Among the most recognizable brands of the banking market in the Russian Federation is AB Rossiya. This financial institution operates in major cities of the Russian Federation and is actively building partnerships with a large number of other banking organizations. In practice, this means creating opportunities for customers of JSB Russia to carry out financial transactions within the widest geography. Using plastic cards issued by the bank, you can withdraw cash in tens of thousands of ATMs and a huge number of stores. At the expense of what resources does JSB Russia provide clients with such opportunities? Which banks are the key partners of the respective financial institution?
General information about the bank
Bank "Russia" (partner banks of this organization - this can be noted right away, are represented in large numbers on the market of credit and financial services in the Russian Federation) was founded in 1990. This institution owns the assets of such large businesses as the National Media Group, as well as Sogaz.
Originally Bank "Russia" (partner banks organizations, respectively, too) conducted activities in St. Petersburg and in the North-West of the Russian Federation. The credit institution had a branch in Moscow. At the end of 2000, the geography of the institution expanded. Bank "Russia" (its partner banks, respectively, too) began to do business in Belgorod, Kursk, Perm, and also in Ufa. Subsequently, the credit institution opened several more branches: the total number of bank branches reached 20. In the spring of 2014, the bank began operating in the Crimea.
One of the main partners of JSB Russia is Sobinbank. We will study the basic information about him.
Sobinbank as the main partner of JSB Rossiya: general information about the institution
Sobinbank was founded, like the Rossiya Bank, in 1990. Its shareholders were the largest Russian corporations - such as, for example, Alrosa, RSC Energia, CJSC Rusagro. In the fall of 2008, Sobinbank shares were purchased by Gazprombank. In 2010, all assets of the institution were acquired by Bank Russia Bank.
Thus, the partnership relations of both financial institutions are due primarily to the fact that Sobinbank is a subsidiary of the banking organization in question.
Sobinbank is one of the largest credit and financial institutions serving the business. Its client base is represented by 200 large businesses, more than 25,000 small and medium enterprises. In addition, the bank has about 940,000 customers in the retail segment. Sobinbank is an active provider of financial services in the field of car loans, mortgages. It can be noted that this organization has a wide range of branches: they are in all federal districts of Russia.
JS "Russia" in the financial market: interaction with partners
What are the special conditions for using the services of Sobinbank and other partner structures offered by Bank Rossiya? Partner banks provide ATMs without commission - that’s the thing. The holder of a card issued by JSB Rossiya can thus withdraw cash from Sobinbank ATMs and not pay for it. At the same time, the client of the credit institution in question has similar opportunities if he will withdraw cash from ATMs of institutions connected to the systems:
- OPC;
- PRO 100.
We study the specifics of the relevant types of payment infrastructure in more detail.
OPC system: basic information
The infrastructure of OPC, or the United Settlement System, is an effective tool to expand the plastic card service area of the largest Russian banks. It can be noted that OPC has the status of an authorized center for settlements of the Western Union international system. The OPC brand was launched on the market by Rosbank - in the status of one of the structural divisions of this banking organization. In the late 90s, it was transformed into an independent legal entity.
Partnership of banks within the framework of the OPC payment system
Now JS "Russia", many partner banks of the bank "Russia", as well as more than 160 other financial institutions are connected to the OPC system. It is considered as one of the largest interbank associations regarding the joint use of settlement infrastructure.
Among the most famous brands that were users of the OPC system is VTB Group. As a result of the merger of VTB and OPC payment infrastructure, an ATM network was formed, representing about 40,000 devices designed for cash withdrawals. However, in the fall of 2015, VTB 24, one of the largest lending institutions of the VTB Group, left the ODS.
Later, there were reports that several more banks ceased to use the corresponding infrastructure. The decrease in ODS activity was explained by the fact that the National Payment System began to develop in Russia. The activities of the LFS began to be reduced to participation in the implementation of financial projects that are mostly local in nature.
