The Federation Council is the upper house of parliament - the Federal Assembly. It consists of two representatives from each region of the country. The total number of members of the Federation Council is 170. The powers of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly are established by Art. 102 of the Basic Law.
As mentioned above, the Federation Council has two representatives from each region: from its legislative and executive bodies. In addition, persons appointed by the president of the country are included in the Federation Council. Their number is not more than 10% of regional representatives. The number of members of the Federation Council has changed since 1993 due to the formation of new and association of existing entities.
The Federation Council is considered the "Chamber of Regions." She represents the interests of subjects at the state level. SF reflects federated device country. Acting as an institution of consolidation of regional integration, this chamber ensures the balance of national and territorial interests in the decision-making process focused on achieving strategic goals and objectives of the country's development.
The formation of the Federation Council is carried out on a non-partisan basis. House members do not form fractions and associations. The functions and powers of the Federation Council are exercised at meetings. They are convened as necessary, but should be held at least 2 times during the month. Meetings are the main form of work of the Federation Council. The termination of powers of the Federation Council is not provided for by law. The members of the chamber perform their duties on an ongoing basis. Unlike the State Duma, the Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the president.
State guarantees
Members of the Federation Council have immunity. It applies to the entire term of office. The members of the upper house cannot be arrested, detained, subjected to search and search, except when it is provided for by the Federal Law to ensure the safety of other citizens.
Constitutional Powers of the Federation Council
The Upper House is approving changes in the limits of the country's regions. The powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation include resolving the issue of the use of aircraft outside the state. The Federation Council approves a presidential decree on the introduction of a state of emergency in the country. On the proposal of the head of state, the judges of the Constitutional Court and the Armed Forces of Russia are appointed at the chamber’s meetings. The powers of the Federation Council also include impeachment of the post of president after the State Duma has put forward the relevant charges. To make such a decision, a majority of 2/3 of the composition of the Federation Council is needed. The powers of the Federation Council also include the appointment and dismissal of the post:
- Prosecutor General and his deputies.
- Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.
On issues that are included in the powers of the Federation Council, the chamber adopts decisions. They are approved by a majority of the total number of members, unless otherwise specified in the Basic Law.
In the field of lawmaking, the Federation Council is subordinate to the State Duma. Any draft normative acts are first submitted to the lower house, and then, after approval, are sent to the Federation Council. The entire Federation Council, as well as its individual members, have the right to legislative initiative. But at the same time, laws providing for amendments to the Constitution can be introduced by the entire Council as a collegial body or by a group of its members, the number of which should not be less than 1/5 of the composition of the chamber.
Approval and rejection of bills
The powers of the Federation Council include the consideration of normative acts adopted by the State Duma, without the right to amend them. The upper house can either reject or approve the whole law as a whole. Decision-making is carried out by voting. A law will be considered approved if more than half of the total number of members cast their votes for it. A normative act can be adopted without a vote, automatically, if the Federation Council did not consider it within 14 days after adoption by the State Duma. If the bill is rejected by the Federation Council, a conciliation commission may be formed. Her work is aimed at overcoming the disagreements that arose on the document during its discussion. After that, the law should be reconsidered in the State Duma. If the lower house does not agree with the decision of the Federation Council, the normative act will be adopted if a second time at least 2/3 of the total number of deputies vote for it. For approval of the constitutional federal law, a 3/4 majority of the Federation Council members is required. If the document is rejected, the veto of the upper house for the State Duma is not surmountable. A member of the Federation Council shall personally exercise his right to vote.
Meeting Attendance
Each member of the Federation Council is required to attend the meetings of the chamber. Prior to the beginning of the meeting of the chamber, its committee, of which he acts as a member, the senator shall inform the chairman (relevant body) in writing of the impossibility of being for a good reason. She recognizes sending on a business trip, marriage registration, illness, childbirth, the death of a close relative / family member, an emergency in the region. The senator may be absent for another reason on the basis of his written appeal and with the consent of the chairman of the Federation Council or his committee.
The formation of the Federation Council in 2002-2012.
It is worth saying that the structure of the Federation Council has changed several times. The latest reform was proposed by President Putin. Its goal was to replace the heads of representative power and governors with appointed representatives. They must be present in the Federation Council on a professional and ongoing basis. One of the representatives should be appointed by the governor, and the second, respectively, by the legislative institution of the subject of Russia. Thus, the heads of regional executive bodies lost the opportunity to independently lobby their own interests in the capital, as well as take part in political and party activities at the state level. For them, as a kind of “compensation”, a so-called “advisory body” was formed. He became known as the Council of State. This body periodically convenes meetings in Moscow. They, with the participation of the president, address the most pressing issues related to the life of the state. However, this body is not endowed with constitutional status. By January 1, 2002, the final third composition of the Federation Council was formed. Its activities are unlimited in nature. Since January 16 of the specified year the upper house sits in the updated structure. The structure and regulations of the Federation Council were reorganized on January 30, 2002.
The Federation Council is authorized to resolve important state issues from the appointment and removal of the president from office to permission to use the Armed Forces abroad. It is a body representing the interests of the legislative and executive authorities of the regions at the state level. The Federation Council has a huge responsibility in making decisions. The body is permanent.