
HR manager: job description, requirements and responsibilities

One of the key figures in any organization is a personnel manager. The job description clearly defines the scope of his duties, rights and other essential aspects of work.

Requirements for the applicant

The professional category includes a personnel manager. Job description puts forward the following requirements to the applicant for the position:

  • completed higher education in the field of personnel management;
  • at least three years of employment experience.

HR manager job description

What a specialist should know

A good HR manager should have a wealth of expertise. The job description includes the following provisions for this item:

  • norms of legislative acts in the field of personnel management and labor relations;
  • the strategy of the enterprise and the goals of its existence, the main areas of work;
  • methodology for analyzing the composition of employees in quantitative and qualitative indicators;
  • skills for predicting the future need for additional staff;
  • basic economic, sociological and psychological aspects related to labor and relationships in the work team;
  • theoretical works in the field of personnel management, as well as practical skills on this issue;
  • forms of remuneration and basic methods of stimulating its productivity;
  • forms of drawing up labor contracts;
  • skills in resolving labor disputes both in a peaceful and judicial manner;
  • training work with employees;
  • features of market conditions in the field of employment;
  • labor protection legislation;
  • the basics of conflict management, pedagogy and other humanities that determine the relationship between individuals;
  • standards and forms of personnel documents;
  • methods for assessing staff performance in various equivalents.

HR Development Manager job description

Hierarchy of submission

The personnel manager can be assigned to the top or middle management level at the enterprise. Job description defines the following hierarchy:

  • the specialist reports directly to the general director of the organization;
  • during the period of temporary absence of the personnel manager (temporary incapacity for work or vacation), he shall be replaced by a person appointed by the General Director.

job description of hiring manager

The value of the position for the enterprise

The job description of the recruitment manager determines the importance of the position for the enterprise. The role of this employee can be described by the following points:

  • participation in the development of corporate policy of the enterprise;
  • attracting and hiring employees, dismissal, relocation of staff, promotion, issuing thanks and penalties;
  • management of social processes (creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the work team);
  • the formation of a personnel reserve within the organization;
  • monitoring the labor market in order to attract new promising employees;
  • development of tactical and strategic plans for working with personnel;
  • organization of work to improve the skills of employees;
  • HR record keeping and archiving;
  • management of immediate subordinates.

job description HR manager sample

Job responsibilities

The range of work performed at the enterprise is determined by the job description of the personnel manager. A sample list of job responsibilities can be presented as follows:

  • preparation of monthly, quarterly and semi-annual work plans of the personnel department with reference to the organization’s budget;
  • a quarterly written report on the state of the labor market in the industry indicating the effect of the general situation on the enterprise;
  • independent search for personnel or involvement of public or private personnel organizations in this task;
  • preliminary work with applicants for filling vacant posts (interview, probationary period and other preparatory activities);
  • assistance in adapting new employees to working conditions in the team;
  • identification of promising personnel from among existing employees and their further training for transfer to other positions;
  • monitoring the psychological atmosphere in the team and taking appropriate measures to correct it;
  • development of measures to increase motivation;
  • rationalization of the organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • monitoring compliance with labor discipline;
  • advising employees on labor laws and social protection;
  • development of internal staff regulations;
  • documentary support of all processes related to personnel;
  • formation and management of personal files of employees;
  • provision of personal data of employees to various state funds and institutions;
  • vacation scheduling;
  • analysis of the movement of personnel with an explanation of the causes of detected trends;
  • Estimating staff costs;
  • development of rationalization proposals on personnel management issues;
  • ensuring the maintenance of trade secrets in terms of information about employees.

job description of HR manager

Specialist Rights

Not only duties, but also the rights of a specialist are determined by the job description of the training manager. It is about the following:

  • representing the interests of the enterprise and acting on its behalf in cooperation with organizations, state bodies in matters related to labor and personnel;
  • independent correspondence with external organizations;
  • participation in the preparation of internal documents and orders regarding personnel management;
  • request and receive information related to personnel management from enterprise management and other services;
  • signature and endorsement of documents within the competence determined by the head;
  • making suggestions for the organization of work.

job description manager training

Responsibility of a specialist

Responsibility for certain actions or inaction is borne by the personnel development manager at the enterprise. Job description defines the following provisions:

  • for unfair performance of official duties, which are provided for in the instructions, as well as in legislative acts regarding labor activity;
  • for damage to the property of the enterprise or causing material damage by any other means;
  • for errors made during the work.

Other provisions

There are several provisions that relate to the work of a specialist. So, the following points can be considered the most significant:

  • the job description of the personnel manager is drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored directly with the employee;
  • the provisions of the document may be changed taking into account reforms in the internal structure of the enterprise, as well as changes in legislation;
  • any changes in the contents of the job description can be made only with the knowledge and consent of the general director of the enterprise.

HR Development Manager job description


Staff is the foundation of any enterprise. It is the workers who carry out the main process for the production of products or the provision of services. But the work of employees can be effective only with competent organization of the process and high-quality coordination of all departments. The personnel manager is responsible for this moment. The job description for this specialty determines the rights, obligations and other significant provisions governing the work of the manager.

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