
How to pay with Sberbank card? Learn how to pay for a phone using Sberbank card via SMS

So, today we’ll talk with you about how to pay for a phone with a Sberbank card. This is a pretty handy feature that has several different approaches. Let's get acquainted with all the options that are available to plastic card holders.

We get a card

But before that, it is worth worrying in advance about the presence of an “item” from which money will be debited. Before paying for a phone with a Sberbank card, we must first have a plastic card. Any adult citizen can do this. True, for this he will have to write a statement of receipt.how to pay for a phone with a sberbank card

First of all, choose the type of card that suits you, as well as the tariff. The site of Sberbank can help you with this. It describes all the conditions of use, as well as limits and restrictions. After that, you can go to a convenient branch of the bank with a passport and mobile to write an application for the receipt of the desired item. Only then it will be possible to think how to pay with a Sberbank card phone.

After you leave a statement, you will have to wait about two weeks. Only after this period you can take your card in your hands. And then you can already think about our question. Let's get acquainted with the possible options as soon as possible.

Auto payment

Do you want to pay by credit card of Sberbank? Then, upon receipt thereof, it is sufficient to inform the bank employee about this. You will need to be offered additional services that will surely help you in your business.

For example, auto payment is a very useful feature. On a certain date (usually the day you received the card), a fixed amount of money will be debited from your mobile account. You can inform the bank employee about the desired settings, and he will be able to make sure that the funds are transferred when the balance of the mobile phone goes “minus”.how to pay with a sberbank card phone

This feature is absolutely free. Now you know how to pay for your phone through the Sberka card automatically. But there are some more quite interesting, quick and useful ways. Let's get acquainted with them.

the Internet

You think how to pay for a phone with a Sberbank card? Then use the so-called Sberbank-Online service. This is a special feature that allows the user to monitor all transactions made with cards via the Internet. Costs and revenues are now even easier to calculate!

In addition, with this function, everyone has the opportunity to pay for the phone with a Sberbank credit card. To do this, you need to go to the site and log in. Username and password should have been given to you at the bank upon receipt of the card. After that, enter the security code (it will be sent via SMS to your mobile phone), and then look at the window that opens. Here, select "transactions and payments", and then "recharge mobile accounts." Select the phone number to which the card is attached, and then dial the desired amount for payment. Click pay. That's all. After a while (usually about 10 minutes) you will receive 3 messages: about debiting funds from the card, about the remaining money, as well as about replenishing a mobile phone account. Now you know how to pay for a phone with a Sberbank card in two clicks. But this is not all the possible ways. There are several more ways.pay by credit card Sberbank


Well, sometimes it’s the ATMs that help pay for the mobile, as well as all other bills. For example, utilities. True, quite often customers have to stand in huge lines.Payment of housing and communal services using an ATM is an innovation that requires practice and certain knowledge. So let's try to figure out how we can realize our idea.

So, if you are thinking about how to pay for your phone through a Sberbank card using an ATM, then you will not need anything other than a card. Come to the nearest ATM (they can be in banks or supermarkets), insert the card in a special department and enter the PIN code. After that, select "pay for mobile phone". Enter the number and then the amount of the desired payment. Check the details and confirm the operation. That's all. It remains only to wait for processing. But there are more interesting options. Let's see which ones.


But you can pay for the phone with a Sberbank card via SMS. There are several nuances here, which we will talk about a little later. First, let's try to figure out with you what we need.pay phone via sberbank card

Write a message with the desired payment amount and send it to 900. There should be nothing more in SMS, only the amount of money you want to write off. With all this, the balance of the mobile to which the card is attached will be replenished.

If you have several bank cards for one mobile phone number, then at the very end of the amount, write the last 4 digits of the desired “translator” card with a space. The message is also sent to 900 short number. With all this, you will definitely receive a message in which the balance of funds on the card will be indicated, as well as you will be notified about the completion of a mobile phone number. Pretty easy and simple.

If you decide to replenish the balance of a mobile that is not tied to a card, you will have to slightly change the SMS. In it write TEL, then, starting with "9", the number, and after a space, the desired payment amount. Send SMS to number 900 and wait for the operation to be processed. As a rule, this process can take from 5 minutes to several hours.

However, if you are thinking about how to pay for a phone using a Sberbank card using SMS (or "Mobile Bank"), you should know about some of the nuances. For example, about payment restrictions. What do they include? Let's get a look.pay phone from sberbank card via sms

The nuances of using SMS

First of all, each client should know that the minimum amount to replenish a mobile account is 10 rubles. This applies to both the attached phone and the "outsider". But the maximum amount may fluctuate. If you decide to replenish the account of the attached phone, then the maximum can be 10,000 rubles. Otherwise, you will be limited to 3000.

All translation manipulations are carried out in rubles. True, there is one pleasant moment that will surely please all customers - this is the absence of the so-called commission. If you decide to transfer 100 rubles, then this amount will be written off from you. In payment terminals, as a rule, it is customary to charge an additional 4-6% of the payment amount. That's all. Now you know how to pay for a phone with a Sberbank card in all available ways.

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