Recruitment technologies are actively developing, thereby reflecting the needs of the business for qualified specialists who are ready to move enterprises forward. Those methods that were relevant several years ago are a thing of the past: our society is changing rapidly, and outdated options simply do not show an effective result.
Adapting to the world around us
Why has the old technology of mass recruitment ceased to be effective? Our society has undergone the following changes:
- demographic
- crisis;
- motivational.
At the same time, the essence of recruiting remains the same - you need to find a person who would be fully suitable for the company. Succeeding is becoming more difficult. The theory says that there are two key points that make up recruiting: search and selection. The right approach to both stages will achieve a good result.
How to find?
Four modern technologies of personnel search and selection are distinguished:
- mass recruiting;
- recruiting;
- headhunting;
- direct search.
In the first case, it is about finding a large number of employees. As a rule, these are linear specialists. They are subject to strict requirements for experience and qualifications, it is known in advance what professional skills people should possess. But recruiting is already a more complicated story, since here you need to find a qualified specialist. This method is in demand when the company is looking for an employee from among the free persons in the labor market.
Headhunting involves a situation where a highly qualified specialist is already working in a certain company, but another company, having assessed his skills and abilities, is interested in recruiting a human resource and uses all possible means for this.
Finally, direct search is a hiring and staffing technology that allows you to find a rare specialist. Using this method, mid-level management personnel are sought. It is possible to select people from among the temporarily unemployed, as well as those who already work in other companies, but it is possible to lure them into more attractive working conditions.
Choose staff
All personnel selection technologies include the personnel selection stage. At the same time, the characteristics of a particular person, his professionalism, experience and skills are studied in order to assess whether he will cope with the duties of a vacant post. The personnel service interacts with several applicants, analyzing their parameters and selecting the best option for the given conditions. Take into account:
- personality
- company interests;
- motivation;
- person's character;
- skill level;
- specialization.
Selection stages
If a recruitment agency chooses your employees for your company, most likely the selection will be made according to the classical scheme. It looks like this:
- conducting a preliminary interview;
- filling out the questionnaire;
- interview with a staff specialist;
- test;
- verification of work experience and recommendations;
- medical examination.
The results that the test gives are provided to the head of the organization or the manager responsible for the personnel, who decides whether or not to hire a person for work. The applicant does not always go through all stages of staff recruitment. In some cases, it is customary to apply a simplified scheme. For example, if it is considered that this is a very valuable, important shot.
Selection principles
Classical recruitment technologies are guided by the following principles:
- Highlight the strengths of the applicant.
- Search for the right people, not perfect people.
- Do not accept new employees if this is not necessary, regardless of their qualities.
- Focus on qualified personnel, but not at a higher level than a specific position.
- Work on matching work and employee requirements.
The most effective technologies for personnel search and selection recommend paying attention to the number of selection criteria, warning that their excess will lead to failure - no one can be found. Key criteria worthy of the attention of a personnel specialist:
- education;
- experience;
- Skills
- quality;
- professionalism;
- personality type;
- opportunities;
- physical parameters.
External Recruiting
Studying new technologies of personnel selection in the Russian labor market, one cannot but pay attention to external recruiting. Despite the fact that the method came relatively recently, it has established itself as effective. This is largely due to the crisis that occurred shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when all previously applicable methods suddenly lost their relevance and effectiveness.
As the economy has changed, personnel selection methods have changed along with it. If earlier young specialists were sent to jobs "by distribution", now this method has exhausted itself. There are several higher education institutions that even today employ their students in this way, but there are very few of them.
Of course, a company can place an ad in a newspaper, on a bulletin board on the Internet, post ads at checkpoints, but this method has proved itself to be ineffective, as it gives very little audience coverage. This is most relevant in large cities. The recruitment agency came to the rescue. The number of such enterprises is growing by leaps and bounds.
What is this about?
The recruitment agency works in such a way that the client is satisfied. The slogans of such firms sound rather monotonous - "we will find you as many skilled workers as possible." For this, the following methods of staff selection are used: specialization of potential candidates, analysis of unemployment rates, specialization in a particular type of business or its form.