Nevertheless, the infrastructure of the corresponding payment system fundamentally retains functionality. Credit and financial organizations connected to the LFS can carry out payment transactions according to unified technological principles and on equal financial conditions. For a bank card holder that uses the appropriate infrastructure, this means that it is possible to withdraw cash at any institution that is connected to the LFS, without a commission or on special conditions.
System of OPC and JS "Russia"
Consider the way in which the infrastructure of the LFS is used by JS Russia. The partner banks of this organization within the framework of the ODP system are actually represented by all credit and financial institutions that are connected to the corresponding payment platform. JS "Russia" joined the OPC in the fall of 2012. The partners of the Rossiya Bank included in this system issue cash to customers of the credit institution in question if they use cards that are issued as part of salary projects. If this is not the case - when withdrawing cash from partner banks that are part of the ODP system, the client of JSB “Russia” pays a commission, which is 0.6%.
Another major Russian payment platform is PRO100. We study its specifics in more detail.
PRO100 System: Basic Information
This payment system is a technological continuation of the SBERCART platform, which was developed by Sberbank and developed by it in the period from 1993 to 2012.
The PRO100 system operates on the basis of international financial standards, however, its processing centers are located in Russia. For example, the relevant infrastructure implements well-known financial security standards such as the Global Platform, as well as EMV. However, they are adapted to the requirements established by state supervisory authorities - such as the FSB, FSTEC, as well as the Bank of Russia.
The PRO100 system implements modern cryptographic protection systems for financial transactions. The infrastructure of this payment platform uses the experience of the largest international payment systems - Visa and MasterCard.
On the basis of the PRO100 system, the concept of a universal electronic card is developed - UEC, a tool that simultaneously performs payment functions and certifies the identity of a citizen in various legal relations.
The PRO100 platform has gained considerable popularity.According to various estimates, several hundred thousand retail outlets have connected to the relevant payment infrastructure: they also accept cards issued by Rossiya Bank. The partner banks of this credit institution, therefore, provide him with an acquiring infrastructure.
In addition, the PRO100 system is also supported by several tens of thousands of ATMs operating in various cities of the Russian Federation. Thus, the access to its customers to the most developed payment infrastructure was able to organize the bank "Russia". Due to the capabilities of the PRO100 platform, partner banks in Moscow and other major cities are ready to quickly and efficiently serve plastic cards from JSB “Russia”.
If we talk about the advantages of the UEC card, which is issued by the participating banks of the payment system under consideration, it can be noted that this financial instrument is among the most technologically advanced because it allows you to pay for goods and services:
- chip and magnetic stripe;
- by contactless data reading;
- via the Internet - through the online payment infrastructure.
In order to protect online payments, the card implements 3-D Secure technology, which involves sending an SMS to the cardholder’s phone with a password to confirm the transaction when buying in an online store.
Shops and service points have certain advantages when accepting payments using UEC cards: the commission for each transaction within the PRO100 system is lower than when making payments using the VISA and MasterCard infrastructure.
Banks wishing to join the PRO100 payment platform can do this in the most timely manner. The fact is that the technology implemented in the corresponding financial product is based, as we noted above, on international standards. No need to purchase new equipment to service transactions. It is only necessary to carry out a small revision of banking software.
Payment system PRO100 now operates only in the Russian Federation. Therefore, if the issuing bank is not able to make a payment on the basis of a different platform when finding a client abroad, paying with the store can be problematic. But a person, of course, can issue just in case a spare card - VISA or MasterCard.
Partnership of banks within the framework of the payment system PRO100
As in the case of the OPC system, the largest Russian credit and financial institutions are connected to the PRO100 payment platform. They have unique opportunities for the integration of technological processes associated with servicing financial transactions. In particular, those carried out using a progressive universal card, which, according to many experts, has great potential from the point of view of its involvement by citizens in various financial legal relations.
Among the most active participants in the PRO100 system is AB Rossiya. Consider how this organization uses the capabilities of the PRO100 platform.
