Having a baby always entails many worries and worries. Most often they are associated with his upbringing and health. However, sometimes difficulties are of a different kind. For example, registration of a child after birth in the registry office. The documents that must be submitted in this case may differ from each other depending on the situation in which the mother and the newborn are. What you need to know in this case?
From this article you can find out the basic rules for registering a child in the registry office (documents that must be submitted within the time frame set for this, as well as other nuances of obtaining a birth certificate).
However, to begin with, let's find out why such a procedure is necessary.
Reasons for receiving the document
First of all, the registration of the child is necessary in order for him to receive his personal document, which will identify his personality for the full fourteen years (that is, before receiving the main civil document - a passport).
The second reason why it is necessary to register a child is that thanks to the received birth certificate, you will be able to apply for a care for a baby.
It is clear that without this document the child will not be able to become a full-fledged citizen of his homeland, he will not be able to access such important social guarantees and rights as registration at the place of residence, enrollment in a preschool educational institution (kindergarten), secondary education, medical insurance and much more others.
What is a children's document?
What does a birth certificate look like? First of all, it is A4 paper with specific watermarks. What information can be gleaned from this document?
First of all, of course, the full name of the child (surname, name, patronymic), also the date and place of birth and information about the parents (their name and citizenship). Optionally, you can specify the nationality of the father and mother. If paternity is not officially established, then only the mother's data is entered in the birth certificate.
From the birth certificate you can also find out the name of the state institution that issued the document and the date of this event.
In case there is no father
Such situations are no exception, therefore, discussing the issue of necessary documents for registering a child in the registry office, let's briefly touch on this topic.
If the baby does not have an official father, then his mother invents a middle name for him. She gives the child and last name (her).
If the couple is not officially registered, but the man recognizes the baby as his own, then on his personal application and in his presence, a record of the father is entered in the birth certificate of the newborn and his data is indicated. Also, a man is issued a special document confirming his paternity. For it will be necessary to pay a small state fee.
There are times when parents are officially married, but have different surnames. Then the child receives a surname of choice: father or mother, by mutual agreement of the parties and their collective application.
Who has the right to submit documents for registering the birth of a child in the registry office?
Who is privileged to register a newborn?
This question is quite acute, since it is not always the mother (who, of course, has the primary right to register her child) may be present at the receipt of the document in person.Perhaps the young parent did not quite recover from a difficult birth or the baby is restless and does not allow her to get out to a state institution.
Anyway, dad can get a birth certificate, however, for this he should have the necessary documents with him to register the birth of a child in the registry office and be able to correctly fill out the application.
Other people can register a newborn - grandfathers, grandmothers and someone else whom parents trust. However, for this it is necessary to come to a state institution with a notarized power of attorney from the mother and (or) father of the baby.
What is the best place to go?
This is also a very important and common question that worries many parents when they think about the rules for registering a child in the registry office (we will discuss the documents, deadlines and other nuances of this process a little later).
It is worth saying here that there is no specific law in which registry office it is necessary for young parents to apply. This may be a government agency located at the place of registration of the parents or at their place of residence.
And yet there is one nuance that applies to exceptional situations: if the baby was born in another country, it is recommended to contact the Russian Consulate as soon as possible.
Period of time
Before discussing the list of documents in the registry office for registering a child, let's see how soon it is necessary to get a birth certificate.
The legislation of our country regulates that it is necessary to register a newborn in the first month of his life. Otherwise, parents will face fines and other sanctions by the state.
It happens that the necessary document for registration is lost. In this case, a special request is sent to the institution where it is issued (most often it is a maternity hospital) with a request to provide a certificate a second time.
Be careful! If a child turns one year old and still does not have a personal document, it will be possible to obtain a birth certificate only through a court.
And now let's move on to the main question: what documents are needed to register a child in the registry office.
We collect paper
What documents for registering a child in the registry office must be provided to civil servants?
First of all, this, of course, is a medical certificate proving the birth of a baby (in the people it is simply called a certificate from the hospital). This is a very important paper, so try not to lose it and if possible not to spoil it.
But what if the baby was born in a private clinic or at home? In the first case, paper with a wet seal from a specialist who takes birth is suitable. In the second option, it is necessary to take a written confirmation of the birth of the baby from any witness present at the birth.
Other important documents for registration of a newborn child in the registry office are the passports of both parents and their marriage certificate (if registered). Otherwise, only a mother’s identification is required.
Also, a statement drawn up in accordance with the established model should be attached to the package of documents for registering a child in the registry office. You can see it directly at a government agency or ask government officials.
So, we examined what documents are needed to register the birth of a child in the registry office in 2017.
