MLM business - what is it? Everyone who has ever come across this concept is interested in understanding how such a structure works. The term has been frightening to many since the era of the unstable 90s, although modern people have realized that those lawless times are a thing of the past, and these days network marketing is no longer an inaudible structure to entice the hidden.
Theoretical base
MLM business is a marketing that includes several levels and spreads like a web, covering more and more participants. Such a business scheme can be absolutely legal, but it happens that scammers resort to it in order to receive money from unsuspecting inhabitants.
How does the MLM network business (MultiLevel Marketing) work? There is some company producing goods. She is looking for people interested in earning money who are ready to promote her product to the end consumer. Let's say a brand makes bags that everyone can sell to their friends and acquaintances. Or, for example, vitamins. The task of the distributor of the product is to convey to the buyer that it is safe, reliable, useful and necessary for him. As much as the distributor managed to sell, so much he will earn.
For example
Is MLM business successful these days? Companies working on such a structure prove the effectiveness of the system. We all know brands:
- Faberlic
- Amway.
- Mary Kay
- Herbalife.
This is not a complete list; there are a huge number of manufacturers distributing their products in this way.
Technology is advancing
The significant success of companies working on the principle of network marketing could not fail to attract the attention of active people who want to earn money and apply the latest technologies for this. So it turned out that the MLM business began to grow actively through the Internet. To take part in them, it is enough to register without leaving home. The logic is the same: the distributor must find the client. How much he can sell, using all available legal resources for this, such will be his profit.
Practice shows that making money on the Internet is real. With due diligence, you can get an impressive profit. There are plenty of opportunities for this, but all of them require the distributor to be active, proactive, purposeful and social. Ready for it? Then you can test your strength.
How it works?
MLM business on the Internet is as follows. The manufacturer is developing a virtual catalog of its products. As a rule, it is updated at some intervals. In some cases, monthly; others release new products every six months or once a year. Access to the product newsletter is through the brand’s or community’s own social media site, or both.
Somewhat simpler is an MLM business that deals with information products. Here on the Internet there is not only a search for a buyer, but also an exchange of goods for money, no interaction is necessary in reality. You do not have to go somewhere to take the goods, to explain how to use it. It is enough to find someone who wants to, to prove to him that he needs a purchase, to settle accounts with him.
Information products promoted by partners in the MLM business:
- video courses;
- books
- educational materials.
Caesar's Caesarean
When you receive an invitation to an MLM business, try to distinguish between two important concepts: network marketing and the financial pyramid.In the first case, the manufacturer is usually honest, and the workflow is transparent and allows you to earn money. In the second case, you probably came across scammers.
The financial pyramid works as follows: to take part in it, you need to pay. It is presented as a “purchase of a company share”. As for network marketing, you don’t need to buy anything, your task is to sell the goods it produces.
However, the pyramid and the MLM have something in common: you will be truly successful when you are able to attract more and more people to the company.
Is it worth believing?
Studying reviews at MLM-business, you inevitably begin to doubt: is it worth getting involved? The opinions of the participants are categorically different. While some argue that they earned tens and hundreds of thousands in just a month or two, others say that they only lost money and there is nothing for an honest person to do in such an enterprise. It is not clear which of them to trust.
Whenever possible, try not to believe unverified information, either positive or negative. Learn what contact information the person who wrote the review left. If they allow you to contact him, if you see that this is a real person, and not a fake web page, you can once again clarify his experience.
Who the business rests on
As others say, the most difficult question is how to attract customers to the MLM business. I managed to find them - your benefit, you are successful and will be able to receive interest from this for many years to come. So who, in principle, works in this structure, who takes part in it? The simplest scheme is as follows:
- founder;
- Leaders
- workers.
The first person is the people who created the enterprise from scratch. The main profit goes to their wallet. This is not surprising, because they became pioneers and were able to survive in the market and develop.
Leaders, they are team leaders - these are the people who came into the system for a long time and brought others along with them. In many ways, it is they who coordinate work issues. These are literally the “whales” on which the firm rests. The main thing that managers should know is how to attract direct employees to the MLM business. And they know it and know how to do it. Leaders have the ability to motivate others; they delight the bulk of workers.
Finally, workers are those who do all the dirty work. You can’t count on a large income, and you rarely manage to rise higher, too much effort is needed for this. As a rule, these are dreamers who give up quickly.
How to achieve a result
Entering into the MLM business, it will not be superfluous to study the success stories of those who came here earlier. This will help to understand what properties people must have in order to start earning serious income. So, the MLM success rules:
- Regular use of goods and services promoted by the company. This allows you to correctly and accurately answer any questions of potential customers.