PRO100 system and AB "Russia"
Rossiya Bank connected to the corresponding payment system in the fall of 2014 and began issuing plastic cards adapted to this platform.
As a result, the capabilities of clients of such an institution as the Rossiya Bank have further expanded. Partner banks, the list of which was supplemented by other credit organizations connected to the PRO100 system, have several tens of thousands of ATMs. Thus, customers of JSB “Russia” can use them to withdraw cash - also for free or on special conditions. In general, they correspond to those established when withdrawing cash through ATMs of partners of the Bank of Russia, which are connected to the OPC system. That is, if a person has a salary card, then he will not pay a commission for using the corresponding service. If he uses the services of JSB “Russia” on a common basis, then the commission for withdrawing cash from partner ATMs will be 0.6%.
The list of banks that are actually partners of JSB “Russia” due to their participation in the PRO100 system is huge. One can cite as an example several of the largest institutions with a similar status. Among those:
- Sberbank
- Uralsib.
- Surgutneftegazbank.
- "Opening".
- "Bank of Moscow".
- "SMP Bank".
- "AK Bars".
- "Moscow Industrial Bank".
Of course, this is not a closed list - any financial institutions that have access to the PRO100 system can be considered as actual partners of JSB Russia.
Remote customer service of JSB “Russia”
You can study another aspect of using the services of AB “Russia” by customers - the use of remote service interfaces. This infrastructure is largely an alternative to using ATMs: for example, in order to pay a receipt for housing and communal services, a person can not withdraw cash, but use the remote service system. Moreover, if partner banks cooperating with JSB Russia charge a fee - albeit relatively low, due to the fact that the client is not connected to salary project.
The financial institution under consideration offers its customers to use the ABR DIRECT remote service system. It provides features such as:
- making money transfers;
- opening deposits;
- payment for a wide range of goods and services - including utilities, mobile communications, the Internet.
The ABR DIRECT system operates around the clock. Operations in it are carried out very quickly. Clients of JSB Russia can access the appropriate interface from any computer through a browser.
Among the most famous brands in the Russian market of credit and financial services is JSB “Russia”. This organization is one of the segment leaders.
Partner banks cooperating with an institution such as Russia Bank, the list of which includes a huge number of brands, can be classified into 3 main categories:
- Sobinbank - as a subsidiary;
- credit institutions connected to the ODP system;
- banking organizations whose infrastructure is combined with the PRO100 payment platform.
A client of Rossiya Bank holding a plastic card can withdraw cash from it at Sobinbank ATMs, as well as at those that belong to Rossiya Bank itself, free of charge by default. At ATMs of credit institutions that are connected to the OPC and PRO100 systems - for free if the client is a member of the salary project. If this is not so, cash out is carried out with a commission of 0.6%. An alternative to using ATMs may be to use the remote service system of JSB “Russia”.
Thus, the wide geographical coverage of the customer service area is a distinguishing attribute of such a structure as Bank Russia. Partner banks in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other major cities of this organization give customers of the credit institution in question the opportunity to use a variety of types of infrastructure. First of all, by ATMs. To withdraw cash with a minimum commission or even without it allow various partner banks of the Bank "Russia" in Stavropol, Krasnodar, Kursk. In general - everywhere where the infrastructure of the largest payment systems, OPC and PRO100 is deployed. In addition, acquiring is also available to customers. Card payments are ready to be implemented by partner banks of Russia Bank in Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi.
The credit institution in question owns another major financial institution, Sobinbank. This determines the availability of clients of JSB "Russia" to withdraw funds from ATMs of this bank without a commission in the cities of presence of Sobinbank. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don. Other partner banks of Rossiya Bank in Rostov-on-Don, for example, may already take a commission for cashing in cash.
Thus, the clients of JSB “Russia” can use technological and affordable financial services within the largest geographic scope of their bank. The main resource of the institution in this case is a huge partner network of financial institutions.