
Environmental policy. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology

The environmental policy of any modern state is created and formed in order to preserve nature. It is not surprising that a threat of global catastrophe arose over humanity, which can only be solved by developing and implementing competent management decisions.environmental policy

Environmental Policy Goals

The state policy of the Russian Federation is important not only for our country, but also for the benefit of humanity as a whole. That is why any concept of this industry pursues the solution of the following tasks:

  • Preservation of the country's natural resources and ecological systems, paying particular attention to supporting the vital functions of rare species of animals and plant varieties. Also in the sphere of environmental regulation is the life support function of the sustainable development of modern society.
  • The environmental policy of Russia is aimed not only at preserving and ensuring an optimal life for animals, but also is focused on improving the quality of life of the population.
  • Reforms in this area concern both society as a whole and the individual. Thus, solving the environmental problems, the state is trying to direct all its efforts to improving the health of the people, as well as the demographic situation in each region.
  • One of the most extensive and long-term tasks is to ensure the natural security of the country, to protect the population from various kinds of risks, both natural and man-made.

Any goal that is puzzled by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology is without fail specified in the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

Legal framework for program development

The basics of environmental policy come from the needs of modern society. However, their normative fixing allows you to clearly define the goals and objectives necessary for implementation. When forming and developing this or that provision, the socio-demographic situation of the state is taken into account without fail.

Most environmental reforms are enshrined in the following regulations:

  • The concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development, which involves the proclamation of fundamental principles and principles necessary for the successful preservation and protection of the environment.
  • National Environmental Action Plan.
  • The state strategy of Russia on environmental protection.
  • Other laws and regulations.

The main directions of state environmental policy

ecological problems

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology has identified the following development directions for the state:

  • Scientific solution to problems. In the concept of environmental protection, the first provision is the use in the production of new technologies and unique patented developments. Thus, it is necessary to gradually organize the constant re-equipment of enterprises and institutions that are harmful to the environment. This provision shows the need to reduce the amount of harmful emissions, as well as the reduction of pollutants.
  • The second object of reform is the effective purification of drinking water in Russia, suitable for human consumption. The solution to the problem is achieved through the use of groundwater, as well as through the search for new clean reservoirs, the organization of thorough purification of already used sources.
  • The regional environmental policy of state entities is aimed at the best treatment of municipal wastewater.
  • Involvement in production of enterprise waste in the maximum amount.
  • The direction of the main forces of the state to cleanse the lands of those areas where the risk of aerogenic pollution is significantly high due to industrial enterprises.
  • The environmental safety policy is aimed at ensuring maximum environmental safety when transporting petroleum products and other substances that adversely affect nature.
  • Conservation of natural areas with unique flora and fauna. Prevention of the extinction of rare species of animals and plants. Help in saving species, as well as creating conditions for their further reproduction.
  • Regularly conduct statistical research in order to obtain the information necessary for the successful implementation of environmental management and environmental policies.
  • Organization of environmental education, places of education and culture of citizens. The formation of environmental consciousness in each individual and society as a whole.

The list of tasks assigned to the state and society is not limited to these points, since there are an incredible number of problems in the field of environmental protection. It is also important to take into account that the environmental policy of the Russian Federation is developed in direct correlation with the policies of world organizations and commonwealths of states.

environmental safety policy

Clearly defined policy objectives

Today, the Ministry of Ecology is developing many regulatory acts aimed at implementing a program called “Environmental Protection and Hygiene”.

The goal of the new project is to implement a number of environmental measures in the near future: improving the environmental situation, increasing environmental safety, as well as constant monitoring of the sanitary-technical condition of both the environment and the public. Therefore, at this stage of development, the following tasks are considered:

  • Constant monitoring and supervision of particularly hazardous production facilities, as well as enterprises that pose a potential threat to the surrounding area. As a rule, oil refining institutions, as well as the places of their greatest concentration, attract more attention.
  • Conducting exercises on the speedy mobilization of forces and means in order to eliminate industrial accidents, preventing the influence of a harmful product on the environment.
  • Creation in each region of specialized depots for lightning-fast response and the prompt elimination of the consequences of the accident.
  • Implementation of both foreign and domestic installations for the successful purification and elimination of harmful waste.
  • The environmental policy of the Russian Federation is not only aimed at practical activities but also to improve the regulatory framework in order to increase the level of protection of natural objects, as well as the cultural side of society.
  • Conducting regular oil spill response.
  • The bodies of the subjects and institutions provide plans for the further development of the sphere of environmental protection and protection.environmental policy of the russian federation

