Can I have sex at 16? There are several opinions on this subject. Caring parents and the older generation, for whose representatives it was a shame to have sex before the wedding, of course, try to keep teenagers from an early sexual experience with all their might. Terrible stories about sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy, and even bullying are used. But statistics claim that by the age of 14, every tenth child loses her virginity. Therefore, the issue of sexual life in adolescence should be considered in more detail.
What is age of consent?
Can I have sex at 16 years old by law? In criminal law, there is such a thing as the “age of consent”, that is, the age from which a person is considered capable of giving informed consent to have sex with another person. In most countries, the age of consent is between 14 and 16 years, but this concept may not be available in the legislation at all or may reach 20 years.
In Russia, the age of sexual consent is 16 years, that is, from that moment on, a person can legally enter into sexual relations. Voluntary relations between persons under the age of majority are not punishable. Interestingly, in Yemen, for example, the age of consent is only 9 years, in Mexico, the Philippines and Angola - 12 years, in Italy, Germany, China, Hungary, Brazil - 14 years, in Egypt, Iraq, Malta, Turkey is 18 years old.
First time: when?
Already at the age of 13, a child has a concept of what sex is. Some girls begin to have sexual intercourse with older boys already at this age, but the guys are liberated a little later - at the age of 15. But neither 13 nor 15 is the right age for the first sexual contact.
There are several well-founded explanations for this. The female body in theory is already ready to bear a child, but this does not mean that the girl is ready for sexual activity. Full maturation of the body occurs on average at 18 years. But too late to lose virginity is not worth it. About 25 years of the pleura from a thin septum turns into a fairly dense tissue, so the process of its rupture will be quite complicated and painful. Attention should be paid to the psychological maturation of both partners. Unpleasant consequences can only be avoided if each partner is ready for sexual intercourse.
Can I have sex at 16? Theoretically and legally it is possible, but in practice, many girls postpone the first sexual experience to a more mature age. In fact, there are no clear criteria and boundaries. The first sex should happen when both partners are ready for it, informed about the possible risks and contraception. Important personal desire of a girl and confidence in feelings for a young man. You need to try to honestly answer yourself the question of whether this is the person with whom I would like to experience the first sexual experience. If the answer is yes, then you can go to the next paragraph.
How to prepare for the first sex?
Can I have sex at 16? Yes, if both partners are ready for this, they understand all the dangers and risks associated with early sex life, trust each other and are able to hear and understand each other. Few young people in anticipation of such an important event as the first sexual experience seek advice from their parents, but in vain.Listening to friends and acquaintances of the same age is not worth it, because everyone has different experience, knowledge and characteristics of relationships.
Girls who are very nervous about whether you can have sex at age 16 should recommend postponing the first experience for another time. With minor doubts, you can prepare for your first sex: read special literature, find out what a missionary posture looks like - the best option for deprivation of virginity, take care of hair removal and beautiful lingerie. You can drink a glass of wine, but no more.
The most common fear
Almost every girl before the first intimacy is worried about the pain of penetration. Here a lot depends on the behavior of the girl herself and her partner, as well as on physiological characteristics. The pain at rupture of the hymen can be very slight, and it can be tolerated if the first sexual intercourse is performed with a loved one. It is advisable to acquire lubrication so that the penetration of the penis is easier and more pleasant, also it is not necessary to squeeze the muscles of the vagina, because for a painless intercourse the girl should be relaxed.
The loss of blood during the first sexual contact is a completely optional phenomenon. There may not be blood at all, and if it does, it will not cause any unpleasant sensations or discomfort. It often happens that such discharge may appear during the second sexual intercourse. It is advisable to take a break between the first and second time in three to five days, so that all breaks in the vagina heal.
Can I get pregnant
Can I have sex at 16? A lot of pros and cons can be cited, but one of the most common fears of both the girl and the young man is the fear of an unplanned pregnancy. In adolescence, this can turn into a real tragedy. The first time - this is not an obstacle to successful fertilization, so be sure to make sure that sex is "protected".
A condom provides approximately 85% protection against unwanted pregnancy, birth control pills provide up to 99%, and interrupted sexual intercourse provides only 60% protection. Moreover, only a condom as a means of barrier contraception protects partners also from STDs. If a couple chooses oral contraceptives, that is, tablets, you need to know that only a gynecologist should prescribe them.
Is it possible to have sex at 16 years with menstruation? On critical days, intercourse will reduce soreness and possibly shorten the duration of menstruation. But at the same time, the likelihood of transmission from one partner to another increases. It is important that menstruation does not protect against pregnancy. In addition, you should not make love with heavy periods or pain in the lower abdomen. Intimacy during critical days also requires more careful observance of personal hygiene.
The dangers of teenage sex
Many young people are not sufficiently aware of all the dangers of teenage sex. This is not only an unwanted pregnancy with all its consequences. Sexually transmitted diseases are possible, especially if one of the partners already had sexual experience and did not bother with taking care of contraception. Early sexual experience, if partners are not psychologically prepared for it, can cause further fear of relationships and the opposite sex, dissatisfaction with sex and other psychological problems.