Today, in many countries, the entrepreneurship industry is developing successfully, both small firms and large organizations that offer their goods and services to consumers are being created. The range of these goods and services is so diverse that every person who wants to start a business can occupy exactly the niche that he likes. But it happens that due to an illiterate approach to doing business, many enterprises are defeated and cannot withstand competition. Sometimes a business collapses due to external factors, such as the economic or political situation within the state, instability of the sphere of activity, or due to third-party monopolistic influences. But it happens that the organization may be defeated due to the fact that the entrepreneur’s personal qualities were not adapted for the implementation of certain ideas.
For competent business management, it is worthwhile to figure out what personal qualities and character traits an individual entrepreneur must have in order to achieve success in the sale of goods and services in the modern world. Further in this article we will talk about what qualities an entrepreneur must have in order to achieve the personal goals and objectives of the enterprise.
To begin with, it is worth noting that the head of any enterprise is a person who must quickly find solutions to problems, implement the functions and tasks of his own business, and also by means of entrepreneurial activity to satisfy the interests of consumers of goods and services, while solving social problems and deriving his own material benefits. Antonio Meneghetti identifies three groups of definitions characterizing what qualities of an individual entrepreneur must constantly develop for successful business:
- Intellectual abilities.
- Personal inner traits.
- Acquired skills and experience.
For a complete understanding, you should analyze each group in detail and list all the necessary positive qualities of an entrepreneur that will help a person successfully develop internally.
After some work on himself, a person will be able to apply these qualities in business, which will contribute to success in business. To begin with, it is necessary to disassemble an intellectual group that contributes to the development of personal qualities of an individual entrepreneur.
Logical and analytical thinking
When using logical thinking, a person, based on data analysis, makes a number of certain decisions. It is necessary to analyze in detail how analytical thinking should work:
- Analysis of general information into separate parts, factors and components.
- A general look at each part and factor.
- A logical complement to the missing information.
- Preliminary solutions to problems and problems.
- Analysis of preliminary options and consideration of their consequences.
- The structure of the intended solution to the problem.
Insight and curiosity
The qualities necessary for an entrepreneur help to predict the possible final outcome of a given situation. Thanks to insight, the individual entrepreneur sees and understands the background hidden behind the visible presented phenomena and the behavior of other people. The ability to identify hidden motives helps to truly identify the motivations of human words, feelings and specific actions.
Curiosity, in turn, enables the entrepreneur to develop comprehensively, which helps him use the accumulated knowledge at the right time.
This also includes intuition - the ability to foresee a particular situation. But, unfortunately, intuitive quality is an innate ability that is given by nature, and not all people are able to predict in advance the development or outcome of situations.
The ability to quickly learn new knowledge, original thinking
These entrepreneurial qualities allow you to quickly navigate in a modern unstable world, to adapt and improve your knowledge in necessary situations. Fast processing of information is possible only with regular brain training. In this case, constant reading of books will come to the rescue. And in the presence of such a quality as original thinking, a person can violate the conservative rules for solving certain problems, which in some situations leads to significant savings in tangible and intangible benefits.
The following listed qualities of the entrepreneur belong to personal internal features.
Honesty and straightforward action
Straightforwardness and fidelity to obligations help the entrepreneur achieve his goals, adjusting his tasks as necessary to achieve the final results that were laid down during the creation of the organization.
Initiative and independence
Only independent active actions and enterprise can help in achieving the goal, and independence in decision-making and the search for rational ways to accomplish tasks will strengthen the position of the entrepreneur’s personality.
Perseverance and composure
The faithful companions in solving any problems are precisely these qualities of the entrepreneur, since only with perseverance and willpower can the business begun be brought to its logical end. The ability to control behavior and keep calm will serve as a balanced decision-making, because only with a "cold mind" can the significance of a given situation be determined.
Communication skills
Sociable people are able to make the right acquaintances that will help in running their own business. Openness to communication with other people helps not only to benefit from communication, but also to learn a lot of information necessary for work.
Observability and ability to quickly assimilate information
In passing, the observed details of something serve as the generation of one’s own ideas that can be implemented within the framework of independent business, and the quick assimilation of information helps to remember important details of a certain phenomenon or subject for a long period of time.
Leadership and self-organization
What are the key qualities of an entrepreneur? For any businessman, it is the above characteristics that are most desirable. It is very difficult for weak-minded people to run their own business, and most often projects are crumbling due to their own laziness and the softness of the leader. The ability to occupy a central position is that in an organization or enterprise the entire cycle of tasks to be performed is based on the proper regulation of formal and informal relations in a group of employees. And the principle of self-organization helps the entrepreneur to subordinate himself to the regime that will have a positive effect on doing business. Planning your own activities will help not only to keep abreast of all issues of the enterprise, but also to correctly prioritize for solving all functional problems.
Responsibility and Stamina
Thanks to these qualities, a person who runs his own business feels the need to be responsible for his actions independently. The development of this quality is closely related to the ability of analytical thinking, or rather, they complement each other.Indeed, understanding the responsibility for decisions made helps the entrepreneur to consider options for the consequences that certain actions can lead to. And such a quality as working capacity, in turn, develops discipline and increases the internal labor resource.
The third group of personal qualities of an entrepreneur includes mainly those that are only acquired in nature, and you can classify them with such a thing as skill. It is worth noting that building the business structure and approach to solving problems depends on what qualities an entrepreneur has. But for a constructive statement of the business with the final positive result, you should regularly work on the acquisition and development of the following qualities.
The ability to trust people and gain support
The ability to build a line of cooperation within the organization itself and attract outsiders, organizations or bodies to build business assistance.
The ability to gain prestige, a positive reputation and popularity. The importance of this skill lies in the fact that when other people speak about the entrepreneur, especially if it happens in a positive way, then this carries an advertising function. And when one speaks well of a person’s business or himself, this not only gives him popularity, but also interests potential buyers of goods or services.