
Top universities in Norway

One of the three countries of Scandinavia - Norway, natural wealth and hard work of residents in a short period of time have turned it into one of the leaders of success and democracy in the world. The signed manifesto “Education should be accessible to everyone” made the universities of Norway very attractive for international students.universities of norway

Norway - the pearl of Scandinavia

Magnificent landscapes of snowy mountains, unusual and grandiose fjords and northern lights on a polar night. Legends about the times of the Vikings, Valkyries, winged horses and Valhaale. "Scream" by Edward Munch and modern cinema, presented about twelve masterpieces in recent years. About two hundred ways to cook salmon and sushi with a variety of fish. All of this is Norway.

This northern exotic attracts students even from very hot countries.Norwegian universities for Russians

Why Norway

Free tuition comes first in the list of benefits that Norway offers. Universities for foreigners can be found on similar conditions in Europe. But in addition to this, Norway also provides a unique system of loans and scholarships for a foreign student, and employment after graduation is also offered.

The high world rating, which the universities of Norway confidently hold, and the Bologna system are also of particular interest to the applicant. The system of the educational process is similar to the pan-European one, which distinguishes these institutions from Asian competitors.

The level of education in Norway is clearly illustrated by the fact that 6.6% of gross national income is spent on the education system (in the EEC countries - 4.9%).

Few people know, but according to UNESCO, Norway is recognized as the leader in access to education. And only after it is Great Britain, Slovenia, Korea and Italy.public universities of norway

Norwegian University diploma is prestigious

Norway is a participant in the Bologna process. Accordingly, a Norwegian university diploma will be recognized in any EU country without additional confirmation. All countries in Europe, the USA and Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the prospects of employment anywhere in the world will give a diploma from a Norwegian university.

Often, after graduation, students find work in Norway. After seven years of living in this country, you can count on obtaining citizenship.

Make a decision without delay

Periodically in the government, various political forces initiate the idea of ​​a bill that would oblige universities to charge tuition fees from foreign students. Today, training is still free.

Foreign applicants occupy 10% of the entire student audience. At the same time, the leaders of the Norwegians are the Swedes. Although Sweden, after introducing fees for international students, lost 80% of potential applicants, young Swedes choose to study with a neighbor. Norwegian universities are attractive for Russians (immediately after the Swedes), Icelanders, Iranians, Chinese, Koreans, and even Americans.oslo norway universities

Higher education system in Norway

The country has a system of public and private institutions of higher education. The private sector accounts for 10% of the total number of applicants, the rest of the burden falls on state universities in Norway. The main distinguishing feature is the fee for direct training. In Norwegian state universities, both a citizen of a country and a resident of another state can receive education without paying for tuition. According to the international agreement signed by Norway within the framework of the European Economic Community, tuition is not charged from foreign applicants.

Education at universities in Norway is conducted in an informal style, preferably with small groups of students. The right is given to independently choose the discipline for training. In all universities, great attention is paid to the study of philosophy, and upon graduation, an exam in this subject is required.how to enter a university in norway

Higher School Structure

In total, Norway has 53 institutions of higher accreditation, of which:

  • 8 universities of the humanities, natural sciences and the exact sciences;
  • 8 specialized technical universities;
  • 35 colleges where they receive a bachelor's degree;
  • 2 national higher arts schools.

Education can be obtained in three levels: undergraduate (3-4 years), magistrate (2 years), doctoral studies (3 years). The training is conducted in two languages ​​of choice: Norwegian and English. In addition, the Norwegian language can be learned in preparatory courses at the educational institution.norway universities for foreigners

The best universities in Norway. A short guide

Before briefly describing the universities of Norway, the list of which will be presented below, it is worth noting the following. Such schools are highly valued in the fall in the world. In the ranking of international QS Rankings, public universities in Norway occupy prestigious positions. For example, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Engineering occupies 251 positions, the University of Bergen in 151 places, and the University of Oslo (Norway) in 65 positions. Universities have a good research base, modern laboratory equipment and computer rooms:

  • University of Oslo Founded in 1811, released five Nobel Prize winners. Deservedly considered one of the best universities in Europe. The annual budget is 700 million euros.
  • The University of Bergen is one of the largest in Europe. Provides training in the humanitarian, legal, medical and mathematical fields.
  • The University of Tromsø and the College of Finnmark were merged into the Arctic University of Norway (The Arctik University of Norway). It was completed by James Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia. There is a strong research base in the field of space and medicine.
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norvegian Universite of Scinse and Technology). Medicine, architecture, archeology and marine technology - these are several areas of this institution.
  • Svalbard University (University Center in Svalbard) is the northernmost university in the world. Specialization: Arctic biology and geology, geophysics and technology.
  • Norwegian School of Economics and Business Management in Bergen (Norges Handelshoyskole). The oldest school of economics founded in 1936. Specialization - economics and business administration. Cooperation programs have been signed with 130 foreign institutions in 30 countries.

