
License for waste management. Waste collection, transportation, disposal and disposal

How to get a license for waste management activities? Is it hard? Is it expensive? Is it possible to work just like that without registering any license for waste collection? What will it be? Many entrepreneurs planning to start their own business in this promising field face difficulties when trying to understand the law. In addition, the register of waste licenses was formatted some time ago, and you need to know which rules are still relevant and which are a thing of the past.

waste management license

Rules, regulations and obligations

Some time ago, rules were established for companies wishing to provide waste collection services. These included, among other things, special licenses for hazardous waste (and other types). Then this permission was canceled, but since 2016 it is again necessary for those who want to master this area of ​​entrepreneurship. Nowadays, waste disposal is possible only upon receipt of a special document from officials. The documentation is intended to confirm that the company has the right and is responsible for the collection and transportation of items. In general, waste management involves working with hazard categories one through four.

The license is issued as a result of a special procedure established by the laws of the state. The permits obtained earlier were only valid until the end of 2015. If the company with such a license for waste transportation is interested in working at present, it will have to reissue the document - it is no longer possible to use the old one.

Want! How to get?

In our country, it is necessary to obtain not only licenses for waste disposal, transportation and the provision of other related services - there are quite a few areas of activity that are available only with special documentation issued by government officials when contacting the responsible authority and following the request form.

Not every entrepreneur who is interested in this area is ready to spend time and effort on working with government bodies. An alternative is cooperation with intermediaries. In the market of specific services, there are quite a few enterprises that help to obtain a license for the disposal of waste and related activities. However, it will cost significantly more than an independent appeal to the authorities. As a rule, the intermediary fills out documents on the basis of information provided by the client, requests documentation from the body responsible for this, receives a ready-made license and transfers it to the customer. Thus, it is possible to apply for various types of waste and activities with them: collection, transportation, processing, recycling, disposal, disposal, elimination of the danger associated with products.

Who needs?

As the practice of the last year and a half shows, special licenses for working with various types of waste are needed by a wide range of legal entities. These are not only highly specialized companies interested in building a business specifically in the field of transportation, processing of specific items. Special licenses for waste management are necessary for cleaning organizations, construction companies, and trading companies. For such legal entities, the problem of working with the volumes of various substances formed in the process of activity is especially relevant if the scale is large.

types of waste

Under current law, any organization that carries garbage, collects it, processes it, is required to obtain a special license for its activities. However, for the fifth grade, a waste license is not issued by Rosprirodnadzor, since non-hazardous objects and substances belong to this category, therefore, no regulation has been introduced by law. You can read more about established standards in the Federal Law on Licensing. Here, various types of activities, the features of obtaining permission for such entrepreneurial activity, are considered. If a person does not have a license for the disposal of waste of hazard class 4, but has certain products that require such processing, transportation, you will have to conclude an agreement with the permitting company. This applies to the first, second and third grades.

Licenses: what are they?

There are several types of permissions, each of which involves a specific type of activity. For grades one through four, you can obtain the following licenses for waste management:

  • collection;
  • shipping;
  • treatment;
  • disposal;
  • neutralization;
  • accommodation.

What is this about?

By collection, it is customary to understand the receipt, receipt of the waste produced by some legal entity, individual. The main objective of the collection is the concentration of objects for further work with them. Transportation involves such movement, in which special machines are involved. Items collected in advance are moved outside the area owned or temporarily owned by the entrepreneur.

The neutralization activity involves such processing, in the framework of which some items are burned up, others are treated with disinfecting compounds when using specific machines, mechanisms. This license for waste management provides access to activities to prevent the negative impact of products developed by society on nature and human health. Disposal is to ensure the safety of the transferred waste with disposal, if possible.

Features of the rules and regulations

A license for waste management is not required if the person is only involved in the accumulation of such items. Under this term, the temporary placement of substances is assumed - within six months, but no more. You can use special sites, places, designed in accordance with applicable law and subject to the rules of protecting environmental safety. It must be remembered that the place for temporary accumulation should be designed in such a way as not to bring danger or damage to the well-being of the local population, it is equally important to observe sanitary and hygienic standards.


Temporary storage is a necessary measure before transferring waste for transportation and disposal.

Where to go?

A special permit for environmental management is currently issuing a special permit for waste management. The state agency is called "Rosprirodnadzor". The processing time for an application received from the enterprise is 45 days; if the decision is positive, then the license is issued for an indefinite period. In order for the documentation to be accepted for consideration, it is necessary to pre-pay the state fee and present a receipt confirming this fact. Currently, the cost of services of a state institution is 7,500 rubles.

Features of obtaining

In order for the appeal to the state authority to be successful, it is necessary to collect a package of documentation and comply with the established requirements. This is equally important for those who independently draw up documents, and for those receiving permission through an intermediary. However, in the second case it’s a little easier, since the company representative will check the documentation package and advise you to adjust it if necessary.In general, a license is granted if the applicant has specialized facilities, including stand-alone buildings where waste can be placed. It is necessary to confirm the legal grounds for using the territory, the provision of documents confirming ownership will be optimal, but a temporary use option is also possible.

