
Assignment of a state disability pension

At present, in accordance with the Federal Law, a state disability pension is being granted, labor or social, due to obtaining official disability status. Persons working in the civil service most often claim precisely state pension.

Disability pension for state pension provision

Who should?

The state disability pension is established for persons who are able to prove their belonging to the list of categories declared by the current legal regulations of the state. In total, there are five classes of citizens entitled to receive state payments. First of all, those who took part in the Great Patriotic War and lived in besieged Leningrad deserve attention. You can count on the support of the authorities in the event that the status of a disabled person is acquired by a person who suffered during a man-made accident. Special conditions are provided to military personnel, astronauts. In order to receive the required funds, it is necessary to first obtain the status of a disabled person, about which official documentation is drawn up indicating the reasons that became the rationale for assigning the provision.

If a citizen meets the above conditions, the state disability pension is awarded on the basis of writing an application in the established manner.

War and Peace

The first two categories mentioned, closely related to each other, include a fairly large group of individuals. A state disability pension is provided for servicemen who participated in the Great Patriotic War, veterans, and persons for whom a dismissal was issued. Equally, the executives, ordinary, have the right to payments. If a person took part in activity as a partisan, an underground activist, while his actions were aimed at protecting his native country from aggression, one should also apply for payments from the state - disabled veterans who have such merits in the past have the right declared by law to receive financial support.

The conditions for granting a state disability pension include reckoning a potential pensioner as intelligence, counterintelligence during the Second World War. If a citizen participated in special missions, he is also given the right to receive regular help. Equally equally, those who were temporarily part of existing entities, having been assigned to any organization or institution, can count on retirement. This means that the receipt of payments is due not only to those who directly in the hands of the front held weapons in their hands, but also to many people who made victory possible. This applies to all citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad, being in this village.

The size of the state disability pension

There are limitations

An insurance and state disability pension is not allowed if a person has received the status of a disabled person because of intentional harm to his health. State support is not required if injuries or damage to health are caused by the criminal activity of a particular person. In such a situation, it makes sense to expect only social benefits. In all other cases, the reason for obtaining the status of a disabled person does not play a role, if a person belongs to the participants of the Second World War, residents of Leningrad during the blockade are paid state benefits.

Defending the Fatherland

The laws provide for a disability pension for state pension provision for persons who become disabled while in military service. Such citizens are entitled to regular budget payments.Equally, the condition covers soldiers, officers, applies to the sailors. The reason for being classified as disabled (injury) can be obtained in the process of serving, while the real effect was noticed only later, therefore, the status of the disabled person was assigned belatedly. Contusions, some types of pathologies can lead to this. If the situation is this way, you should apply for state pension - it is provided for by laws.

The disability pension for state pension provision with social programs is granted to numerous categories of military units - the Armed Forces, border troops, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Equally, the rules apply to conscripts and contractors: they all have a pension. The list of troops includes the state security of the federal level, civil defense, the police, working with tax security and the rule of law.

Accidents and Health

A state disability pension is granted if a person was injured in an accident due to a man-made cause. The most striking example from domestic history is the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which has caused a huge number of people to become disabled. In order to have access to the social program financed by the budget, it is necessary to have documentation confirming the status of a disabled person obtained due to an accident at a nuclear power plant, a man-made disaster, and seniority. Its duration is unlimited, it can be just one day.

When fulfilling these conditions, a person has the right to write a statement, applying for a state, social disability pension. The document is sent to the responsible authority, following the results of its consideration, the applicant is formulated an official response. In case of refusal, the state institution is obliged to substantiate its decision.

State social disability pension

I would be in heaven!

The state social disability pension is granted to persons who at some point were former astronauts. The social policy of the state is organized in such a way that the rights of these people are protected by a special order. An astronaut may receive disability due to a mutilation acquired during preparatory activities before the flight. You can get injured during the flight. In any of these options, the laws provide financial support for a citizen. The duration of participation in the flight program does not play a role. In the presence of the above conditions, a person receives help in any case, even if his participation was reduced to only one day.

