
Accidents subject to investigation and registration. Labor Code, Article 227

In short, accidents subject to investigation and registration are special cases of work-related injuries. Their list and features are discussed in article 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The very concept of occupational injuries is a deterioration in human life under the influence of negative environmental factors.

The nature of changes in health status can be slow and gradual or fast and sudden. The latter type of incidents includes the concept of an accident subject to investigation and registration at the enterprise.

accidents to be investigated and recorded

The complex, cumulative effect of the causes also causes occupational diseases. The rights of workers to protect their interests in this case are enshrined in the provisions of the Labor Code. Their interpretation and explanation will be presented in this material.

Industrial injuries

Any accidents subject to investigation and registration must have a source of occurrence. The degree of damage depends on its nature, how much the state of health of the employee has suffered. The reasons, in accordance with the object that caused them, are of the following types:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • electric.

Another specific category is a violation of the basic functions of life due to intoxication of the body with toxic substances. Depending on the characteristics of production and compliance with labor safety rules, it is likely that alkaloids can penetrate the human body. This factor also applies to accidents subject to investigation and registration, since poisoning can occur in acute form.

In any case, with proper observance of safety regulations, the occurrence of work-related injuries is minimized. Such a problem cannot arise on its own. Most often, the cause of this kind of circumstances are problems in organizational issues, technical malfunctions and malfunctions. From this it follows that the occurrence of accidents subject to investigation and accounting signals that the production process at the enterprise is not carried out properly, and compliance with the Labor Code is in question. If you draw the right conclusions and take the necessary measures, you can eliminate or minimize the possibility of a re-occurrence of the problem.

Accident classification

Which accidents to be investigated and recorded depends on several factors. They are classification features that allow you to select and group these processes. Based on the Labor Code, we can conclude that this concept is understood as the corresponding kind of situation that are associated either with work or with production. It is these processes that allow a person to demand material compensation from the state.

what accidents are subject to investigation and registration

Source grouping

Regarding this classification characteristic, the following accidents can be distinguished, which are subject to investigation and registration in the organization:

  1. Disorders of life, provoked during the performance of work duties. These may include not only actions carried out within their competence, but also the execution of orders from higher authorities. This also includes situations of a negative nature that occurred on a business trip.
  2. Injuries arising on the way home or from home.
  3. Situations that entailed injury to health that occurred on the territory of the enterprise or organization. This paragraph takes into account the entire period that the worker spent within the institution — this includes working hours and breaks.
  4. Violations of the vital functions of the body, provoked by a case that occurred near the enterprise during hours that are considered workers. This also includes rest time. The peculiarity of this paragraph is that the organization’s management is only liable for actions that were legitimate and did not contradict the established internal rules.
  5. Injuries resulting from the performance of state tasks of special purpose. However, it is not necessary that they be in any way related to the main activity.
  6. Causing health damage as a result of fulfilling a duty to save another person’s life.
  7. Loss of performance due to the implementation of donor functions. This situation is equivalent to accidents subject to investigation and registration at the enterprise.

Grouping accidents by territoriality

What kind of accidents are subject to investigation and accounting is largely determined by the place where they occurred. It is necessary to fix the territory not only to determine the feasibility of entering this case in the register, but also to fill out a specialized act that records the loss of working capacity. According to the provisions of the Labor Code, the places where the situation is considered an accident include:

  1. The entire area of ​​the enterprise.
  2. The territory outside the institution, if this is due to the specifics of the work. For example, tasks and assignments can be attributed here, or labor that is carried out through movement.
  3. During transportation by transport provided by the organization. It does not matter where the employee delivered the car — to the place of business or home.

accidents subject to investigation and registration in the organizationGroup accidents by time

According to the rules of labor protection, accidents subject to investigation and registration can be classified depending on the time and period of occurrence of the incident. Regarding this feature, situations that have arisen are identified:

  • during working hours;
  • before or after the shift;
  • during the break;
  • during the period of overtime work;
  • during weekends or holidays.

Incidents not subject to accounting at the enterprise

There are certain factors according to which the organization’s management is not obliged to bear responsibility for what happened. Accidents in the presence of certain points are not subject to investigation and accounting.