In most cases, recruitment agencies are ready to provide a guarantee for their services. If this is not an exclusive search, then usually the warranty period is three months. Firms apply technologies of mass and direct search of workers, using the accumulated databases of temporarily unemployed and referring to other sources.
An exclusive search assumes that a recruitment agency is looking for a senior manager (general director, top manager, management team) for a customer. This service appeared on the market relatively recently, it is introduced by top agencies. Practice shows: quality can only be achieved with specialization on this issue.
Please note that in recent years there have been many companies offering an exclusive search, but providing this service poorly. These are rather small firms with a small database and a low level of specialists. Assuming that your company needs such a service, try to work only with reliable organizations.
Recommended Recruiting
This is such a social recruitment technology that involves searching for candidates by assessing the availability of recommendations. Only with those is it possible to close the vacancy. Proponents of this method say that it is very convenient to inquire about a potential employee from someone who is ready to give a recommendation, and to analyze whether this person will fit into the team. As they say, the effectiveness of this method is better. At the same time, the person making the recommendation can count on some bonus from a company interested in closing a vacancy.
The main advantage of this technology of personnel search and selection is the ability to discover even passive, that is, those likely employees who are not looking for a new job right now.Often these are the ones that turn out to be the most valuable acquisition for the company.
The recommendations allow the personnel department to have more information about the potential employee than a dry resume. In addition to her, they also get an idea of how a person is able to work from a character who is directly familiar with him and who deserves trust (from the point of view of personnel officers).
Inside and outside the firm
The recommendation method is also widespread when it comes to the recommendation of a person who already serves in the company. This accurate recruitment technology has appeared in Russia relatively recently and is based on the recommendations that an existing employee can give to a friend. If, by his “tip-off”, a vacancy can be closed, such an employee receives some preference - for example, a bonus.
However, it is no less applicable in the case when the recommending person does not serve in a company interested in closing a vacancy. In this case, resort to the services of independent persons who are ready to give recommendations. As a rule, their services are paid, and contacts are made through the virtual Web.
Special recruiting sites have been developed that allow you to recommend your friends and get good money for it.
Recruitment Technologies: Verification
If a potential employee came to the personnel service, having recommendations with him, specialists must verify their authenticity, and only after that make a concrete decision. To do this, employees look for recommenders and conduct interviews with them, during which they find out whether the potential employee has successfully completed his tasks, as well as where he studied and lived.
If a person already works in a certain company, it is considered useless to seek recommendations here. On the one hand, this leads to an undesirable leak of information, on the other, the HR manager is hardly interested in giving a correct and accurate answer, since the personal perception of the employee who wants to leave the company plays a role.
It is best to check the recommendations received from the previous place of work, where the person left a year ago or more. It is permissible to use information received from colleagues of a potential employee, as well as representatives of those professional societies with which he was forced to work.
If previously the personnel selection technologies regulated the list of documents submitted by the candidate as rather small, recently it has grown somewhat. This includes, among other things, characteristics from previous jobs, as well as from a university. If a potential employee takes them with him for an interview, he thereby documents that he was responsible for studying and working diligently. This forms a positive assessment of the personnel specialist of the company, where he wants to get a job.
The latest recruitment guidelines recommend paying attention to the following aspects:
- social activity;
- social work;
- hobbies and skills outside the profession.
Competency-based approach to staff recruitment
The most effective recruitment courses recommend evaluating candidates according to their competencies, since such a technique has shown greater efficiency than outdated options.
Stages of selection:
- Drawing up a list of competencies.
- Creation of tools for evaluating candidates within competence
- Interviewing candidates.
- Drawing up a resume for each candidate.
The list of competencies: what is it?
As noted above, it all starts with the formation of such a list, which should be agreed with the head of the organization. It lists all those competencies that are important for a vacant position. In order to maximally accurately and in detail describe the workplace, at the same time not to set too many conditions, it is necessary to select 12-20 competencies.