- The ability to communicate, like people. Sometimes dialogues develop with strangers quite by accident, in an unforeseen situation - in a store or even in an elevator. You need to be able to immediately present yourself so that you are interested, feel sympathy for you and want to buy from you.
- Ability to invite. The more invitations made, the more people will come to your seminars or sites.
- The ability to control their actions and all events that occur.
To try MLM business, you need to train yourself in advance to record all the important events. Sending a letter? Write in the diary. Chatted with a new person? Lock that too. It will not be superfluous to keep a list of acquaintances, regularly supplement it, adding new people, as well as noting how they impressed.
Be the leader
As they say, you cannot be born a leader, but you can become one if you make enough effort.Who can be found in network marketing today? The most diverse people with different backgrounds, diverse backgrounds, and significantly different experiences. All of them wanted to learn how to make money and came to MLM.
The first thing that you will have to master in network marketing is to explain to the townsfolk why they need the products of the company you are promoting. Learning usually happens gradually. At first, a beginner learns to talk about a product only half a minute, and eventually masters five-minute incendiary presentations, which is simply impossible to resist when listening to. It is unacceptable to be shy, embarrassed. It is necessary to light people, and when selling goods via the Internet, do this even when you do not see your client.
What's next?
If a person who comes to network marketing is ready to take responsibility for the team, then he becomes a real leader. Remember: the success of your team is your personal success. Therefore, it is better to collect your own “tim” on your own. Invite those who are sure who will not disappoint, who are capable and interested in learning. If you are confident in your abilities, then your employees will be infected with this confidence, which will allow the team to show excellent results, and you - to make a profit.
Leader's Tasks:
- develop the same leaders in partners;
- make efforts to achieve success by the group as a whole and each individual in particular;
- be responsible for the operation of the system;
- control the ethics of the workflow.
Do not be lazy!
Network marketing is successful when each individual employee performs relatively little work in the area entrusted to him, while the team as a whole gradually grows. She must take the form of a pyramid with a leader in charge. No wonder, remember from geometry: the pyramid is one of the most stable figures. Therefore, a pyramid-shaped business is the most reliable.
In some situations, a failure occurs, which is why instead of a pyramid the team becomes like a diamond, tapering down. This means that the time has come to “heal” your business and eliminate the violation. Identify where and what went wrong, urgently put everything in order, otherwise the system may crash.
Coming to network marketing, do not expect that you will have no difficulties. Without labor, as they say, you can’t catch a fish from a pond. But be sure, if you make enough effort, if you can solve problems and do not close your eyes to them, success will be yours, because these are the most important features of a leader.
Take full advantage
To promote your business in our world, you must have your own representative on the World Wide Web. Network marketing is no exception. One of the most well-established forms is a blog that introduces an unlimited number of users to MLM business opportunities online.
How it works? Social networks are the most powerful tool for attracting attention to entrepreneurship. It is from there that you can get constant traffic, and not random, but interested parties.
An MLM blog is created in such a way that the audience, who first sees it, trusts the resource. When working on a site, formulate your tasks in advance. This is not a resource for expressing one’s thoughts and thoughts in a free form, but a tool for doing business. In addition, the blog will help to assemble a sufficient contact database, which can then be used to expand your pyramid.
How to do it?
In order for the public to trust the project, it must find honest, accurate, useful information on the issues that concern it. This means that the entrepreneur must regularly publish useful articles, collect like-minded people and ensure communication with them, answering any questions in essence. In addition, through the blog, you can invite selected people to events in a closed format.Through the site, you can motivate people and support if they encounter difficulties promoting your product.
Those entrepreneurs who are open to contact and are ready to visually show, tell, explain everything about the business conceived by them have the best chances to promote their project. If a businessman becomes for his candidate not just a source of income, but also a friend, assistant, and even a teacher, he can have no doubt in success. The leader must clearly understand the characteristics, desires, aspirations, specifics of the audience, and then success, as they say, is “in your pocket”.
Personality is what matters most when building an MLM business and blogging your company. You succeed when you motivate people to follow you and in practice show that everything they dream about is possible.
Where to begin?
First of all, explain on your blog who you are, where you started and how you came to success. Do not resort to sophisticated phrases, be open and honest, and then the audience will reach. Share conclusions, achievements, important points.
It makes sense to spread useful data on the basis of the “series” principle: each previous article ends with something interesting, with which the next begins. This will help create a loyal audience, enthusiastically following your news. Among them you will select the best partners for your network marketing. Pay attention to emotions, not just logic. Remember that it is emotions that lead people to the MLM blog again and again.