It is necessary to choose a university with orientation to the desired specialty and language of instruction.universities of norway list

How to enter a university in Norway

For admission, you do not need to take exams. Take into account the average mark of graduation and previous certificates of education. Documents must be submitted in November, since the school year begins in August. In addition to the certificate, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of study at the university, at least one course.
  • Confirmation of language skills of an international standard.
  • Residence permit documents issued at the Norwegian Embassy.

The timing and list of documents may vary. Therefore, choosing a university, it is necessary to carefully study the conditions for admission of a particular institution and prepare documents for the embassy. Please note that financial support of the order of 12.5 thousand euros is required.top universities in norway

Universities of Norway for Russians

Russia and Norway signed a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of education. Therefore, every year 30 students are sent to study at the best universities in Norway. Program The high north fellowship provides for a scholarship of about 1 thousand euros per month.To get a grant for such training is most realistic in Norwegian literature or language, but this is half the students. Everyone else can compete in a variety of scientific disciplines.

The exchange and grant programs are coordinated by the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Higher Education, located at the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. All programs are freely available for review.

Associated Infrastructure

All universities in Norway have a special department that deals exclusively with the living conditions of students. True, membership in such a "union" is voluntary-compulsory. The fee is from 30 to 100 euros per semester. Add to this the compulsory insurance, travel expenses, personal expenses and living expenses. For students, places of residence in dormitories are either not provided, or limited, or paid. But for the money the student will receive a range of services. From the standard - a hostel, catering and gym. To the exclusive - a trip to the mountains, skiing, visiting theaters and exhibitions, a student bar and much more.

Is it really free?

Given all of the above, it will become clear that everything is not completely free. There will be costs, and if you choose the capital of Norway, Oslo, rest assured, it will be a penny. Oslo is a very expensive city to live in, and Norway is not the cheapest country to live in. What is only the most expensive gasoline in Europe!

However, if a student becomes a member of the loan program provided by universities in Norway, things will become much simpler. A loan in Norway partially or completely passes into a scholarship, and sometimes even says goodbye (if the student is an excellent student, there are some other rules). Many criticize Norway for such liberalism, but so far the system is working.Education can be obtained at public universities in Norway

Interesting facts about Norway

  • Salmon sushi is not the invention of the Japanese at all. In the 80s of the last century, it was the Norwegians who proposed such a recipe.
  • Norwegians are the most educated nation. 37% of citizens have completed higher education.
  • Young dads are also entitled to three months of paid maternity leave.
  • Each book published by Norwegian publishers is bought by the government and distributed through a network of libraries.
  • In the XI century for three years, the king of Norway was really a dog named Saur.
  • The kings motto is “Everything for Norway”.
  • Amazing fact: Norway is the largest exporter of ostrich meat.
  • Students of Svalbard International University study shooting on the first day of study. The university is located on the island of Svalbard and is famous for the frequent meetings of humans with polar bears.
  • All statehood is built on trust. For example, if the national flag is raised at the house - the owners of the house, and if it is lowered - they are away.
  • In the city of Ryukan, with a population of 3.5 thousand, the city authorities installed equipment that from December to February directs sunlight to the central square of the city. The cost of the project is 845 thousand dollars.
  • Since 2009, gay marriage has been recognized in Norway. But no gay pride parades have ever been held, and the prestige of the institution of a traditional family is very high.

Like an epilogue

The country of practical socialism, where medical care and education are free. Trust in citizens is sometimes surprising - in case of illness, for example, it is enough to tell the employer by telephone about your absence. A paid vacation during the polar night as a cure for depression is generally impressive. The Northern Scandinavian people are hospitable and unhurried, the beauty of the harsh landscape and the prosperity of the economy attract foreigners both to study and to live permanently. I would like to believe that compatriots, having studied in Norway, will still want to realize the ideas of this country in their homeland.

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