With this approach, the recruiter will not lose time in vain. As soon as his communication with the candidate begins, he will immediately find out what is necessary for a particular workplace. This will allow you to collect accurate and complete information without omissions and not waste time and energy on unnecessary work. At the same time, a correct analytical summary will allow to evaluate each of the candidates for the subject of their position.
It is recommended that the list of competencies cover the following areas:
- professionalism;
- motivation;
- personal properties;
- managerial qualities;
- human security for the organization.
On examples
The list of competencies for candidates from which the personnel reserve of the enterprise can be formed:
1. Management:
- The vision of the enterprise in general.
- Ability to organize workflow.
- Managerial skills.
- The ability to form your team.
- Ability to express thoughts verbally, in writing.
2. Strategic:
- Purposefulness.
- Customer focus.
- Thirst for result.
- Foresight.
3. Personal:
- Leadership properties.
- The ability to be flexible.
- Ability to avoid conflicts.
- Energy.
- The desire to take the initiative.
- Independence.
4. Security:
- Loyalty.
- Focus on long service life in the organization.
How does this happen?
In most cases, the project of such competencies should be developed by the manager who will conduct an interview with a potential employee. It is he who forms the tools that help to evaluate a person, he then has to make a conclusion based on the results of the interview. It is important not to lose sight of information about the company as a whole, about a specific position, as well as discuss competency points with the head of the department where the employee is taken and the head of the company.
There is no unified form of evaluating a candidate according to pre-planned scores, therefore it is very important that the list of competencies is made up by someone who will then compare them with a living person and analyze how suitable he is for the company. The inability to formalize the process has repeatedly caused controversy, on the basis of which digital technologies were developed in the selection of personnel. They are effective, but only applicable to line workers. As for the management team, then assessment is still possible only with personal interaction and a deep understanding of the sphere in which a person will work. It is necessary to formulate your vision of the ideal employee, and then evaluate each candidate for the level of similarity with this image.
If the recruiter has an idea in advance about what qualities need to be evaluated, he will be able to concentrate on them from the very beginning and not waste time in vain and not waste his strength. Assessment of competencies avoids attracting attention to secondary factors that are insignificant for a vacant position. This approach minimizes the risks that the wrong person will be hired. And in order to formulate a plan, it is necessary to work out in advance the situations that may arise when communicating with the interviewee, formulate questions and think over written exercises.
Latest technology and recruiting
The recent technological revolution has simply had its effect on the labor market. It is assumed that another five years - and we will see a completely new system of selection of employees in the company, completely dependent on the virtual Web and computers.
Recruitment managers are increasingly using the opportunities that have become available with the introduction of the latest technologies:
- accuracy of information;
- the ability to control remote employees.
According to estimates of consulting companies, in Russia by 2020 at least 20% of all employees will work remotely, but it is likely that this figure will be even higher.If now up to 80% of all tasks solved by recruiters are typical processes related to mass interviews and verification of information, then soon, as experts predict, this will be automated, which will allow people to deal only with complex cases in which an individual approach is required.
The main goals of recruiting today
How can we conclude from recent conferences on labor market issues, in the coming years this area will work in two main directions:
- automation;
- adaptability.
In the first case, we are talking about replacing manual labor with machine labor. This has already happened in many areas of human activity, but the search for new workers has not yet been affected by technology. Now is the time to automate increasingly complex issues. The first swallow is the requirement for HR specialists to be closer to the technique, to have in-depth knowledge of how they work in order to plan selection algorithms in the future.
Adaptability implies that HR professionals must be able to accept new things. Our future is generations Y and Z, to which there should be a special relationship. These are people who force the world around them to adapt to themselves, but are not ready to “bend” themselves to the standards of firms. Soon, a person will be able to live in an environment that he chooses for himself, and not in the strict framework set by him by the corporation. The personnel manager should become the “freedom manager”, choosing for each temporarily unemployed person a place where he will be comfortable and where he will be able to show maximum performance.