
A boss is a leader who makes important decisions.

“The boss is always right - that’s why he is the boss” - this opinion has long been discredited. Bosses are very often mistaken, because there are organizations where work goes on without hesitation, there is no turnover, and workers go with great desire to the company and, if necessary, can stay overtime. And when the leader is a tyrant and behaves despotic towards his colleagues, many do not withstand such pressure and run away at the first opportunity.


the boss is

A boss is an official who makes very important decisions and is responsible for them. He has certain obligations and power, has the right to give orders, to verify their implementation. Employees must obey him implicitly. It doesn’t matter how many subordinates he has in his staff - a thousand or one, he bears the same responsibility. If you are alone in the company, then it is obvious that you are your own boss - a leader, but not a subordinate.

Who is the boss?

There are good bosses and not obedient subordinates, and it happens the other way around. If your company has a smart leader and an adequate subordinate, then this is an ideal tandem and the company will only flourish. The boss is, first of all, a leader who is able to direct energy and subordinates in the right direction. He is able to get his employees to do the job with maximum dedication and impeccability. In order to remain in such a position longer, one should not only honestly and diligently fulfill one’s duties, but also be an authority for their employees and be able to effectively organize work and resolve conflicts that will arise one way or another.

Head of Department

5 tips for the head of department

I would like to share five important things that should be understood by a specialist who suddenly took office - the head of the department.

1. Do not value your place. At first, it may seem like great luck that you were made a leader. Good luck, which equates to a lottery, for which you need to hold on with all your might. But this is an erroneous opinion, since your contribution to the cause is valuable while you are in a position. Clinging and holding on tightly to a place promising benefits will have devastating consequences for your future career. And if the time comes when you will be asked to resign, you should not be upset if you are sure that you did everything right. If you are a standing specialist, you will certainly find a new job and you will certainly not be lost.

2. Follow the rule: "Say how to do, but not do." When you lead a department, you are very responsible for its effectiveness. But it will be a huge mistake to regularly ensure this effectiveness with your personal efforts and efforts. For example, the head of the transport department will not personally deliver customers to the bottling, directly to the fitting. He will make sure that the drivers Larionov and Vasiliev do not forget about their work.

3. It is important to remember that humans are not robots. Employees show different disabilities on different days, they are sick, quarreling, lazy, ruining the project and not getting enough sleep. But this is understandable, they are all living people and there are nuances with which you have to work and put up. It is the boss who needs to deal with personal problems of employees, give or not give someone a day off, scold or not scold someone for absenteeism or jambs, to deal with claims, bonuses and bonuses. And do not expect that people, like wound up robots, will be doing routine work for eight hours without respite.You need to find out in advance how such organizational and work processes in the company are solved in order to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant conversations.

4. Remember that you need to record, count and store everything. Your boss will be interested to know how things are going in his company. Your memory during your work in such a high position will undergo severe trials, even if you think that it has never failed you before. Now the head of the department should have time for recording and storing important facts. A verbal agreement is not valid, even if you agreed with someone on a word about something, you nevertheless send a clear indication to the employee’s mail in order to avoid further misunderstandings. After all, sooner or later you may be required to report, and so you will always be formally savvy.

5. Do not try to hit, but hit. It is very important not to dream of becoming a good boss, but to be one. Since no one will be interested in what you wanted to do, what you planned for sleepless nights, what book you read and what trainings you attended, the main result. As long as you have not really shown the success of your department, working on yourself will not matter. Your main task in the workplace is to make a solid decision.

who is the boss

Very often, leaders make a series of fatal mistakes, for which they then have to pay.

7 typical mistakes of a young boss

  1. Failure to fulfill one’s obligations.
  2. Waiting strategy.
  3. Management incompetence.
  4. Laying all responsibility on yourself.
  5. Penalties and global control.
  6. No career growth and prospects.
  7. Chaos in the work of the company.

chief manager

Strengths and weaknesses of the leader

In conclusion, I want to say that the boss is also a living person who is prone to mistakes and managerial experience does not appear immediately. Much can be forgiven him, but the main thing to remember: he leads people, which means that they have the right to count on a good attitude towards them. If the boss does not understand this, then sooner or later he will work surrounded by callous and soulless people with whom he will not do anything sensible.

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