combined or replaced as desired by the client.
- Sprinkled with grated cheese - it is he who is required and indispensable.
The list of necessary components includes both domestic products and foreign products. Premium flour, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and some types of sausages can be safely purchased from Russian suppliers. But pepper, cheese, salami and butter need to be purchased from foreign partners. According to statistics, in the largest city in Russia most often order pizza with cheese, mushrooms and ham, so they should be abundant. Vegetarian and Lenten dishes are especially popular.
SES requirements
Every entrepreneur who has ever been involved in the development of food production sacredly honors and knows by heart all the requirements of the SES - the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.
Special rules relating to the premises are carefully checked, and non-compliance with them can bring down your entire business.
Pizza should be prepared in full cleanliness and sterility. We will not describe all the points of the SES requirements; we will discuss only the main ones. The list includes: lighting, safety and heating. Particular attention is paid to conductive devices. Fire shields and other safety equipment must be present.
Pizzeria as a business requires good advertising, especially in conditions of increased competition. Each city has a large number of different fast feet, so you as a businessman need to take care of advertising in advance. It is immediately worth noting that there will be expenses, and moreover, large ones. If a potential client does not know about you, then there will be no sense from all the work done. What tools are now acceptable to use?
Firstly, flyers.They need to be handed out, hung, pasted up wherever permitted. In this case, special attention should be paid to their content. It is necessary to develop them in such a way that communication with the operator is minimized (that is, a maximum of information content and a minimum of "water").
Many entrepreneurs claim that advertising in newspapers or through mailboxes is already ineffective, and that you should not even spend time on it. Another thing is the Internet. A worldwide network allows you to reach a huge number of people in a few minutes. Social networks, interactive individual sites, forums come to the rescue.
Another point on the question of how to open pizza delivery is hiring staff. Here, in fact, there are no difficulties and features. The operator must be able to communicate with customers. The driver must know the city perfectly and be easy to navigate.
Any reasonable suspicion of theft should be fired immediately. It is impossible to feel sorry in such cases.
It’s almost impossible to immediately find competent staff, so you’ll have to constantly dismiss and hire new employees. In this case, drivers with a personal car are very much appreciated: in this case you will not have to spend money on the purchase of official cars.
But still a small machine park needs to be formed. It should consist of mainly inexpensive and economical cars. In the Russian market, the Oka is a suitable option, but you can choose any car model.
Profit calculation
The question "How to arrange pizza delivery?" almost completely disclosed. It remains only to carry out some calculations. To calculate your approximate income, you need to find out the cost of raw materials, rental premises, staff salaries, advertising costs, delivery.
Plus, add a premium to drivers for gasoline and depreciation. After making intermediate calculations, subtract them from the daily profit. According to statistics, the most popular pizzeria receives 150 orders per day. Naturally, providing accurate information is foolish, since all these values will vary depending on the city, the raw materials chosen, and many other factors.
It is impossible to consider all points of creating your business in one article without exception. We tried to bring you general information that will help you start moving in the right direction. We hope our article helped you understand how to open pizza delivery.