The social worker, whose job duties will be discussed later, is accepted and dismissed by the head of the CSO. Withdrawal from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in Articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.
General information
The following persons are accepted for the position of social employee:
- Higher
- primary vocational;
- secondary special education.
Persons without training in a specialty may be involved in activities. People who are subject to service are called wards. Such a status is acquired by persons who apply to the Council of Veterans, the Central Social Protection Agency or the social protection committee, as well as when a social worker identifies those who need care during a special round. Wards who have completely lost the possibility of self-care are sent to a nursing home.
Social worker: duties, employee salary
An employee of the central defense authority can execute certain instructions of the wards. They may not be included in the list of duties of a social worker, however, they follow from the general sense of his activity. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to single people and people with disabilities. For example, an elderly woman has difficulty moving due to serious health problems. A social worker can take her to the bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and they will be able to take care of themselves. The day of the CSO employee begins with a phone call to the ward. It is the responsibility of the social worker to ascertain the instructions to be executed and the list of necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, on the basis of an employee’s performance assessment, a category is assigned or not assigned to him. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10, and after five years - 30%.
The following categories are set:
- Fifth rank. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. At the same time, requirements for his experience are not presented. Also, rank 5 are employees with complete secondary (general) education. In this case, they need to carry out activities on the profile for at least three years.
- Sixth-seventh digits. To obtain this category, an employee may have a professional higher education. In this case, requirements for his experience are not presented. Also, the employee may have a secondary specialized education. In this case, he must be in the state for at least three years.
- Eighth category. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is not less than five years, and they have higher education in their specialty.
Important points
The functional duties of a social worker include providing domestic services to persons in need of assistance. An employee of the Central Organizing Center is directly subordinate to the department head, deputy director, and head of the center. The employee needs to know the regulations and laws of the federal, local and regional levels, other regulatory acts related to the regulation of his activities. A social worker whose job responsibilities are contained in the relevant instructions is responsible for his activities before the law. He must comply with the rules of the CSO, know the rules and regulations on labor protection industrial sanitation, safety measures, fire protection.An indispensable condition for the high-quality fulfillment of tasks is the observance of the requirements for organizing consumer services for the elderly and disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards, to master the techniques of first aid.
Basic requirements
The professional duties of a social worker include:
- The provision of services that are included in the list of guaranteed by the state.
- Compliance with the schedule of visits.
- Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
- Conducting questionnaires at the enterprise among employees.
- Participation in the paperwork of employees in need of this.
- Informing employees about their duties, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
- Respect for confidentiality in relations with wards.
- Execution of orders and instructions of the management of the Central Organizing Center.
- Coordination of their activities with superiors.
- Timely warning of the onset of disability.
- Application for financial assistance to employees in need of this.
- Filling out the documentation, in accordance with the recommendations for the conduct of business, timely additions and changes.
- Participation in the public life of the CSO.
The rights and obligations of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
A responsibility
In case of violation of labor discipline, the employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TC. The timely execution of official duties by a social worker guarantees effective assistance to people in need. Such an attitude to their activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be carried out in good faith and clearly. In many respects, not only the general condition of the ward, but also his life often depends on the timeliness of assistance.
Defining criteria
To fulfill the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee needs to possess certain personal qualities. Formed moral and moral beliefs, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, fairness, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the whole list of qualities that should be endowed Social worker.
Methods used in activities
The duties of social workers are not only to provide the necessary assistance to the wards. For the most effective implementation of their activities, employees are instructed, in accordance with the Instruction, to develop and implement various methods that allow studying problems more deeply and in detail, and choosing the best means to solve them. Thus, a social worker in a school whose duties are related to helping children should, among other things, act as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using the educational approach in his activities, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstrations and modeling the right behavior, uses role-playing games, establishes the interaction between the student and the teacher. Of particular note are the responsibilities of a social worker in a hospital.
In this case, on his shoulders lies a great responsibility. A person who is in a medical institution requires maximum sensitivity, care and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties in servicing the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming the disorganization of personality, apathy in those cases when it is not possible for a sick person to do this on his own.The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on the mobilization of available internal resources of the ward. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this is fundamental. There is also an advocate approach to social work. In this case, the employee acts as a representative from the ward or a group of persons in need. In this case, the duties of a social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments and selecting reasonable charges.
Employee Capabilities
The rights and obligations of a social worker are two categories that are closely related. Using his authority, an employee can effectively carry out their activities, the purpose of which is to timely help those in need. The rights of the social worker are established in articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Also, its capabilities are defined in the collective agreement and the rules of the CSO. In the process of performing his activities, a social worker has the right:
- Involve relatives and relatives in providing assistance that goes beyond the limits established by the Instruction.
- Receive information from wards about health status, relationships with other family members.
- Use the personal data of the client when filling out the necessary documentation.
International practice
Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that they form the basis of the activities that a social worker performs, responsibilities. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are participating in a large-scale humanitarian program to eradicate poverty, provide primary education, and provide stable support to the most disadvantaged groups. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for multifaceted, comprehensive social work is especially high in times of crisis. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of most citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once in its entire history. However, the government of these countries always strives to eliminate the problems that arise. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.
State role
In the matter of providing citizens with real help, the state today takes a secondary, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome a particular problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through CSO employees reduces social tension. Frankly speaking, the state, using a social worker, "calms" the needy population. In this case, the employee is in a rather difficult situation. By virtue of a duty — professional and human — the social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. Along with this, it is the fulfillment of the state task of maintaining equilibrium in society.
For the most high-quality performance of his duties, a social worker must possess various skills, knowledge and skills in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology and others. Only in this case can it be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge that a social worker possesses, in combination with his individual qualities, should be assessed using appropriate methods. The analysis of the results, the correction of deficiencies, and the filling in of the missing information will undoubtedly contribute to a more efficient performance of one's duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire more extensive practical experience, theoretical knowledge.Equally important is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that adversely affect his activities. The individual qualities of the employee act as the basis for successful interaction with the ward and are considered an essential condition for his professional suitability.