Two birds with one stone: guaranteed by law

A disability pension for state civil servants cannot be granted at the same time as payments due to reaching retirement age. But the astronauts, the military and some of the previously mentioned categories of citizens, the amount in question is regularly paid in parallel with the transfer of financial resources in accordance with the achievement of retirement age.

Such rules have a number of limitations. In particular, for astronauts they are valid subject to general conditions. Of the number of servicemen, those who were injured in battle can count on double pay, and this is precisely what caused the status of a disabled person. At the same time, two pensions are awarded to persons covered by the Federal Law on war veterans. Holders of the sign of a resident of Leningrad during the blockade of a settlement by enemy troops can rely on double budget support if a person received the status of a disabled person in accordance with the established procedure.

What to count on?

The size of the state disability pension is determined by several significant aspects. Much depends on the social benefits approved by the Fed for the current year. The exception is astronauts, paid by which funds are not determined by this value. There is no fixed value that applies to the entire period a person receives state payments. Typically, values ​​are changed annually.Amounts are indexed for inflation and other important financial aspects.

The largest amounts are currently allocated to persons who took part in hostilities, which caused injuries and injuries. If, according to the results of the commission, a third group is assigned to a person, then they will pay a triple amount relative to social benefits. Somewhat less will be allocated to those whose disability is due to the disease. In the third group, 2.5 social benefits are paid. The first group from among the military can count on one and a half social payments.

To whom and how?

The size of the state disability pension for people who received this status due to a man-made accident or catastrophic event was increased 2.5 times if the commission included citizens in the first or second group. When assigning a third, the value will be greater, although the exact values ​​cannot be called. In each case, the decision is made individually, taking into account the features of the situation. The maximum level is 2.5 times relative to social benefits, the minimum is 1.25, that is, only a quarter more than the standard generally accepted payments.

Disability Pension for Civil Servants

Persons who participated in the Second World War can rely on a state disability pension at a slightly higher rate than residents of Leningrad during the period when the settlement was besieged by enemy military units. If the participants in the war are ranked in the first group of disabilities, their payment is 2.5 the size of the standard social allowance, and for the blockade - only twice as much as the usual amounts payable.

About space

For this category of disabled people, state disability pensions are regulated in a special manner. The base amount for calculating the amount payable is the person’s salary. If a citizen according to the results of the commission was assigned to the first, second group, then 85% will be paid relative to the established TD amount. In the third group, you will have to pay half of the salary declared by the agreement.

Current legislation provides for the accrual of amounts from the budget for all family members who are officially recognized as disabled. All these values ​​are taken into account when the responsible state institutions calculate how much you need to pay in the current month. In most cases, you can only count on 1,500 rubles a month.

How and when

According to the current rules, the state disability pension is transferred to those who issued such a financial preference on a monthly basis at the beginning of this period. The citizen has the right to choose the form of receipt independently. Most often they use postal services, banking. You can resort to the service of organizations delivering pension accruals to individuals. If mail is selected, funds will be sent monthly to the local office. You can arrange courier delivery to the address of the citizen. In banking operations, all amounts are credited to a card in the name of a private person.

There are several organizations in our country whose main area of ​​service is pension delivery. A complete list of operating legal entities for each locality can be found in the local PFRF branch. Having decided in favor of such an option, this must first be officially reported by writing a written statement to the PFRF.

State disability pensions are regulated

How to get?

Making a state disability pension is relatively simple. In recent years, the functions of receiving applications from interested parties have been assigned to the MFCs, which are open in all relatively large settlements. If there is no opportunity to visit such an institution, you can take advantage of the capabilities of the nearest PFRF branch. Documents are sent, having come to the office in person, through mail, in electronic form when creating an individual account on the PFR website.If you have a legal representative, if you have a power of attorney, you can use the services of that person to send documentation to the responsible authorities.