Rosprirodnadzor waste license

To obtain permission for special operations with waste, you need to have machines, plants for processing and transportation. It is necessary to submit documentation for mobile installations, special devices. As in the case of real estate, the ideal option is the presence of positions in the property, but the documentation is considered confirming other grounds for use that are legal according to the current law. This also includes vehicles pre-equipped with special signs.

Permission to permit

According to the current laws in our country, only those persons who have received a special license for this type of activity can work with waste and garbage. In order for the company to begin providing services in this area, you must first recruit the appropriate staff with official permits. Certificates are issued based on the completion of a training course lasting 72 or 112 hours.

In order to ensure constant clear control over the employees, taking into account the standards, a person with a special legal education is appointed as the person responsible for admission to work. In the absence of one in the company’s staff, it is not possible to obtain a work license.

Control and protection

To obtain a license, the company must confirm the availability of monitoring capabilities in the territories used in the work of the level of environmental pollution. In addition, it is important to assess the impact on the environment from waste transported, stored, and recycled. If some substance can destroy the ozone layer of the planet, in the area of ​​responsibility of the enterprise working with it is recovery during the burial of the total mass of processed items. This issue is considered separately in the Federal Law on Environmental Protection, in the 51st article, the second paragraph.

hazard class 4 waste disposal license

In order for the state to issue a license for specific activities with waste, in the area of ​​responsibility of the applying legal entity - provide information about the facility where substances, objects and substances will be placed. These data are officially recorded in the state register. At the same time, the person requesting the license is obliged to provide a conclusion that the buildings and territories fully comply with the sanitary rules that apply to the areas used in waste management. These are established by applicable law.

Examinations and Verifications

In order to obtain a license, in accordance with the procedure established by laws, an entrepreneur requesting this permission must undergo an environmental review conducted by state authorities. As part of such an event, the project documentation of all the elements that are supposed to be involved in the work process is investigated. If the facilities are being built or reconstructed, the responsible authority will analyze the project papers.

Obtaining a license involves writing an application in the prescribed form, backing it up with a package of the listed documentation and sending it to a state authority. Papers are registered in accordance with the rules of workflow and processed by the designated officials responsible for them. Based on the results of the audit, the official takes a positive or negative decision on the issue and issues a license or sends a response listing the reasons for the refusal.If the decision was positive, such a certificate is not limited in duration, it is applicable in any region of our country.

Package of documents: nothing can be missed

As a rule, when submitting documentation, the entrepreneur contacts with a representative of the state authority conducting a preliminary check of the collected official papers. In some cases, even this measure does not allow us to immediately understand that some document is incorrectly executed or is not in the general list. It will not be superfluous to first independently examine the full list of necessary documents for obtaining a license and carefully draw up a package of documentation without missing anything.

hazardous waste license

Founding papers

This is the very first and most important block of documents that should complement the application for a license. Be sure to attach a decision, a protocol within which the head of the legal entity is selected, as well as a protocol, a decision confirming the fact of the formation of the company. A certificate is required showing that the constituent documentation was amended, if any. If the company has a memorandum of association, the charter, certified copies are attached to the general package of documents. Here it is necessary to put evidence of state registration, tax registration.

The statutory documentation required to obtain a license for activities with waste includes an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Goskomstat encoding, and a payment order containing confirmation of payment of the fee to the state authority. The last document must be the original, a copy is not accepted.

What else is needed?

To obtain a license, it is necessary to formulate in advance a list of hazardous waste that is supposed to be handled. It is necessary to indicate which activities will be implemented as part of the work process. The full list is listed above. You can select all the items, you can stop at a few. You will also have to attach passports of hazardous waste, which are supposed to work on.

In order for the state authority to make a positive decision regarding the request for permission, you will have to worry about supplementing the list of documentation with certificates that give the right to work with specific hazardous waste. Such evidence should confirm that the organization’s personnel have undergone specialized training and can work in the chosen field. You also need to attach to the package of papers official evidence of the ownership right or other reason legally permissible for the use of industrial territories, facilities where the waste will be disposed of, facilities applicable in the work on the disposal of items.

waste disposal license

Present, future and past

In fact, it was possible to work with waste without a license for two and a half years. The standards that entered into force in 2016 are in many respects similar to those that were introduced by the laws 2.5 years before. To some extent, the measures taken by the authorities to strengthen control over the activities of the enterprise in this area are a necessary step to preserve the ecology of our country. The tightening of control measures ultimately benefits both enterprises and society, and each individual citizen.

As part of the registration of the license, the entrepreneur must clearly understand what kind of waste they are faced with, at what stage what specifics are. For example, even the receipt of waste from the tenants of the office center is already a fee for which a license is required. At the same time, accumulated items can be stored for up to six months without experiencing problems with the law. If the owner of a land plot moves the waste within it, then such activity also does not require a special permit. It is necessary if you have to go beyond its borders - to a foreign or common territory.

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