Even if an employee was at workplace during working hours and was injured due to the production process, but his goals were not workers, but a purely personal one, this is not classified as an accident. The same applies to the use of various industrial facilities and vehicles for personal purposes.

accidents to be investigated and recorded

In violation of labor discipline, the person himself bears responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Such a factor may be sports games in the institution, the theft of raw materials or equipment.

The organization is not only not responsible for the actions of its employees who are intoxicated, but also has the right to dismiss them. The only exceptions are cases when this reaction of the body is provoked by poisoning due to the production process itself. Substances causing a similar effect are often used for industrial purposes.

If there is none of the above factors, then for all accidents that are subject to investigation and accounting at work, the organization’s management is fully responsible.It is obliged to temporarily support a disabled employee by paying him a benefit equivalent to average earnings.

Statistical Accounting Method

It is impossible to simply list the accidents to be investigated and recorded, since they are the statistics used by state institutions for social protection and labor protection. Thanks to the analysis of these situations, it is possible to judge the observance of the rules of life safety and labor protection. The specifics of the domestic market in this area is that the management and organization of work of most enterprises is the same. Thanks to this, it is possible to develop a single unified set of techniques that helps to study the causes of the occurrence of such a phenomenon as industrial injuries.

The first method is statistical. Its essence lies in the fact that it analyzes the information contained in various official sources of registration of accidents.

accidents subject to investigation and registration at the enterprise

To quantify an indicator such as injury, it is necessary to determine the magnitude of the frequency. It, in turn, is equal to the number of incidents divided by the total number of employees for the analyzed period of time. This indicator is calculated per thousand people.

To estimate the volume of losses due to lack of labor resources, it is necessary to calculate the severity coefficient. It represents the period of time that was lost due to the fact that a person is in a state of disability. This coefficient does not give a high-precision result, since it does not take into account the fact of disability or death. For this reason, for such moments, the severity index is calculated separately.

Ultimately, the above ratios, calculated by units and workshops, give a complete picture of the critical points that are the most dangerous and unfavorable. This helps to determine a further list of activities aimed at eliminating them.

Group accounting method

The essence of this method is that incidents by their nature are divided into certain groups. Investigations and accounting are subject to accidents that occurred in the established analyzed period of time. Most often, this period is one calendar year. Unification occurs by homogeneity and identity. From this it follows that certain statistics are emerging, that is, a chain of repetitions. It is the repeatability value that needs to be established. Due to this, we can identify the reasons that provoke the constancy of the occurrence of these cases. By correctly analyzing the information received, you can develop a list of necessary actions to improve working conditions. But most often the group method is used by research institutes.

Topographic Accounting Method

Thanks to this method, accidents subject to investigation and registration are clearly demonstrated. This allows the employees themselves to see the territories that pose a special threat, and to be especially careful within them, to observe safety precautions.

The essence of the topographic method lies in the fact that critical places are indicated on a special map, which indicate the incident that occurred here. With this method, as well as with the previous one, the frequency of accidents is estimated. This allows you to determine the source of the occurrence and the circumstances that led to the industrial injury. Such places are marked on the map and taken into account when developing safety regulations in a separate organization.

Monographic accounting method

This method is complex. It aims to not only identify the source of the danger, but also to eliminate the root causes of the incident.This method includes various tricks that can prevent even potential threats. The method is the most effective, as it gives the most complete picture of the organization of the labor process at the enterprise.

accidents are subject to investigation and accounting

The following methods for studying the problems of accidents are included in the integrated method:

  • analysis of technological and labor processes;
  • information about the raw materials used;
  • data on the main and auxiliary equipment;
  • information about the conditions of labor - form, workplace, work environment.

Workplace accident investigation process

To begin the investigation process, it is necessary that the injury leads to disability for a period of more than one day. The injured employee or his colleague should inform the authorities about the incident, which will begin to consider this process. The case must be opened within 24 hours after what happened.

To record the fact of an accident, it is necessary to draw up a special act. Such an act is executed in four copies, since then the copies are transferred to the trade union, management, factory committee and archive. After drawing up the act, the responsible person must as soon as possible eliminate the causes that led to the tragic incident. Acts are accumulated, and in the end, a statement of accounts is formed on their basis.

briefly investigative accidents

In the event that the emergency led to a fatal outcome, the investigation process moves to a completely different level and is carried out in a completely different order. The labor protection inspectorate and the trade union body are considering what has happened.

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