The world economy, which is actively developing with the intensification of globalization processes, is making transport in all its forms more and more significant for the public. Many say that this is one of the basic whales of the material production of our civilization. The modern world transport system is composed of innumerable elements that deserve close attention: their improvement allows us to achieve better performance of the global object as a whole.
Basic terminology
As can be assumed already from the name itself, the transport system in the global economy is formed by transport. This term is understood to mean a variety of techniques, means of communication, means that allow goods, passengers to move between points of space. An important aspect for this area is understanding and debugging transport security and developing destination options so that everyone in need can turn to an opportunity suitable for him.
The structure and scale of movements using specialized tools have a significant impact on economic activity. This is equally true for a single person, a community or civilization as a whole. The world transport system allows us to determine the maximum scale of transportation for our understanding at the given time, but it is equally important to be able to analyze the situation at the state level in order to assess the degree of economic development of the state.
It is important!
Considering both the entire complex structured object as a whole, and its individual parts (for example, the role of air transport in the global transport system), you need to understand: the formation is largely due to the progress observed today. Considered a massive improvement in technology, scientific breakthroughs. It is customary to say that this is a key component, entailing the improvement of the global transport system.
Currently, scientists, engineers are struggling with the task of constructing an ultra-high-speed train. The best minds in the world are faced with the issue of creating an air cushion system. Under conditions of high transport safety, the car could have traveled 600 kilometers in just half an hour. Without the highest level of progress, the investment of large amounts of money in science, it is impossible to achieve the goal, and therefore the development of the TS.
Bringing together
The world transport system is a cumulative phenomenon, including:
- machines, assemblies, structures;
- paths used for movement;
- production facilities used for the manufacture, improvement, restoration of machines and tracks.
It is difficult to realize the magnitude of such a structure, so innumerable components are included in it.
Features of internal filling
Such dimensions are simply incompatible with the uniformity of the structure. Therefore, the world transport system in the view of modern economists is formed by two large categories:
- developed powers;
- developing states.
What is the difference?
All objects of the transport infrastructure of a developed country satisfy high requirements, so we can talk about the development of the vehicle. Vehicles used on the territory of such states are in a clear, carefully worked out interaction, due to which the population has increased mobility rates.The unified transport system is unevenly distributed in relation to the powers of different levels: the developed ones account for about 80% of the length of the TS on a global scale. Considering the turnover of goods, it should be recognized: this category provides 75% of processes, goods.
Developing countries are characterized by simpler transport infrastructure. Development is rather low, since such states themselves do not have a high level of development. Business operations, united in spheres, interact with a low level of quality, which negatively affects the TS. Part of the unified transport system pertaining to this type of country is relatively small, and the population has low mobility and limited capabilities.
Regional TS
It is customary to talk about regional TS:
- CIS;
- America (North, Latin);
- Europe
- Asia (south).
The modern geography of the world transport system is our entire planet, although the saturation in different regions varies significantly. In addition to the division into the indicated territorial formations, classification by the level of development, social significance, areas of application of transport systems is allowed.
Transport: what happens?
- land;
- for water open spaces;
- moving in the air.
The first category combines railways, cars, pipelines.
Land transport
Some say that cars are the main transport of the last century and the beginning of our century. Indeed, for movement on land it is he who is most relevant and widely applicable. The total length of roads is increasing from year to year. Already today it is about three tens of millions of kilometers, of which the bulk are built in the largest or most developed powers in the world. Speaking of leaders, it is customary to mention:
- RF;
- USA;
- China;
- India
- Brazil
- Japan
Up to 80% of all passenger traffic these days is sold through vehicles of various categories.
Dedicated to other groups
The railroads, which were the pinnacle of progress several decades ago, are now gradually losing ground and are being pushed farther and farther back to the margins of the global transport system. This does not negate the importance of this category of vehicles, because the duration of railway tracks in the world is estimated at more than 13 million kilometers.
Significant heterogeneity is characteristic of this TS element. Most of the infrastructure is built in developed countries, while in developing countries the level is low. There are many such countries where there are no railways in principle. The longest railways currently have:
- RF;
- USA;
- China;
- Canada;
- India;
- Germany.
The relevance of this class of vehicles is due to the activation of the oil industry, gas production and use. Up to 11% of all goods on our planet are transported through pipelines. The predictable three leaders in the length of networks built and put into operation in this category:
- RF;
- USA;
- Canada.
By the seas, by the oceans
Among the water modes of transport, there are:
- nautical;
- interior.
The first group is rightly considered the most significant. Sea transport is called the transport involved in the transportation of products, people on ships through the seas, oceans. Mostly such a transport is intended for servicing bulk cargo. The most important basin on the planet is the Atlantic Ocean, divided into three directions:
- South Atlantic
- North Atlantic
- West Atlantic.
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this element of the CU for globalization processes - it is thanks to the development of shipping continents, countries are closely connected with each other.
Which one else?
It was indicated above that in addition to sea, inland water transport is distinguished: ships designed to transport people, objects along lake and river systems, channels laid by man. Not every lake, river favors shipping.The most important reservoirs for this vehicle element:
- Amazon;
- Ob;
- Yenisei;
- Parana
- Mississippi.
It is noted that the active use of water continental basins is available only to highly developed powers. Currently, leaders in this area:
- USA;
- China;
- RF;
- Holland;
- France;
- Germany.
Industry and Infrastructure
Up to 10% of the entire length of the internal shipping routes are man-made channels. The greatest pride is the White Sea-Baltic, designed to provide ships with a way from Lake Onega to the White Sea. Thanks to this channel, it became possible to connect the lake and the Baltic Sea. The unique element of the vehicle is 227 km long, and the construction was completed in an incredibly short time: 1 year 9 months.
The aircraft sector is the youngest, most promising, high-tech for modern society. It includes:
- Helicopters
- aircraft;
- air terminals;
- services for technical support;
- dispatching.
The airport network allows you to evaluate the geographical distribution of infrastructure.
It's curious
Currently, the first place in terms of operational hazard belongs to the Bhutanese airport in Paro. The site was built in a mountainous area, it is very difficult to land here: you need to be a real ace, capable of laying dangerous turns. Work on routes requiring a stop at this airport automatically becomes the basis for a serious increase in wages. Currently, a strictly limited number of air carriers have flights to this terminal.
Transport is important
It is difficult to overestimate how significant the transport system of any level is for our civilization. Debugging the global process of moving goods and people makes it possible to make the planet’s population mobile and eliminate the force of the impact on the public of territorial gaps between states and settlements.
The development of the most modern modes of transport negatively affects the planet: civilization pollutes nature both in the production process and in the operation of equipment. Transport volumes are increasing very intensively, and adequate cleaning measures are not taken. The most dangerous for the atmosphere of the planet are railways, cars, and ships and disasters associated with the extraction and transportation of oil cause harm to the aquatic ecosystem.
Instead of a conclusion
The world transport system is such a complex set of all the varieties and methods of movement, movement of goods available to mankind, which is used to solve a wide range of problems. It is customary to assemble communication lines, machines, aggregates, apparatuses, production facilities into a single large-scale system. In turn, TS as one object is divided into groups according to their characteristics. This simplifies the search for approaches to improving human capabilities.