
What are guidelines? Development, types, purpose

Teaching is not only teaching children, but also regularly serving progress reports. Written lesson planning and activities.

It is not easy for a beginning teacher to deal with all the paper work. Constantly raising questions about the proper documentation. The compilation of guidelines also causes difficulty.

How to make a document right? How to make it? Where to start work on guidelines? Let's try to find the answers to these questions.

What are guidelines?

Guidelines - a guide to action for the teacher. Based on his own experience and the works of eminent scientist-methodologists, the teacher chooses the most effective methods of conducting classes or events that he uses throughout the year.

The methodological manual consists of specific instructions, ideas and tips to help you navigate along the way. It includes lesson plans. Topics that need to be addressed in the classroom. Test papers. Exercises for self-study of the issue.

Methodological recommendations for conducting control classes and studying the theoretical course describe the most effective ways of presenting material and testing knowledge, borrowed from the scientific works of leading methodologists. But how to compose them? Which plan to follow?

Components of guidelines

What are guidelines

Making recommendations is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the structure of documents of this type and consider a few examples to successfully cope with the task.

The classic teaching aid consists of 7 parts:

  1. Title page.
  2. Annotations.
  3. Information about the identity of the author or group of authors.
  4. Explanatory Note.
  5. Content.
  6. A list of books, articles, sites that are recommended for review.
  7. Applications with additional materials, if necessary.

We learned what methodological recommendations are, and found out what parts they consist of. Now let's move on to the analysis of the main points.

Cover page design


The following information should be displayed on the cover page:

  • The name of the institution in which you work;
  • full name, surname and patronymic of the originator;
  • the name of the work, which should reflect that this is a methodological manual;
  • the city where the brochure is issued;
  • the year of publishing.

If the allowance is created for personal use, the title page is optional.

How to annotate?

Organization guidelines

The abstract should briefly reflect the following information:

  • description of the content of the work;
  • A note about who the manual is intended for;
  • sources on the basis of which the material was compiled;
  • tips on using the manual for training or events (in which situations can the publication be applied);
  • detailed information about the compiler (position, place of work, qualification level, availability of academic degrees, telephone).

It is not worthwhile to describe in detail what the work is about in the annotation, it is enough to reflect the essence.

What is included in the explanatory note?

Making recommendations

The explanatory note should give detailed answers to the following questions:

  • Why is the selected topic relevant? Opening this paragraph, it is worth explaining why you decided to devote your work to a specific issue. Provide statistical or scientific facts that confirm the relevance of the topic.
  • For what purpose is the manual created? Dealing with this issue is easy.It is enough to write to whom and in what situations the information provided may be useful.
  • What result should you expect if you use this manual? It should be told what benefits the work with methodological recommendations will bring.
  • What is the difference between the allowance and the rest? Describe the strengths of the publication. Tell why it is better than analogues.

What should be included in the content?

Guidelines for

The content of the manual does not obey certain rules, so the teacher determines its composition independently.

We managed to find out what the guidelines are, and understand how to draw up the introductory part of the work. Now let's try to figure out what information can enter the content.

The main part of the work should occupy 70–75% of the total allowance, it can be devoted to:

  • designing a classroom or holiday event;
  • one or more topics of the training course;
  • solving questions about teaching and upbringing;
  • research plan.

Typically, teaching aids have a clear structure that helps to better understand the material provided. You can make up the work according to the following plan:

  • Write a step-by-step guide that tells you what actions to take on a given topic. Rely on personal experience and specialized literature.
  • Give tips that will help you successfully cope with the task, for example, to explain material on the topic in an accessible way.
  • Pay attention to the difficulties that may appear during the work. Tell us how to deal with them or avoid them.
  • In a separate chapter, highlight the mistakes that teachers make when preparing a topic or organizing an event.

This plan is just a recommendation. Guidelines for the organization of training sessions and events can be made in any form and change the content at your discretion.

What can be included in the “application” block?

Development of guidelines

Materials that are for some reason not included in the main content block are added to the application. These include:

  • supporting tables illustrating theoretical material;
  • step-by-step plans for holidays, class hours, classes;
  • test tasks on the topics described in the main content;
  • any photo material, if it helps in revealing the main topic of the manual;
  • Tips for analyzing test results, quizzes, classroom hours.

If in the course of the main content there is a mention of materials from the application, it is recommended to indicate in parentheses next to the sentence or in the form of a footnote at the bottom of the page where to search for the desired table, photo or test.

Development of guidelines: how to prepare?

In order for the work on the preparation of guidelines to be productive, it is necessary to conduct a preparatory phase, which includes:

  • selection of a topic that is relevant and interesting for the compiler;
  • acquaintance with literary sources, scientific articles and specialized sites devoted to the selected issue;
  • drawing up a work plan;
  • selection of the most suitable material for the manual;
  • search for interesting facts, recommendations, photos, tables that will help to reveal the topic;
  • drawing up the content of the work.

The introductory part, which includes: abstract, explanatory note, information about the authors, should not occupy more than 15% of the total work. 75% of the allowance is the main content. The remaining 10% falls on the application, bibliography and conclusion.

The list of literature should be compiled in alphabetical order, based on modern rules for the design of scientific papers.

You got the answer to the question: “What are the guidelines?”. Learned what parts the manual consists of. And how to make out each of them.

Following the recommendation for the preparatory phase and the main unit of work, you can easily create a methodological manual that will surpass its counterparts.

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