Tax deductions in Russia are of interest to many citizens. Almost everyone can get them, but only after certain conditions are met. Next, we have to get acquainted with such a concept as a tax deduction when buying a house with a plot. How to make it? Who can do this? What documents are useful for the implementation of ideas? Where exactly is the deduction drawn up when purchasing a plot with a house? How much can be returned in this situation? Only by answering all these questions can a citizen be able to confidently say that he is knowledgeable in the topic being studied.
Deduction determination
What process are we talking about? A tax type deduction is a procedure for processing a refund of a portion of money for expenses incurred by the state. In simple words, a person can return part of the funds for certain expenses.
The deduction when buying a house with a plot is a refund for the sale of the corresponding property. But there is no such concept in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Instead, there is the term property deduction. It is he who will have to draw up when buying land (or its share) with the house. And without it as well.
Who is eligible for a refund for the transaction under study? What are the conditions for obtaining a tax deduction when buying land and a house? You must meet several criteria. The bulk of the population has no problems in this area.
Can receive a deduction:
- organizations paying income tax of 13%;
- adult working population withholding personal income tax;
- residents of the country receiving official income taxed 13%.
In other words, if a person has work, and also he made a purchase of land with a house, he may demand a part of the money from the state for the transaction. This is a normal phenomenon that is actively used by the population.
Deduction amount
And how much is the tax deduction for buying a house with a plot? According to the law, the amount of return cannot exceed 13% of the expenses incurred by the citizen. But this is not the only limitation. There are other features.
The thing is that the total amount of deduction for land and house cannot exceed:
- 260 thousand rubles - if the property is acquired immediately;
- 390 thousand - when registering a mortgage agreement (deduction of% mortgage is included here).
For a lifetime, a person can return only these amounts in the form of property deductions. Once the established limits are exhausted, the right to issue a refund for a transaction is lost forever.
How to return the tax when buying a house with a land plot? It must be remembered that a citizen can exercise his right at any time after the appearance of grounds for deduction. But here there are limitations.
For example, do not forget about the so-called limitation period of treatment. If more than 36 months have passed since the transaction, you won’t be able to request a refund for the operation. A tax deduction can be made in the future, but for another transaction.
Return Authorities
Which authorities provide tax deductions? In our case, you can independently decide where to turn for help.
According to the established rules in the country, deductions are made out:
- in tax services;
- in multifunctional centers;
- through the public services portal.
Recent changes in the tax sphere have led citizens to demand a deduction from employers. But not when buying houses and land.You can only contact your employer if you receive standard or social deductions.
How to get a tax deduction when buying a land plot? And at home? In this case, you need to adhere to the same algorithm of actions. In fact, making a refund does not require special knowledge and skills. This procedure takes a lot of time, but most of it is spent on checking documents.
How is a property type deduction made? The following algorithm of actions is required:
- Make a purchase of the plot and the house. Be sure to draw up documents of ownership of the property. Without them, the realization of ideas in life will be impossible.
- Write an application for a property deduction. Attach to it a specific document package. A full list of requested papers will be presented later.
- Submit an application for consideration to one of the bodies that verify the securities and decide on the issue of the deduction.
Now it remains only to wait. Usually checking papers takes about 3 months. After the Federal Tax Service will verify the authenticity of the documents submitted, a decision will be made on the issue of money. The answer will come to the applicant by mail.
It is clear who can receive a tax deduction when buying a house with a plot. In addition to the previously mentioned limitations, there are a few more nuances. Sometimes even a citizen who works and transfers personal income tax may not receive a deduction for the purchase of property.
When is this possible? If a:
- money received from the employer or a third party (the applicant is not a payer);
- when acquiring property, state subsidies were used;
- the purchase of a house or land took place with the participation of maternal capital.
In other words, the applicant must fully pay for the new property. Only in this case is he entitled to a refund of 13% of the costs incurred for the transaction.
Binding papers
The tax deduction for the purchase of housing is made out only after the submission of a certain package of securities. A citizen should pay due attention to him. Otherwise, the operation will be denied.
The exact list of documents depends on the type of transaction. In the case of a mortgage, you need to bring one package of papers to the tax, if the house and the plot are paid immediately, another. But there is a mandatory list attached under certain circumstances.
Regardless of the method of acquisition, the tax deduction when buying a house with a plot requires the applicant:
- title certificates for land and home;
- cadastral passport of real estate (you need to prove that there is a house on the site);
- applicant's passport;
- TIN (if available);
- military ID (for the male population);
- statement;
- checks, statements, receipts that can indicate the payment of bills by the applicant;
- details for the transfer of money (they are prescribed in the application);
- tax return;
- income statements (usually understood as 2-personal income tax form, which is taken from the accounting department of the employer).
Further, everything will depend on the method of purchasing the property. For example, if we are talking about full payment for real estate, a tax deduction when buying a house with a plot will require a contract of sale. It is attached to previously listed securities.
In the case of a mortgage, you will have to try to return part of the money for the operation. How to get a tax deduction when buying a house with a plot? It is required to report to the main list of securities:
- an agreement;
- mortgage agreement;
- debt repayment schedule.
Conscientious buyers usually do not have any problems with obtaining these documents. It is necessary to attach their originals and copies. Notarization does not need anything.
If we are talking about shared ownership or the acquisition of property in marriage, a citizen may be required to enter into a marriage certificate. Experts recommend immediately preparing a copy of this paper and taking it with you.
Can refuse
The tax deduction is not always provided to the population. Can the FTS deny deduction for house and land? Yes, but such cases are not too common. If the tax authorities refuse to refund the tax, the applicant must be notified in writing. In addition, the notification should indicate the reason for the deduction is not provided.
The most common situations are:
- an incomplete list of documents for deduction is presented;
- no evidence of ownership of property;
- real estate was purchased using maternity capital or government subsidies;
- the transaction was not paid by the applicant, but by another person.
If you can correct the error, the operation takes 30 days. During this time, the citizen must convey the missing documents, so as not to apply for deduction from the very beginning.
With a positive response to the deduction request, the person can only wait for the transfer of funds for the payments indicated in the application. Usually this procedure takes about 1.5 months. An instant transfer of funds is not worth the wait.
The calculation of the tax deduction for a house and land is best done using special online calculators. With their help, you can accurately find out how much money will be able to return after the purchase of property.
Important: the taxpayer cannot return in the form of a deduction more than he paid taxes in a given period.
Now it’s clear how to get a tax deduction when buying a land plot with a house. This is a fairly simple operation that requires prior thorough preparation.
Another nuance: in order to make a deduction for a house on a land plot, the property must be built on the land allocated for private housing construction. There is no refund for the purchase of land and houses in garden communities. This fact should be considered by every citizen before applying to the Federal Tax Service. Following all the above instructions, you can apply for a tax deduction without much difficulty.