
The best time management book. David Allen "How to Get Things Tidy." Nikolay Mrochkovsky "Extreme Time Management"

Today, it is extremely important for a modern person to learn how to properly manage his time. Often, people just lack twenty-four hours a day. But this is not due to the fact that a person has too many things to do. Often a large amount of time goes nowhere. The best time management book will help you learn how to control your life. This article reviews several books. Having chosen a book suitable for himself, a person can completely change his life, start a new business, build a personal life, restore order in his own thoughts, and even establish long-term relations with his relatives.best time management book

What is time management?

The words "success" and "succeed" are inextricably linked. The ability of an individual to properly manage his life is a key factor in achieving success and financial well-being. What is the main resource of every business person? Of course, time. After all, everything else can be found, earned, restored or strengthened. But lost time cannot be returned. Time management (TM) is a whole science of effective time management. Famous people such as Steve Jobs, who created the most popular IT brand, or Nicholas Roerich, who during his life painted thousands of paintings and wrote dozens of books, knew how to plan his day so as to achieve maximum efficiency as a result.

Time Management for Beginners

The famous Russian "guru" in time management is the writer Gleb Arkhangelsky. Time Drive is his book, which has become a well-deserved bestseller. It is intended for those who have never heard of time management before. This book contains all the methods and tools for managing time. For a beginner who wants to improve his time management skills, Time Drive will be a real find.

How to change your life and start doing everything? Gleb of Arkhangelsk himself talks about his own experience in solving such important issues. Time Drive is a book by the Russian master of TM. In it, the writer talks about the classical methods of time management, as well as about their adaptation to the modern world. Arkhangelsky brings real and vivid stories from life, which helps to really penetrate his book. And for people who are new to time management, he offers practical exercises that will help improve TM skills. The book of Arkhangelsk boasts good humor and simple language. Time Drive is the best time management book for beginners.extreme time management

Stress free productivity

The book by David Allen entitled "How to put things in order" is notable popularity. The writer has developed a time management system called Getting Things Done. This algorithm helps sort “incoming” cases, tasks, events, as well as new information. The purpose of this system is not only the organization and planning of cases. In our information age, a person needs something more than a task and project management scheme. The GTD system is a whole methodology that helps to understand fundamental issues such as meaningful work, the right way of life, and psychological well-being.In his book, How to Get Things Tidy, David Allen focuses on not only the importance of improving productivity. It helps a person free his brain for new creative ideas, gives the individual confidence in the importance of the work that he does.

Allen’s book tells about how to build a system of correct and quick choice of actions, learn and love to plan your day, gain control over tasks, learn how to concentrate on work and result, and also become not only successful, but also as productive as possible. The writer pays much attention to such an important issue as getting rid of the lion's share of stress. Indeed, it is often nervous tension that prevents a person from concentrating on his life. David Allen presented the information in an accessible and understandable way, so his book is read in one breath.how to put things in order

Time Management Classic

Many authors, starting work on books on time management, refer to such a master of time management as Alan Lackain. The Art of Keeping Up is a true classic work on TM, in which Lackain describes the basic principles of rational use of time. The book has passed the test of time and is perfect for those who are just getting acquainted with the fundamental laws of time management. This classic work includes tools that help a person "make friends" with themselves and their time. Alan Luckeyn perfectly diluted the theory with vivid life examples that show a person that managing his life is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.gleb arkhangelsk time drive

The basic principles of TM from young and successful businessmen

Extreme Time Management is a new business bestseller from Nikolai Mrochkovsky and Alexey Tolkachev. The authors of the book know a lot about managing their lives. They succeeded for a fairly short juice, opened their own schools and consulting companies, and also became professional business trainers. They outlined their time management methods in this best-selling book. The car dealership manager Gleb is the main character of the book, who followed the prompts of the mysterious guru and completely changed his life. He was able to create his own business and find love. At first, Gleb was a whiner, adrift, but in the shortest possible time (two months) he turned into a highly productive person. The title of the book, Extreme Time Management, speaks for itself. Nikolai Mrochkovsky and Alexey Tolkachev give sensible advice to the reader on how to quickly achieve positive results in work and in personal life.