Unfortunately, this happens. What to do if parents divorced before the birth of the baby or immediately after his birth?
In this case, the column informing the father of the child should indicate the former spouse of the baby's mother. It is also necessary to attach a document certifying the official divorce.
How to register
In most cases, the process of issuing a birth certificate is quite quick and routine - one or both parents write an application and submit the necessary documents, after which the birth certificate of the baby is filled on the basis of these papers. This usually does not take much time.
Sometimes, at the request of young parents, a ceremonial registration of the newborn can be carried out. It represents the delivery of a birth certificate to the baby's parents in a festive atmosphere, in the presence of relatives and friends.
Refusal to issue a certificate
Having examined the issue of the necessary documents for registering a child with the registry office, let's find out if a government agency can refuse to issue a birth certificate to you. Yes maybe. However, he has only one good reason for this - the lack of a medical certificate. We repeat that in order to receive it it is necessary to issue an official request to the maternity ward, where the baby was born, or in especially severe cases, go to court.
Sometimes the certificate from the maternity hospital may be expired, because its validity is only a month from the date of issue. The actions of parents in this situation are almost similar to those described above.
What happens after registration
First of all, it should be said that the document from the medical institution where the birth took place (or other paper confirming the birth of the baby) remains in the archives of the registry office. Parents are given a birth certificate of their long-awaited child and a certificate of a certain type, according to which you can apply for a cash allowance. Most often this is form No. 24. If the father is inscribed with the words of the mother or he is not, then form No. 25 is issued.
What to do next
So, we examined what documents for registering a child in the registry office must be submitted to happy parents. In this article, we will not discuss the issue of how to receive material benefits for the care of a newborn. Let's find out in more detail what opportunities a document proving his birth opens before you and your baby.
First of all, you can register your baby at the place of residence, that is, register. You can also take out insurance on him, register a newborn in a preschool, and the like.
We will analyze all the details.
How to prescribe a baby
In order to register a newborn at the place of registration of the father or mother, you must contact the passport and visa service and provide the following package of documents:
- Baby's birth certificate.
- The application of the parent for whose living space the child is registered.
- The statement of the second parent, in which he expresses his consent to the registration of the baby.
- The certificate issued by the passport office at the place of registration of the second parent. The essence of the document is to prove that the newborn is not registered at the place of registration of the other parent.
- Passports of father and mother, as well as a certificate of marriage.
It is noteworthy that permission to register a child from other residents of the apartment or house (and even the owners of real estate) is not required. The kid has the right to be registered at the place of registration of any parent, despite the fact that other adults agree with this state of affairs or not.
Usually this procedure takes about seven days. At will, parents can be issued with a document confirming the registration of the newborn at one or another address.
Obligatory medical insurance
In order to get a policy, you should contact any insurance company that your parents trust and take the following documents with you:
- Passport of any parent.
- Child's document (birth certificate).
You can get insurance very quickly. Usually one day is enough for this.
Health insurance is crucial. However, remember that medical care should be provided to your baby for free until he is six months old.
Citizenship and its obtaining
This is a very important topic. Let's briefly discuss where you need to apply and what documents to bring with you to get your child Russian citizenship.
To do this, parents must come to the FMS department, located in the district where the child is registered, and provide employees of state institutions with the birth certificate of the baby, as well as passports of both parents. Based on these documents, a stamp showing the citizenship of the newborn will be put on the birth certificate.Usually the procedure takes only a few minutes, less often a couple of hours.
As you can see, the registration of the child in the registry office is an important and obligatory matter, which must be done by the parents of the baby during the first month of his life.
Above, we familiarized ourselves with the documents necessary for registering a child in the registry office. As it turned out, the most basic is a certificate from the hospital (or any other officially proven evidence that the child was born). This certificate must be carefully preserved and stored.
After the baby is given his first identity document, the paper issued by the medical institution remains in the archives of the registry office. A birth certificate is issued in return.
The article indicated what information this document is filling out. Therefore, before you pick it up, carefully read the recorded information. Maybe something is transferred wrong and will need to be fixed.
Also from this article we learned who can contact the registry office in order to register a newborn. Often the applicants in this case are both or one parent. Sometimes this obligation is entrusted to grandparents or any other adult who has a notarized power of attorney.
The article also examined in detail the questions of what documents are needed if the parents are divorced, if they are married or if the woman is a single mother. Each of these cases is individual, therefore it requires a separate approach in providing certain documents and filling out a birth certificate.
Thanks to the registration of a newborn, your baby will be able to have all the rights and privileges of a Russian citizen: he can be provided with a residence permit, a place in a kindergarten and school, medical insurance and so on.
Therefore, be careful when receiving any documents for your child and try not to lose them.