The aristocracy is one of the forms of government in which the nobility holds power in their hands. It differs from the monarchical form and tyranny. Democracy also has a completely different concept.
The concept of a privileged estate
The ancient idealist philosophers Plato and Aristotle first spoke of this type of power. Representatives of the aristocracy were present in some ancient Greek cities and states. They were in ancient Rome and Sparta.
This is also characteristic form of government for the republics of the Middle Ages that were in Europe. The opposite is democracy. The aristocracy, in contrast to it, does not appropriate sovereign power to all people or their majority. On the contrary, there is a community of the elect according to the principle of blood. The aristocracy is the idea of governing the state by the upper class of people, they were assigned the best talents and ingenious minds.
The main factor in the choice of rulers was how noble the origin of the applicants was, and sometimes valor was valued as warriors. Sometimes they relied on the level of development in mental terms.
Religion and morality also took the measure. Another species that the aristocracy can personify is the oligarchy. In this case, the dominant position is given to those who have the most property values. As a rule, one factor is not enough. It was believed that only a person who really stood a few steps above the average stratum of society was worthy to rule.
Ways of joining the ranks of aristocrats
In addition to the fact that the aristocracy is a state form, this term also refers to the upper class of society. You can get into it if you were born in the appropriate family and inherited a large fortune. The generic upper stratum of society is precisely characterized by property, which far exceeds the average indicators of an ordinary citizen.
The highest aristocracy is identified with special conditions or achievements, thanks to which a person falls into the ranks of the dominant representatives of his community. In ancient Rome, the elevation above the bulk could be tribal or land. These people reached high positions when it came to the feudal system in European society, which replaced ancient civilization. In the struggle against this system, the monarchy, representing the rule of one person, grew and strengthened.
Money aristocracy is precisely that institution of power that began to exist as a result of the French Revolution. Since then, all European states were controlled by the richest citizens.
The best
The aristocratic principle is that only the best people can have dominance. Several important factors flowed from this. Even non-republican states, which were monarchies, included elements of aristocracy in the model of their rule. This could not be direct possession of power in the country, but merely individual manifestations.
This was promoted everywhere by the state and legal powers of representative monarchies. In this case, the aristocracy is the upper ruling chambers, as well as the lower, receiving orders from above. The presence of organizations with representatives at different levels is characteristic. A single principle united these steps of the ladder of power.
Aristocracy manifests itself everywhere
Even with democracy, there are some elements of inequality. The concept of expanded aristocracy is applied.Since power is built differently in different types of society, the understanding of the forms of domination is very relative. We can only get acquainted with the various degrees of metamorphosis of any form of control.
All social, social, political and church unions formed in the state carry the principle of the election of the aristocracy. The same can be attributed to the international level.
In Russia
The Russian aristocracy was a nobleman whose position was significantly higher than that of a simple estate. On their shoulders lay one of the first roles in the state. They had a lot of privileges, but had to answer for their part with the service.
The nobleman was a man who placed himself above others, was a couple of steps ahead, but at the same time responsible, who felt his important role. He served the society of his native power, participated in hostilities, was completely selfless in relation to the state. The nobles took the oath and followed it. In addition to army service, they also had responsibility for the peasants living on their lands, as well as their own estate.
High Code of Ethics
The most important value was faithful service, it was encouraged by the noble honor. This was laid in their psychology at the level of ethics and morality. The nobleman had to listen and follow orders from above standing people, not to be greedy for affection, not to ask for service, but not to evade his duties. The most important thing is honor and courage.
As we see, the society of noble Russia created a portrait for its citizen, painted with the most beautiful tones of morality. After all, if not from the elite, then who else to take an example to other people?
How to become true nobles
Nobles were brought up not with the help of a certain pedagogical system or methodology; they did not impose rules. This can be called a way of life or a style of behavior, a conscious choice.
But to some extent, the nobles showed the best character traits by inertia, adopting the habits of their families and imitating relatives. Traditions were not discussed and did not change, but simply respected as given. There probably would not have been such an effect from theoretical prescriptions as from principles that were manifested in everyday life, acting in one way or another, communicating in a living way. Standards of behavior were practically absorbed with breast milk.
Sample for the rest of the classes of society
The Russian nobleman had a spectrum of the most characteristic traits of character for him. He must be independent and courageous, show nobility and honor. It was believed that nature endowed Russian aristocrats with these qualities, although they can be enhanced or stifled by the environment.
The noble environment developed and improved. The qualities of a Russian citizen who wanted to see in the environment prevailed. The nobles had a belief that the future would smooth out the unequal position between the layers in Russian society, that the culture of these people, starting with literary works, painting and exquisite treatment, would go down to the peasants and penetrate their characters. Everyone in society will soon be free and enlightened.
To create a quality society, it is necessary that only the highest ideals reign in each of its circles, and honesty, intelligence, and good education are characteristic of people. Thanks to education, a striking and positive transformation of the population was to be achieved.
To bear a duty to the Fatherland and to be faithful to him meant for the nobleman the same thing as being honest with yourself and following your principles. Only one who respects himself can respect others and vice versa. It was in such an exalted and persistent ideology that the top of Russian society was brought up.