In order for a disability pension to be granted to civil servants, astronauts, military personnel and other categories with such rights, it will be necessary to provide the responsible officials with a full package of documentation declared by applicable law for consideration. The specific list depends on the individual characteristics of the case.

And if in more detail?

Normally, the applicant is obliged to provide identification documents (passport), a personally submitted application for state payments, as well as documents from which he is classified as disabled with an indication of the group assigned by the commission. Such official papers contain a mention, on the basis of what reason the status of a disabled person was chosen, in which category of recipients of financial payments a citizen belongs.

In order to receive the powers of the materiel that were laid down by the authorities, the military must submit a military ID for consideration. If the recognition of the status of a disabled person is based on injuries, damage to health resulting from a man-made disaster, a certificate proving this fact should be attached.

Case features

In some cases, even at the stage of issuing a special certificate, they can recognize a person as disabled for life. In this situation, you can rely on payments until death. Limited disability is also possible, that is, damage in which there is a likelihood of a recovery in health over time. In such a situation, a certificate, along with it - state pension, is issued at the time that the corresponding status is maintained. As soon as a citizen recovers, all the preferences and help related to the previous restrictions are a thing of the past.

State Disability Pension Act

If a citizen has received a disability certificate and belongs to the category of persons entitled to state pension, in his right to submit to the MFC a set of documents not only for himself, but also for other family members, if they are also disabled. This saves time and effort on bureaucratic procedures.

Disabled person: general understanding

The current legislation obliges to understand as disabled people such a category of citizens who are faced with persistent functional organic disorders. Those can be provoked by pathologies, defects, injuries. The main general condition for being classified as disabled is the presence of organic causes of disability. Disabled persons - persons in need of additional social protection. Regarding restrictions, it is customary to single out the loss of ability, ability to serve oneself, move, orient oneself, interact with society, keep control of oneself, work, study. Such a loss can be partial, in more severe cases - complete.

WHO defines persons with disabilities as individuals with structural disabilities, the identification of which requires the use of medical equipment. In some cases, disability is given to those whose violations can be seen with the naked eye. The general condition for being classified as disabled is the presence of violations that provoke the imperfection (up to their complete loss) of the skills that a person needs for normal everyday functioning. Health disorders observed during disability make it difficult to social adaptation, socialization.

Question specifics

Limitation of human capabilities leads to functional difficulties. These can be triggered by diseases, general health. The external environment is often not adapted to the needs of such persons, which causes additional problems in everyday life. Many face prejudice, reprehensible, unfair attitude of others.To minimize restrictions, a state program of social assistance and protection for persons with disabilities was introduced for various reasons.

Social protection is currently a complex structured system of guarantees related to the economic, legal, social aspects of human life. A disabled person, taking advantage of the capabilities of such a program, more easily overcomes the difficulties that he is forced to face in everyday life. The restrictions accompanying the days of such a person are compensated to some extent through the social program, the purpose of which is to create the most suitable conditions in which citizens can feel equal with other healthy individuals. Through social protection, a disabled person has the opportunity to take an active part in social life and realize himself.

Conditions for granting a state disability pension

New trends

State policy, social transformations, the activity of specialists in various sciences, including social, educational activities of various institutions that have set themselves the goal of improving the situation of people with disabilities in human society - all these points have become the basis for the gradual improvement of society. Currently, the word “disabled person” has practically disappeared from use, as it has become more a label with a negative coloration than an independent, fair term that describes the state of human health. Instead, it is customary to apply softer, correct formulations.

Within our country, there was also an opinion regarding the inferiority of people with disabilities as members of the community, although in general the word does not bear such a pronounced negative emotional load as in some other languages. Nevertheless, the latest trends in linguistic progress show that civilized society seeks to get away from this word, instead using more convenient formulations that do not carry an emotional charge.

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