
Is it possible to sell energy to minors and is it legal?

The rapid pace of life accelerates to such an extent that the to-do list is increasing, but the maximum amount of time in a day is not. An outlet for many citizens will be the purchase of a tonic drink. However, if a person forgot his passport at home, the question arises: is it possible to sell energy to minors?

Selling: why difficulties?

Energy drinks are the fastest growing beverage segment in the world. Different people in all parts of the world can enjoy them. For some, they serve as a morning drink instead of coffee, for others - just another sparkling water that you can enjoy at your leisure. Consumers are constantly demanding new, exciting flavors.

However, leading manufacturers of power engineers do not recommend drinking the drink to children, pregnant women or people who are sensitive to caffeine and have problems with pressure. This information is voluntarily included in the label along with the composition. But why?

Energy in one bank

First you need to understand the types of energy, which differ in the percentage of caffeine and taurine. Currently there are:

  • Alcoholic
  • Non-alcoholic with a high rate of coffee (more than 0.151 mg / cc).
  • Alcohol-free with a low percentage of caffeine.

And if the first two points immediately negatively answer the question of whether it is possible to sell energy to minors, then in the latter case a more in-depth study is required, since it involves many aspects.

Medical view: what is contained and how does it affect?

The caffeine content in the drink has long been no secret to consumers, since manufacturers have never hidden the composition. If for scientific purposes coffee is used not only for ingestion, then it has an effect on animals and people as one of the psychotropic substances. Coffee is aimed at stimulating the nervous system, which allows you to sleep less and use your own working capacity or activity.

So, it has an effect that:

  • Promotes the expansion of blood vessels in the kidneys, heart.
  • Increases heart rate.
  • Enhances urination.
  • Increases brain activity.

Medicine allows the use of caffeine to relieve headaches, migraines, and also to get rid of a state of lethargy. However, it should be noted that the concentration of caffeine in a cup of coffee is much higher than in non-alcoholic energy. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications for use, the drink remains harmless to the body, well absorbed thanks to sparkling water.

Child drinks energy

A harmless indicator of caffeine is also found in the well-known Coca-Cola drink as an additive, however, such questions on consumption and purchase practically do not arise. Taking into account scientific indicators after the sale of power engineers to minors, they are allowed to drink because they will not cause harm to health.

True, medical workers recommend refraining from abuse of several drinks in a row. However, a similar restriction is indicated on the number of cups of coffee per day for an adult.

Manufacturer's Recommendations

Energy companies are least interested in consumer concerns and lawsuits from government agencies. And who would like to receive a fine or even a criminal record for causing harm to a person? If you turn to the packaging of a tonic drink, you can find a list of recommendations for contraindications to use. This item includes pregnant women, people with impaired blood pressure, insomnia and children.

Insomnia after a drink

It should be understood that the manufacturer in this case gives only a recommendation, advice, thereby answering the question of whether it is possible to sell non-alcoholic energy to minors. Can. However, whether to drink this product after purchase or not, the person decides, taking all possible consequences.

Legislative side of the issue

Russian officials, often faced with citizens' questions in 2017 about whether it is possible to sell energy to minors, have signed amendments to the law, which included 38 regions prohibiting the sale without proper identification documents. The enacted law caused even greater dissonance, since now citizens need to go to these areas and look for their land in the list.

Previously, this law was completely different. It gave a positive answer to whether it is possible to sell energy to minors. These included all types of soft drinks on store shelves. There were energy and bottling, which fell under the strict prohibition of the sale of undocumented, both children and adults.

Nevertheless, if your region is lucky, then no one can interfere with the purchase of a drink. Be sure to check the provided list before referring to N171-ФЗ dated January 1, 2018.

Harmless drink: fair purchase

So, energy is, in particular, soft drinks containing caffeine and other ingredients, such as B vitamins and taurine. From the point of view of medicine, the use of the drinks in question is harmless, since they contain less caffeine than in a cup of coffee.

Taste variety

But is it possible to sell energy to minors? Yes, you can buy a drink at the legislative level if you are not in the ban region. However, remember that in the event of an unofficial purchase of products, the responsibility will fall on the shoulders of sellers, who will face an impressive fine. Be more attentive and humane to others.

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