The term "identical" is often used when comparing something, when the result is a complete coincidence of the main or most significant criteria for determining. It is used in mathematics, medicine, biology and in many other areas of science, as, indeed, in ordinary everyday human life.
Identical appearance
We often hear the word "identical" in life. There is a reasoned version in science that doubles are people who have the same set of genes and have a similar genetic structure. For strange and inexplicable reasons, nature can sometimes create several “versions” of the human genotype with a very similar DNA structure, despite the fact that such people have different fathers and mothers.
Such similar to each other representatives of the human population are called biogenic doubles. There is an assumption that when people appear that are so outwardly identical, it means that the nature of each of them has gifted with some special gene. And such a "replication" is a necessity for the survival of evolution, as well as a guarantee that at least one such "copy" will survive and preserve the gene necessary for the evolution of our planet. The identical twins, with all their external identities, do not cause so much surprise in people as biogenic counterparts, who often live at great distances from each other and sometimes even not suspecting their “copies” in nature.
People who are socially identical - which ones?
Social identity means that each individual individual belongs to a certain specific group of people who are united by the personal holistic and emotional meaning of their group membership. It will also be appropriate to consider the term “behavior stereotype”, which means identical behavior of members rallied into a single group through common interests, needs and worldviews.
The development of theoretical and empirical problems of identity and identification began relatively recently, approximately in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Traditionally, these studies are associated with socio-psychological and general psychological research. The peak of these scientific researches of identity rose especially high during the period of aggravation of international relations, that is, around the 90s. This is due to the growth of distrust and denial of an identical worldview between peoples living previously in relative peace and harmony.
Identically equal
In mathematics, identical ones are identical to each other, that is, these are categories expressing coincidence according to the criteria of a figure or mathematical actions, as well as the equality of several objects. For example, about objects A and B we can say that they are identical if and only if all their properties (like relations) that characterize A also characterize B, and vice versa (Leibniz's law). In mathematics, identical to each other, that is, identical, are equal values according to equality, which are performed on the whole set of variables included in them.
Flavors identical to natural
Any flavoring with the application "identical to natural", as a rule, has in its composition from 7 to 15 chemical elements and compounds that are present in its natural analogue. The natural prototype itself contains at least a hundred elements. Food chemical flavors are created in laboratories from a wide variety of raw materials, often not related to food products, as some chemical compounds have a rich odor that is identical to a certain natural product.
Similar compounds are also used in the production of flavorings. For example, instead of cinnamon, a complex organic substance called cinnamaldehyde is added to food, which is synthesized from cinnamon essential oil. Isoamyl acetate or ethyl decadienoate is identical to the smell of pear. By experimenting and mixing these compounds together, manufacturers get new odors. Almost identical - it is almost completely smelling like a natural analogue aroma, created on the basis of marc and chemical elements, partially derived from a certain natural original product and chemical compounds.