The result of the implementation of environmental protection policies

The Ministry of Ecology in the program for the conservation of natural resources defines not only goals and objectives, but also indicates the overall achievable results. As a result of the implementation of the policy enshrined in the concept of environmental protection, the following tasks should be performed:

  • Improving the environmental safety of areas associated with the extraction, transportation, processing of harmful and hazardous materials. These include working with oil, chemicals, nuclear processes, and so on.
  • Definition of clear system installations for the quick elimination of emergency situations, strengthening measures to eliminate catastrophe products, preventing emergencies associated with high environmental hazards.

What results have we achieved?environmental policy implementation

Do not think that environmental safety policies exist only on paper. Like any other normative legal act, the concept of development of environmental safety is designed to be implemented in practice. The document is the basis for the creation of a reliably functioning system for the protection of the ecological and natural environment. Since the concept has been in place over the past decade, the following results have been achieved:

  • The state network of the observation station conducted a number of studies, according to which sea water and bottom sediments were taken. The data obtained are studied by leading experts of the research institute for the removal of a drug that cleans water molecules.
  • Ecologists throughout the country are conducting large-scale studies to identify refined products, the amount of which must be quickly reduced. It is important to pay attention to the percentage of heavy metals in the fertile soil layer.
  • Direct environmental problems have also been resolved. A number of enterprises carrying a high degree of environmental hazard to the surrounding areas, including those inhabited, were eliminated and liquidated. Other sources of negative impact are eliminated.
  • Further policy improvement projects have been prepared.

Special Developments

Thanks to the action of general regulatory acts governing environmental protection, specialized projects are being created aimed at eliminating local problems. So, the implementation of environmental policy is to create legal documents that are binding; selection of specialists and monitoring of their activities, as well as the direct elimination of problems; the development of activities for future tasks.environmental policy framework

At the local level, all special developments that have been created by large-scale scientific institutions of the state are being implemented.

Ministry of Natural Resources: briefly on the main

Any environmental policy of the Russian Federation is created, developed and ultimately implemented only through the functioning of the main body of the environmental sector - the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology. This is a federal body owned by the executive branch. The ministry of this type is authorized to carry out state regulation in the field of conservation and environmental protection, in the use of natural resources of the environment, as well as environmental safety.

The state nature conservation authority may, both independently and in cooperation with legislative bodies, develop and approve regulatory legal acts. In addition, the Ministry is able to exert significant influence on the approval, amendment and other operations with federal constitutional laws, government acts, presidential decrees and so on.

Work areas: initial activities

The Ministry of Natural Resources is called upon to carry out its activities in several areas, the first of which are land resources. Now there are a large number of environmental problems associated with subsoil, soil and other land resources. State environmental policy is aimed at conducting a thorough geological survey. In addition, this area of ​​activity includes the rational use of land resources.So, for example, it is important to monitor the cultivation of plant crops on one site for several decades; it is important to limit the release of harmful products to the surface of soils and so on.

The second area of ​​work of the Ministry is security water bodies. This category also includes the rational use of natural resources. The state body is authorized to monitor the optimal and safest construction of reservoirs, as well as water management systems for various purposes. The state budget allocates funds for the construction of protective complexes and hydraulic structures that ensure safety.

environmental policy of Russia

Fields of activity: world-class

Every modern student knows that environmental disaster is one of the world's problems. That is why the Ministry of Environmental Protection is called upon to actively participate in the development of world policy to protect planet Earth. The following items belong to this area of ​​activity:

  • Save the flora and fauna. Moreover, this is not only an endangered species, but also concerns representatives that bring great benefits to the environment. It is also important not to lose sight of ensuring optimal conditions for the development of each variety and any species.
  • By creating national parks and reserves, protect the significant natural territory as much as possible.
  • Allocate the necessary amount of funds for air purification, as well as prevent its further pollution.
  • In case of danger in the territory of one of the countries, provide maximum support and provide necessary assistance.
  • Get rid of harmful production waste. To reduce the use of radioactive elements, as well as not to experience new developments because of the possible threat of destruction living on the site of flora and fauna.
  • Gradually improve the economic mechanism for regulating environmental impact. To put into practice new developments in environmental protection and protection. Provide data to the public for use by other countries in order to eliminate the global environmental catastrophe.

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