
Focus on results - what is it?

A person who sets himself tasks, in addition to implementing plans, has another advantage - he does not live life in vain. But it’s not enough just to designate a particular goal. In the process of working on it, it is necessary to remember the concentration on the end of this work.

Reach your goal

Definition of a concept

Focus on results is a person’s ability to adhere to the set goal, despite any external circumstances. There is another definition of this term: this is the ability to fully mobilize one’s activity in order to achieve the desired outcome. Sometimes focus is called the full concentration of a person’s attention on work aimed at achieving a designated result.


Anyone who constantly remembers the desired outcome will complete the task faster than randomly rushing from one case to another. Focusing on results has many advantages. A person who does not just reflect on the achievement of a certain abstract dream, but sets himself concrete and measurable tasks, enjoys the following benefits:

  1. Concentration. High concentration allows you to clearly imagine what you want, and this helps to increase productivity. Also, focus allows you to find mental peace.
  2. Directivity. One who is aimed at achieving a certain result, feels the movement to the intended long before the first fruits of his activity will be visible. For example, if a person begins to play sports in order to find a slim figure, then the first results will be visible long before he takes on the necessary forms. And this will give him a sense of directional movement towards his dream.
  3. A sense of urgency. This feeling occurs if a person works purposefully and at a pace. Sometimes it happens that in the morning work is argued, a person is not distracted by unnecessary trifles, does not rush about, as if mad, in attempts to catch everything. A correctly formulated task allows you to recharge your batteries and complete the necessary work on time.

Working for the sake of the process is the opposite of focusing on results. A person for whom it is more important not the final result, but the path to it, behaves accordingly. If this is a sales manager, then he communicates with customers for the sake of the process of communication, and not for the sake of work. Another example: a student who creates a presentation only for beauty, and not for the sake of content.

Obstacles to achieving goals

Ability to resist obstacles

Focusing on results is also the ability to repulse current difficulties. Indeed, in the process of working on a task, a person constantly has to face obstacles that impede his forward movement. In order to make a dream a reality, you need to constantly find motivation for yourself, maintain strength of mind, be bold and decisive. After all, no one guarantees a hassle-free result.

Perseverance and achieving goals

Here, a personality trait such as perseverance helps, that is, strong-willed quality that allows you to achieve the desired results, following the decision. Perseverance allows you to work even with a complete lack of motivation in a person. This path can be long and thorny, and the tasks are overwhelmingly great; however, when the desire to move on disappears, these personality traits allow maintaining concentration on the task at hand.

No matter how strong-willed a person may be, he can always become a little more persistent. For this, it is necessary not only to correctly identify the task, but also to properly organize your work.It should be performed by different methods and not cause exhaustion. For the development of perseverance, and therefore focus, it is also useful to choose a model for yourself, an example to follow. These can be people who managed to overcome obstacles and achieve what they want: scientists, athletes, politicians, musicians.

time management in work on goals

The Importance of Time Management

An equally significant indicator of focus on the result is the ability to methodically follow the task. Indeed, to achieve success, you must practically weave work on the goal into your daily schedule. Many people dream of a better life, but do not take a step towards change. However, if you set the task to earn the first million, then divide it into several private sub-goals, then the chances of success will be much higher.

Task planning and focus

Without the ability to manage time, it is difficult to constantly maintain a focus on results. In work and in the implementation of personal plans, time management is the tool that allows you to succeed. To be able to correctly plan the time to work on a task is a real art. However, it is precisely their mastery that ultimately allows one to achieve what is desired. Psychologists believe that for the best focus on the desired result, you need to plan the day in advance. After all, when a person thinks and writes down the actions that he needs to perform the next day, he does it calmly and without haste. This means that such planning will be more effective.

Correct goal setting

Correct statement of intent

In order to maximize focus on the result, it is necessary to accurately indicate what is desired. It is impossible to hit a target that is not visible. Therefore, they say that a correctly designated task provides half the success.

Also, for the formation of a true goal, it is necessary to realize the desires that are behind the desire to achieve the goal. After all, the greater the person’s need, the more strong will be his desire to strive forward. Motivation is that "fuel", using which, you can achieve the result. For example, a girl wants to lose weight in order to please a pretty young man. The son wants to quit smoking so as not to upset his elderly mother. A woman wants to open a business to provide children with better opportunities. Remembering his true desires, a person can constantly maintain a focus on future results at a sufficiently high level.

focus on results

Responsibility role

Another quality of personality with which the focus on results is directly related is responsibility. Typically, this concept in dictionaries is interpreted as an obligation of a person to report to his superior about his actions. There is also such a definition: responsibility is a special sphere of influence in which a person can influence people around her and the environment. That responsibility is the tool that allows for a long time to maintain a focus on results. Competencies, time management skills, ability to prioritize - all this is also important.

However, if a person does not realize the significance of his influence on the world around him and the causal relationship that exists between his actions and the final result of his work, he will not be able to properly concentrate on this very result. Everyone can notice that infantile and irresponsible people rarely achieve their goals. The main reason is that they do not retain the focus of attention on the task, because they do not see a direct connection between their own actions and changes in their sphere of influence. Thus, responsibility for the result is a fundamental component of long-term concentration at work and, ultimately, the implementation of the plan.

Keeping a diary and focus on results

Activity research

Constant analysis of actions allows you to maintain focus on the result. Personal development and work, study and sports - in almost all areas it is necessary to record the actions taken in order to get decent fruits of work. The best tool for this is a personal diary. With its help, you can constantly notice your successes and mistakes, see what specific knowledge is still lacking, and which we have already learned to use. Records - this is a real experience, allowing you to plan a further strategy of action or the next day, concentrate on the goal. The focus on results can be significantly increased if you regularly analyze your activities with the help of a diary.

Maintain a focus on results

Merciless statistics show that as much as 40% of success depends on how well a person evaluates his actions and decisions made. It turns out that the analysis of activity is almost half the battle in achieving success. From such a simple action as keeping a diary, the likelihood of implementing plans conceived increases almost twofold. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in the diary the information appears in a fixed form, and this increases the focus on results by an order of magnitude.

Everyone can dream of a better future for themselves, set themselves certain tasks. They can be associated with a variety of aspects of life: work, family, health, hobbies or sports. Focus on high results allows you to realize these dreams, change your life and become happier. Tasks charge a person with enthusiasm, and the implementation of the plan makes his life more meaningful.

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