
Activated days - what it is and why schoolchildren love them

All children enjoy the winter. You can ride a sled, sculpt a snow woman, play hockey. But the weather at this time of the year brings not only joy. On winter days, it is sometimes so harsh that going out is dangerous for health. Especially for children. Therefore, the concept arose - activated days. They exist in order to protect the child from the weather.

What is an activated day?

Act on Acted Days

Weather is determined by several factors. This is humidity, the presence of wind and its speed, air temperature. On activated days, these conditions can have a negative effect. They create such harsh weather that it is dangerous for children to be outside, because weather conditions can lead to the following diseases:

  • a cold
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the muscles of the neck or joints of the fingers;
  • meningitis and otitis media.

This explains the fact that on the activated days, independent education is organized for schoolchildren. That is, they can stay at home and study according to textbooks in the same way as if they were in the classroom.

How is the child's work organized on the activated day if he remains at home?

Parents are required to provide control over how children study the learning material. To do this, they contact the representative of the school and find out topics and tasks. In the modern world, there are enough means for communication, so as not to say that they did not know anything.

Phone, e-zine, Skype communication - all this can and should be used to clarify all issues. After all, the activated days are not a reason not to study. By the way, with the help of the last of the listed means of communication, you can even get a remote consultation with a teacher.

The work performed these days is necessarily appreciated. Marks are put in the journal only at the request of students.

What is expecting a child at school this day?

activated days

Children can attend classes only with the written consent of their parents or other legal representatives, because it is their responsibility to move along the street on activated days.

The following events are held for children who come to school:

  • scheduled lessons that are taught individually or in small groups;
  • in this case, the union of classes in parallel is acceptable;
  • additional classes are conducted with poorly performing students or missed lessons due to illness;
  • extra-curricular work is organized in the library, computer class;
  • children are engaged in circles.

Work on educational materials is evaluated with a journal entry only if the student has achieved a positive result.

How to determine that the activated day has arrived?

It’s very simple - according to the morning forecast on the local TV channel and the signs of such a day spelled out in regulatory documents. The Act on Activated Days helps to find out what weather in a particular area will be considered harsh. It is always available in every school, where you can get acquainted with it.

It prescribes not only temperature and wind indicators, but also whether classes will be canceled altogether or their beginning will be shifted to a later time.

Since Russia has regions with a climate that differs quite a lot, the weather for the activated days will be different. For example, in the northern regions the temperature should be significantly lower than in the central region. This is explained by the fact that in the European part of the country the climate is milder, therefore frost and wind are felt more strongly. In addition, residents do not have time to get used to the cold weather. And their subjective feeling of frost is sharper than it could be after getting used to.

Comforting forecast

Due to the fact that climate mitigation is observed on the territory of the country, activated days are becoming an increasingly rare occurrence. In the European part of Russia there are winters when there are no such days at all, or there are 1-2 for a season. And this means that, perhaps, in a short time there will come a time when students will not have to stay at home due to bad weather.

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