War veterans are represented by citizens who, while serving, defended the country by participating in various military conflicts. They must officially receive this status in order to rely on different types of assistance from the state. Relief and preferences are appointed not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. The benefits to war veterans in Moscow are important and significant, therefore, they simplify the life of former or existing military personnel.
Who can count on help?
Based on the provisions of the federal law “On Veterans of Military Operations”, various support measures are assigned to these citizens. The following persons belong to such beneficiaries:
- the military, who not only served in various Russian power structures, but also took part in the implementation of various important military operations on the basis of the commander’s tasks;
- military personnel performing tasks during the USSR related to the cleaning of various Russian territories from explosive devices;
- Persons participating in military operations in Afghanistan;
- military personnel specializing in cargo transportation or serving in military units during military operations in Afghanistan;
- military personnel who have any awards for the implementation of combat missions in Chechnya and Afghanistan;
- persons performing combat missions in Syria.
The above list is exhaustive. If a person really complies with the requirements of the law, then he can count on receiving various assistance from the state. It is appointed not only at the federal level, but also in each region different types of support are offered to veterans. The Moscow law "On the benefits of war veterans" allows military personnel to receive different types of benefits and concessions. But all of them are provided exclusively in a declarative manner, so the veteran must independently apply to the social protection department for assistance.
basic information
Benefits to war veterans in Moscow are assigned only if the person has the appropriate certificate. It is issued individually, and also has an original series and number. This document lists personal information about the veteran, as well as glues his photo. The certificate must have the personal signature of the citizen.
Only with such a document can a person apply to the social welfare department for support. The employees of this organization will provide the applicant with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a special document containing a list of benefits that a citizen can apply for.
What types of assistance are offered?
Many former soldiers are thinking about what benefits to war veterans in Moscow can be issued on the basis of an existing certificate. They can be both federal and regional. Key relief measures include:
- free travel in public transport, and if a citizen plans a trip by water transport to Moscow Region, then he is given a discount of 50%;
- payment of a military pension, which is assigned for the length of service, but for this it is important to have military experience of 25 years;
- if the veteran has a car, he can be exempted from paying the transport tax, but such an exemption applies only to one vehicle, and also the capacity of the car should not exceed 200 liters. with.;
- Dental prosthetics is offered free of charge, and repairs are carried out at the expense of the state.
Regional benefits for war veterans in Moscow are considered significant and important for every citizen with the necessary status. With their help, the life of the former military is greatly simplified.
Social benefits
The federal law “On War Veterans” includes information that people with this status can rely on various social benefits. They are supplemented by some types of support from the Moscow authorities:
- Veterans can get residential real estate for free, for which they use the federal budget. Previously, it will be necessary to become a member of a special line in the housing department. Only veterans who do not have their own housing or need to improve living conditions can count on such support.
- The transfer of monetary compensation for utilities, and it is equal to 50% of the total payment for utilities.
- Veterans can count on the extraordinary installation of telephone communications in their residential premises.
- They have a pre-emptive right to join various cooperatives, which may be construction, housing, gardening, country or garage.
The privilege provided for paying utility bills is offered exclusively to a veteran, therefore, does not apply to his family members.
Tax relief
The most significant for many veterans are considered transport tax benefits. In Moscow, all people with the above status may not pay this fee for one car at all. But this takes into account the conditions:
- exemption can be obtained exclusively for one car, so if a citizen owns several cars at once, then for the rest of the vehicle you will have to pay the full fee;
- relief is provided only for cars whose capacity does not exceed 200 liters. with.;
- An important condition is the availability of permanent registration in the capital.
Citizens must themselves engage in the design of this assistance. To obtain transport tax benefits, you must contact the Federal Tax Service branch at the place of residence with a statement, a copy of the certificate of a war veteran, as well as documentation for your existing car. Based on the correct application, exemption from payment of the fee will be granted.
The ability to not pay a transport tax for war veterans is considered substantial assistance. This is due to the fact that almost every Muscovite has a car used for different purposes. Therefore, annually, citizens have to transfer substantial amounts of funds to the Moscow budget.
Medical Benefits
Only with participation in various military operations can a person receive the rank of war veteran. In Chechnya and Afghanistan, military personnel have been involved in numerous military conflicts, so people often have various serious injuries, injuries and chronic illnesses. Therefore, at the state level, they are offered medical benefits. They are as follows:
- any state medical institution offers completely free help;
- out of turn, citizens can undergo medical examination;
- free dental prosthetics are provided.
If a serviceman additionally, while participating in hostilities, received any serious injuries, after which he designed a disability group, he can count on types of assistance intended for people with disabilities.
Financial help
The benefits to war veterans in Moscow are considered numerous and substantial. Additionally, citizens can expect to receive financial support in the form of cash payments:
- additional pension payment equal to 1.6 thousand rubles;
- monthly allowance of 3 thousandrubles, and it is paid to members of the family of a citizen if he died from wounds received during hostilities.
After the death of a veteran, his family members can expect a 50% discount when buying tickets to various medical institutions for treatment.
Preferential conditions for the purchase of land or housing
Benefits to war veterans in Moscow include the possibility of obtaining residential real estate on favorable terms. It is issued in the order of priority, but it is required that the veteran really needs to improve living conditions.
If the veteran does not have a family, then he will be given an apartment, the area of which does not exceed 33 m2. If he has a spouse, then housing is provided with an area of up to 42 m2. If there are children, 18 m is allocated for each family member2.
If a family cannot wait several years to receive a free apartment, then it is permissible to use other support measures that allow you to get housing at reduced prices. This includes getting a military mortgage or participating in other mortgage programs.
Veterans can expect to receive a free plot of land intended for gardening and horticulture. People who have lined up for land after 2005 can receive monetary compensation instead of land. It can be used to solve housing problems. The amount of money may be used to purchase real estate.
How are benefits provided?
Financial and tax incentives for war veterans in Moscow and other cities are provided exclusively on a declarative basis. Therefore, a citizen entitled to various exemptions must independently apply to the department of the Federal Tax Service or social security in order to receive information about the rules for processing this or that state aid.
To receive payments you need to visit the department of social protection. You need to have a passport, a veteran’s certificate, as well as a correctly prepared application with you. The pension supplement is issued at the PF department.
Tax relief is provided at the tax office, where you need to apply with documents confirming the status of the taxpayer. It is possible to submit documentation not only with a personal visit to the department of an institution, but also through the IFC or the post office of Russia.
Other exemptions
If the veteran after receiving the title continues to work even after retiring, he can count on getting a vacation at any time of the year. He is allowed to arrange an additional vacation, the duration of which is 15 days.
If necessary, he can count on leave without maintenance, which lasts 35 days. All holidays can be divided into parts.
All benefits received by a veteran can be monetized. Therefore, if a citizen does not need different discounts and tax exemptions, then he can receive the corresponding payment. To do this, you will have to contact the social security department with a statement.
If a veteran dies, then relatives can count on various social benefits. They are represented by a housing subsidy, a 50% discount on utility bills, free services in medical organizations, and other types of assistance. They can be issued by spouses, parents or minor children.
War veterans may receive federal and regional assistance from the state. Moscow offers tax, social and other types of benefits. They are drawn up exclusively in a declarative manner, so a citizen must independently apply to different state institutions for their receipt.
Some benefits may be monetized. Additionally, a veteran can get free public housing if he does not have his own housing.