Almost immediately after the appearance of the first cars, mankind was faced with their accident rate. So that an unplanned repair of the "iron horse" does not hit its owner’s budget too hard, and insurance was invented. Today, there are a huge number of organizations in which it can be registered. Many insurance companies attract customers with favorable conditions and assurances of full compensation for any damage, but in practice the situation is not in favor of the motorist. Recently, to ensure the safety of their car, many choose the mini-CASCO program at Rosgosstrakh. What is it? What are the features of such a policy? You will learn about this from the article.
Program description
Full CASCO protects the car in any situation, even if the owner of the vehicle is to blame for them, but the cost of such a package is very high and not affordable for most. The mini-CASCO package at Rosgosstrakh offers customers the same conditions, but with a small difference that is beneficial for the driver. The fact is that for mini-insurance, the car owner is required to pay only half of the full insurance amount at the time of conclusion of the contract.
The remaining amount may not be paid at all, if for the entire term of the insurance contract the driver has never got into an accident or other situation requiring compensation for monetary damage. If the vehicle needs repairs due to damage, the owner will first have to pay the required amount to receive funds from the insurance company, these are the rules of mini hull insurance in Rosgosstrakh.
What does the policy protect against?
All CASCO options protect the car under the terms of a standard contract. Differences of the mini-program only in the initial payment of 50% of the amount of the base cost of the package.
Among the situations in which the package covers the expenses of the vehicle owner for restoration:
- any accident due to the fault of any of its participants;
- damage to the car due to loss of control due to malfunctions: collision with an animal or any objects that suddenly appeared on the road;
- rollover of a car through the fault of any participant in an accident;
- damage to the vehicle due to the ingress of stones or other objects from under the wheels of nearby cars;
- car theft;
- its intentional or unintentional damage by third parties;
- damage to the car by fallen branches or trees on the street (if the vehicle was parked according to the rules);
- damage by snow or ice (if the vehicle was parked according to the rules);
- damage by foreign objects when unloading a nearby car;
- damage to the car due to natural disasters - floods, mudflows, tsunamis, destruction of the road, car leaving under ice (if there are warning signs on the shore), and so on;
- undermining or fire of a vehicle.
In the latter case, the exception is situations with spontaneous combustion due to the transport of fire or explosive liquids, as well as technical malfunction. The owner in this situation will have to first prove that he did not know about the malfunction.
What will the policy not save from?
The CASCO economy option does not compensate the car owner for damage in the same cases that are described in the standard contract of any CASCO program.
So you should not wait to receive money from an insurance company when:
- damage to the vehicle by the driver while intoxicated or drugged;
- when a car gets into an accident and it drives a person who is not indicated in the policy and does not have the right to drive (the situation will be considered as theft);
- damage to the vehicle, which does not affect its further operation, that is, with a light scratching of the coating or damage to the discs;
- theft of license plates or wheels from a vehicle without causing harm to the car;
- theft of the car radio without harming the car, which is very rare in practice.
Rosgosstrakh is an insurance company that offers everyone to get acquainted with the conditions of their work. You can do this in detail on the official website, but the basic rules are listed below.
Insurance policy
First of all, this is the amount of material damage that the insurance company does not pay. This amount is called a franchise and it is regulated individually by agreement of the parties. The amount can be measured in rubles or percent of the value of the vehicle.
In addition, insurance amounts are divided into aggregate and non-aggregate. Aggregate change depending on the car under insurance cases. That is, if the vehicle suffered damage by 20 thousand rubles, and the initial amount of insurance was 300 thousand, then in the future, after repair, CASCO will be 280 thousand.
Non-aggregate amounts do not change regardless of the number of accidents and their payments by the insurance company. Thus, they do not reduce the cost of the policy, but are beneficial in emergency driving.
Rosgosstrakh Insurance also offers its customers to issue the GAP service, which allows them to receive the full amount of insurance regardless of their age and depreciation depreciation.
Sequence of actions in case of insured accident
Any insured event must be recorded by traffic police and employees of the insurance company. In case of damage caused by third parties, this should be done within one business day from the moment of the incident. In the event of a theft of a vehicle, notification of insurance agents can be postponed for up to three days. If this is not done in a timely manner, then the case may already be considered as not insurance, and the driver will not receive compensation.
Company Services
All mini-CASCO customers at Rosgosstrakh have the right to call operators at any time of the day to consult or call a tow truck. In addition, CASCO, the price of which in a full package is quite high, offers its customers a trip to the scene with the car of an appraiser or other specialist of the company.
Program Terms
Mini CASCO in "Rosgosstrakh" is offered only for vehicles with certain parameters. All of them must be cars, driving categories B or D, whose models are not subject to frequent hijacking according to traffic police statistics.
Mostly cars fall under this category:
- domestic production aged 2-5 years;
- foreign production age 2-7 years.
Only a maximum of three people are allowed to enter the policy, who can then drive the vehicle. It is important that during the execution of the contract the car was not secured, on credit, in installments and used exclusively for private needs. That is, using a vehicle in a taxi or other commercial transportation will not allow you to receive insurance payments.
CASCO is issued, the price of which depends on many factors, only for 1 year with the possibility of further extension. In this case, the client may be provided with more favorable insurance conditions.
It is important to know that the insurance company does not provide its customers with service stations for repairs in many cases, while not compensating for the damage caused by service workers during repairs.
Also, the mini-CASCO policy does not always require payment of 50% of the amount by the insured in an insured event, it all depends on the damage caused and can be cheaper. The owner will not pay the remaining money at all if his car is declared unsuitable for recovery, which happens both after an accident and after the theft.
Cost calculation
The price of the mini CASCO depends on the main indicators of the cost of the car. The insurance amount is affected by the age of the car, the driving experience of its owner and all persons included in the policy and the initial cost of the vehicle. To find out the exact amount for a particular car, it is best to use the insurance calculator service on the official website of Rosgosstrakh. To calculate the approximate amount, you can use a calculator from any insurance company.
As a rule, you should rely on the amount of at least 10% of the cost of the car.
Program benefits
Among the strengths of the mini-program from Rosgosstrakh, the affordable cost of the package with an extensive list of insured events stands out mainly. Another advantage is the lack of requirements for storing the vehicle, the possibility of partial payment for towing services, payment of an installment insurance premium, damage calculation without taking into account auto wear and a wide network of dealerships throughout the country.
Program reviews
The policy mini-CASCO reviews around the Internet collects ambiguous, like any other program. Many consider insurers to be money-earners of honest citizens who simply impose their services that are unnecessary in reality. Such opinions generally relate to people who have never been in insured events or to those whose damage was not paid to the extent that the driver would like. Unfortunately, but there are a lot of such situations and car owners complain about insurance companies, although they are often to blame for their problems.
Interestingly, positive reviews about the mini program at Rosgosstrakh are also quite common. Many are satisfied with the size of payments and the attitude of the company's employees to situations. The negative aspects are almost always only the time required to consider cases. On average, to receive insurance payments, you need to wait about two months from the moment of the accident, while the vehicle must be idle or drive in an unsightly form, which makes life difficult for many citizens.
But be that as it may, insurance for any vehicle is definitely needed, so it can cover various costs associated with traffic accidents or other cases.