The main thing is efficiency

Marshall Cook, author of a book on time management, has helped many people learn how to properly manage their time. How to effectively use your own strength and act quickly? How to use your skills and talents? Marshall Cook answers these and other important questions in his work entitled Effective Time Management. The book helps the reader to look at himself and the world in a new way, to evaluate in a different way the importance of technology in modern life, and also to understand whether a person needs a daily routine and how he can serve him. What role do things like computers, telephones, faxes, alarms play in our world? Some people think that these things govern the life of a person. But Marshall Cook thinks otherwise. He makes it clear that technology is designed to serve people. In addition, in his book, the author focuses on the fact that a person must learn to devote his time only to important matters, and simply ignore all unnecessary.Alan Lackain Art

How to overcome chaos at work and at home?

An excellent guru for those who do not want to spend their time studying theory is Regina Leeds. “Complete Order” is her book, in which the writer talks about how to overcome chaos in all areas of life. The author pays little attention to theory. Regina Leeds is betting on practice.In the book, the reader will find two tasks regarding work and home, which must be completed in one week. After a full course of “training”, the reader will be able to establish relationships with loved ones, make out perennial rubble on the desktop, throw negative thoughts from his head. “Complete Order” is the best time management book for those who want to get down to business immediately and understand in practice how to deal with chaos in all aspects of life.Regina Leeds Full Order

TM for modern women

It is no secret to anyone that in the modern world a woman is extremely difficult to cope with all affairs. After all, often on her shoulders hang not only household chores, but also mountains of business at work. Time management books for women help you learn how to use time rationally. Natalya Jeremic believes that to succeed at work and at the same time pay attention to household members is quite possible. In her book, Time Management for Women. How to do everything ”sets out the basic principles of rational organization of time. Using the rules of Natalia Jeremic, a modern woman will be able to simultaneously engage in work affairs and prepare delicious dinners. In addition, the author gives important tips on how to eliminate the imbalance between work and family. Today, a woman needs to be able to properly manage time. This will help the book by Natalia Jeremic, at the end of which you can find a pleasant surprise in the form of recipes for fast food.

The Importance of Time Management

It is extremely important for a modern person to feel freedom, to devote time to their leisure, health, career and personal life. Many complain that twenty-four hours in a day are simply not enough. But this is a fallacy. With proper planning of your day, you can manage to do everything at work and at home. Time management helps in setting goals and planning working hours. Knowing the fundamental principles of TM, a person will be able to begin to struggle with the causes of the misuse of his time. Each individual has his own, strictly individual reasons for the loss of a temporary resource. And methods of dealing with them must also be individual. Since time management is a holistic structure, a person should use all the rules for time management, not excluding a single element. After all, only then will the TM system begin to give visible results. All authors of books that describe methods for rational use of time suggest that the reader will think creatively and be creative about his daily routine.effective time management book

Reader Reviews

How to learn to control your life and properly organize your daily routine? Books on time management will help with such important issues. The reviews of people who used the advice of the above authors inspire confidence that changing the course of your life is quite easy. You just need to choose the right book and start following the advice of the author. A large number of readers who learned the secrets of time management, began to successfully conduct their business, figured out many years of work, established relationships in the family and put things in order in their heads.

Which book to choose?

Is there a best time management book? Of course, it cannot be argued that any of the above books on TM is the most effective. Each person must decide what sphere of life he is most interested in, and also what is more important for him, theory or practice. Guided by his life priorities, a person can choose the most suitable time management book for him. Each person must choose an individual TM system. And those who are difficult to decide can opt for such classic authors of time management literature as David Allen and Alan Lackain. They are real masters of time management, they themselves have tested many ways to manage time and know for sure which technique is the most effective.

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