
How to learn to type quickly? Touch typing training: programs

Fast typing greatly simplifies work with documents and saves time. However, many still do not know how to learn how to print quickly and what needs to be done. In order for the typing speed on the keyboard to become superfast, you do not need to attend classes or trainings, because there are special training simulators on the Internet.

Learn to print fast.

Those who nevertheless decided to master the skills of fast typing, you need to know that the ten-finger set is the main principle of high-speed and high-quality work with texts.

This simple technique will allow you to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. After all, it is very difficult to type text with two fingers, constantly looking from the keys to the screen.

All work

The layout of the fingers on the keyboard plays an important role in the process of mastering the speed dialing skill. First you need to place your hands above the middle row of buttons, it starts with the letter F and ends with the E.

how to learn how to print fast

Now for the left hand the buttons from A to F are intended, for the right from O to G. The fingers in this case should be positioned like this:

  • the index finger should be above the letter “A”;
  • “B” - medium;
  • the nameless one hangs over the "Y";
  • for the little finger - "F".

For the fingers of the right hand, the principle is the same:

  • "O" - index;
  • "L" - medium;
  • for the nameless "D";
  • little finger over the "F".

Thumbs on both hands must be positioned above the gap. In order not to further confuse the letters, the creators of the keyboard came up with an interesting thing - notches on the buttons “A” and “O”. Therefore, before you start typing, try to close your eyes and feel for the protrusions on the keys. This will help, without breaking away from the main task - printing, to immediately find the letters you need.

How to hit the buttons

Printing blindly implies lightness, smoothness when you press the keys and return your fingers to their original positions. During speed dialing, not only the fingers, but the entire brush will be involved.

By the way, touch typing is a good exercise to maintain blood flow and flexibility of the hands. Indeed, when typing with two fingers, the rest are in a bent state, which causes discomfort after printing.


Teaching Programs

All training programs have one technique, and the first thing the "student" is studying the keys in the middle row (from "F" to "E"). The initial stage allows you to quickly navigate and accustoms to the set of certain letters with your intended fingers.

The most difficult thing is to use the ring finger and little finger, but this is what the programs are for.

You won’t be able to print fast right away. Because after mastering the main series, the study of the upper and lower will begin. You should be patient in advance, because your fingers will not listen well, and you will make a lot of mistakes, but it’s not scary. The spent efforts will pay off with interest when typing becomes lightning fast. And in the shortest possible time you will knock out 300-500 characters on the keyboard.

Activities with Rapid Typing

Foreign developers offer to learn touch typing with the free Rapid Typing app. It is unusual in that the classes are held both on the English and on the Russian keyboard. The interface is very attractive, and statistics in the program will help you navigate while studying the material.

blind typing

Stamina - fun learning

Very interesting and fun program. Learning with her will turn into a game, and you will make mistakes less painfully.

The creator of this program is not deprived of a sense of humor, which was expressed in the interface. The training is step-by-step, and you will begin to complete the easiest tasks. For example, in the first lesson, a “student” needs to type the letters O / A, which are in different sequences. After that, L / V will be added and then on increasing.

Here are a few of the benefits of this training game:

  • it is available for download;
  • completely free;
  • thanks to jokes and jokes, classes become interesting, and learning brings joy.

At the last stage of the installation, you will be asked the question: “In the program there are indecent, funny phrases (without a mat). Leave it? ” Choose “Yes,” because humor makes learning the most accessible and fun.


One of the most popular programs on the Russian Internet is called “Solo on the keyboard”. She acquaints the “student” not only with how to learn how to quickly type, but also provides detailed instructions and tips throughout the course. It helps to focus and deal with anger due to mistakes made.

A full course of study consists of a hundred exercises. Many recommend this particular program, because its creators took into account all the nuances that arise when studying typography. In addition, the block of exercises includes 7 tasks, and in order to proceed to the next stage, you need to consolidate the result by going through a familiar typing.

fast typing simulator

Additional bonuses in the program are jokes that appear before each task. You can also read letters from people who have completed the entire course, which describe in detail the difficulties encountered during the training period. After completing each task, the program scores from 1 to 5. Such a rating system is a strong incentive, which allows each time to put more effort and improve skills.

VerseQ - non-standard "training"

This program is more suitable for people who already know how to type with ten fingers, but want to learn how to improve blind typing skills. The method of this program is non-standard, because a person skips the stage of studying the location of the keys and immediately starts typing text from all the rows on the keyboard.

However, such a simulator is able to teach a beginner to touch typing in the shortest possible time. The creators of the program promise that after 10 hours of training, the "student" is gaining up to 360 characters per minute.

In the program help you can get acquainted with how to hold hands, which fingers should be involved, etc. And although the simulator can teach you how to quickly print, it will not be easy to complete all the tasks without the minimum skills.

Interesting training

The program "School of fast printing" is also a very good simulator, helping to figure out how to learn how to print with two hands, and not with one index finger. A feature of this "school" is a dictation. You only need to listen and quickly print text without errors.

ten-finger set

In addition, the program includes a game that develops a reaction, a phased study of the keyboard, and tasks for practicing touch typing skills.

Online course "Klavogonki.ru"

The course game and the task is very simple - the program selects a small text paragraph that you need to print without errors. How to learn how to quickly print using this simulator? Very simple. The bottom line is that you have rivals and you need to get ahead of them.

Above the window with the text is your machine, which moves forward. However, if a person makes a mistake while typing, then his car stops. After arrival, a scoreboard with the results is displayed, and the leaders of the race are determined. This simulator teaches not only fast typing, but also improves literacy.

"All 10"

Another very interesting project that can teach anyone who wants to touch typing. First of all, they will let you type a test text to determine the level of typing speed. After passing it, classes will begin, with the level of difficulty that is considered acceptable.

You can learn on two keyboard layouts - Russian and English. By the way, this program will be very useful for people working with foreign texts.

learn to print fast

VerseQ Online Version

The online version, in contrast to the offline version, allows not only to learn the ten-finger speed dial, but also to share the results with friends, show skill in competitions. The study of the material is quick and easy.

What will help to simplify training

In addition to programs and courses, there is an ergonomic keyboard that greatly simplifies learning. In addition, it is perfect for people working with large volumes of text.

The keys in the layout are divided and the blocks are located at an angle, so you do not have to bend or move your hands when you return your fingers to their original positions. Typing on a separate keyboard, you will not be very tired, which will significantly increase productivity and, consequently, the speed of typing.

how to learn to type with two hands


All of the above programs will help to understand not only how to learn how to quickly print, but also to tighten the level of literacy, help make new friends and develop a reaction. And although it’s quite difficult to master the super-speed dialing method, especially for beginners, it’s not worth it to upset. Because if you devote 15 minutes to classes daily, then after a while you will notice that you are no longer looking at the keyboard, you get tired less and type quickly.

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