The birth of twins is always a double joy for parents, although worries and cash costs are also doubled. Good state support is a good help, especially if you know how to properly manage it.
Parents justifiably face the question: do they give maternity capital for twins? It would be a mistake to assume that for two kids the allowance is twice as much. According to the law, twins are given a certificate only once - for one second child, and this does not depend on which child was born second. The same if three or more children were born at a time.
Capital indexation
According to the law, since 2007, maternal capital, if twins were born, is subject to indexation. If in 2007 the cash payment amounted to 250,000.00 rudders, then in 2015 the maternity capital for the first twins is given in the amount of 453 026,00 rubles.
Due to negative phenomena in the economy, the indexation of capital for subsequent years may decrease and reach an average of 4.4% or 3%.
Terms of issuing state support
If you are going to get maternity capital at the birth of twins, there are a number of options:
- A person with Russian citizenship, mother or father has the right to do this. When submitting documents for registration after the birth of twins, triplets or adoption of a second child, a document proving your citizenship is required.
- A born or adopted child in whose name the payment is made must have the citizenship of the Russian Federation. Registration of a child as a citizen of the Russian Federation is carried out at the Federal Migration Service.
- One child, twins or triplets must be born no earlier than April 1, 2007 and no later than December 31, 2016.
Who is eligible to receive?
The maternity capital at the birth of twins is subject to the same rules as for obtaining capital for one child. A mother who has given birth to a second child or two or more children at a time can count on this payment. But there are cases when the father of the child or the child himself can count on this benefit, provided:
- The mother of the child has lost its ability to receive benefits.
- The father is the unequivocal adoptive parent of the second child or twins.
- The child himself can count on the payment, provided that the mother and father do not have the right to raise children.
Both the mother, the father, and the child themselves are given the opportunity to pay. The priority is the mother, then the father, then the child himself. In 2015, this list and the conditions for obtaining a certificate will remain unchanged.
Clearance Payment
Even if the second birth is twins, maternal capital is supposed to be issued in the same way as for one child. To do this, you must personally or by proxy come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
You will need the following documents:
- Originals and copies of the passport of the beneficiary with personal data.
- Originals and copies of birth certificates for twins, as well as birth certificates of other children in the family. In case of adoption of children from the baby's home - a certificate from the court.
- SNILS of the one who claims to receive a cash payment, and SNILS of children. You can get a pension certificate right there, at the Pension Fund, before applying.
- The original and a copy of the certificate of marriage of parents, one of which claims to receive benefits. If there is no official marriage, then a certificate of adoption of twins. If there is neither one nor the other, then this point is omitted.If several marriages were made, then provide documents on termination of unions and certificates from the registry office confirming the conclusion of previous marriages.
- Documents proving the existence of citizenship by the mother or father, who apply for maternity capital, and children who are citizens of Russia.
Father receiving cash benefits
Do they give maternity capital for twins to their father? As a rule, mothers of children apply for maternity capital, but there are times when a father comes for a cash payment. List of documents for dad to provide to the Pension Fund:
- All of the above documents.
- It also adds: a certificate of the mother’s loss of the right to raise children, or a document confirming the mother’s lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation, or a certificate of her death.
Cash compensation for children
If the child claims to maternity capital, then he must be provided with:
- Your birth certificate.
- Help from the place of registration.
- Documents confirming the death of the mother, father or guardian, or a certificate of deprivation of the right to education.
The certificate can be obtained a month after you submit the application and provide all the required documents.
This can be done in person, or by mail order to your address.
Use of maternity capital
Cash payment can be spent only on:
- Improving living conditions
- Repayment of a loan or other loan taken to purchase a home.
- Repair of an apartment or house in order to increase living space.
- Participation in corporate construction.
- Child education
- Payment for the educational process.
- Student or student residence in a dormitory from an educational institution at the expense of maternity capital.
- Payment for kindergarten
- Mom's pension
Cash payments can be deposited into the mother’s bank account as an accumulative part of the pension until they reach the appropriate age.
One-time payment of 20,000 rubles
In the winter of 2015, the Government developed a special project on the possibility of withdrawing twenty thousand rubles from the account where your maternity capital is located, and spending them at your discretion. This decision was taken as a specific measure of support for parents and children in a crisis. The time period when this money can be used is not limited.
Questions and answers
I am the guardian of two twins. Mother (my daughter) was deprived of parental rights, and the father of the children died. Do maternity capital give twins to guardians, can I get it?
According to the law, the allowance is given for every second child in the family, including the guardian. To do this, you must come to the PF with an application, birth certificates and a certificate of law child custody.
Mine common law wife deprived of the right to raise children, can I, as their father, receive a certificate?
Yes, the law provides for the option for father to receive payment. Contact the PF with a statement, certificate of adoption and a birth certificate of children. Attach a document on the legal deprivation of the cohabitant's rights to the child.
At the moment I am a German citizen, and I have two children born in 2008, who are also citizens of Germany. In December 2015, my children and I will become Russian citizens. Will the state allow me to receive maternity capital?
As long as you and your children are not citizens of the Russian Federation, you cannot receive maternity capital. But as soon as you get local citizenship, you can count on a certificate.
Our mom and dad died in an accident. We are twins and are in an orphanage, we are born in 2007. Can one of us get maternity capital?
Yes maybe. By mutual agreement, you must decide which of you will receive capital. Your money will be in a special account until the recipient reaches 18 years of age.
At 31 weeks I gave birth to twins, but one of the children died during childbirth.I was told that I could not get maternity capital, is that true?
True, you do not. For twins they give maternity capital only if they have two children.
I have dual citizenship: Russian Federation and Canada. She gave birth to two twins in 2009 in Russia. In this case, do they give maternity capital for twins?
Yes, they give maternity capital for twins in such cases.
I gave birth to twins in 2007. Issued maternity capital, but have not yet used it. I plan to spend it at the end of 2016. How much maternity capital for twins will be in 2016? How about the period of 2007, when the payment was 250,000 rubles or more?
The cash payment will be the amount assigned for the period of 2016. About 490,000 rubles, with indexation conditions.
After giving birth, my second twin child died in intensive care, having lived only ten days from the date of birth. Do maternity capital give for twins in such cases?
Yes, you can apply for a certificate, but provided that during these ten days you managed to register your child in the registry office.