Stalin's repressions first affected the Soviet Union, and then Russia very much. The future of the nation suffered. Indeed, the victims of the persecution turned out to be wide sections of the population, including young families and children. And to this day it is not known how many people were exactly infringed on their rights. The Stalinist repressions are a terrible period of Soviet history, an attempt to rehabilitate which modern authorities are making by paying small allowances to the victims of those years. Only those who are able to present special evidence can rely on them. In addition, the law provides benefits to family members of the repressed, but this rule applies to a fairly narrow circle of people. Who and what has the right to obtain from the state?
Repression: what is it about?
Political repressions, which became one of the most characteristic and well-known pages of our history, were typical of the period when the government forced the masses to fulfill illegal, unnatural, infringement of human rights demands, appealing to the fact that this was supposedly in favor of the state. Many were forcibly resettled, became exiles. Independence, the rights of citizens were infringed, and some were paid with their lives. The current legislation establishes benefits for children of the repressed and a number of other preferences, if it is possible to prove involvement in the victims of that time.
Repressed and related people are usually divided into several categories. Each of them has its own rights. First of all, they mention those who were charged for political reasons, arrested for this reason and expelled, sent to a camp or executed. The rehabilitation program for the repressed many of these sufferers allowed to be recognized as innocent, but for the majority it was already too late.
Repression and people
During the reign of Stalin, citizens who were suspected of having different views on politics than those established by the central government were subjected to persecution. Repressed in the USSR were commonplace. It was not necessary to really adhere to the “wrong” views (and even more so to talk about them). It was enough only to denounce the neighbor - and the person disappeared.
At that moment when the problem of repression became obvious to the widest masses, it was not necessary to have any specific opinions. A person could easily suffer because of personal reasons - a banal hostility of a party employee. However, the most difficult conditions were waiting for those who dared to express their disagreement with state policy aloud, but the rest were massively repressed citizens. Mostly the peasants suffered, who were expelled, recognizing their fists.
And who else?
Currently, privileges for repressed retirees are granted not only because of their involvement in the two above-mentioned groups of the population, but also because they belong to certain nationalities that were persecuted during the Soviet period. This was most characteristic of the period of World War II, but both before and after it, some nationalities suffered en masse. The authorities deported the settlements, forced hundreds and thousands of people to leave their habitable places without having anything with them, and sent them to places where it was difficult, if not impossible, to survive.
Nowadays, benefits for repressed in Russia are prescribed in the current legislation.Here it is indicated what kind of preferences are there, for which category of the population they are relevant, who can count on what. Certain benefits for repressed and rehabilitated are provided if they are parents, children of victims of persecution in Soviet times. There are special conditions for those who were themselves victims and are still alive today.
Preferences: what is the right?
You can find out about what benefits the repressed use in the department of social protection, which is assigned to the place of residence of a person who falls under one of the points of the program. Traditionally, the highest demand for medical services. Victims of repression, as well as their families, can use these services out of turn. The rule applies to inpatient, outpatient conditions.
As practice shows, the benefits of the repressed are not always used by those who have the right to do so. People are simply afraid to declare that they can go forward, that they belong to this category. And many employees of medical institutions in such a situation behave unethically, incorrectly. This is largely due to the fact that victims of repression, as well as close relatives of such people usually do not have extra money, cannot afford paid services. This affects the attitude of others. Regularly held events at the regional and national levels are designed to improve the attitude towards those who are entitled to the benefits of the repressed. But while such measures give a rather weak result.
Save: is it possible?
In accordance with applicable laws, those who are entitled to preferences as victims of persecution can receive a discount on medications. For a number of drugs, it reaches half the cost. To get access to such a program, you must come to the reception of the chief doctor of your clinic and request a prescription. Vacation at the pharmacy is possible only with the direct participation of the department head.
The program for providing benefits to repressed, as can be seen from the laws that have entered into force, is funded by local budgets. For this reason, a catastrophic lack of funds is observed in any region. This seriously limits the possibility of obtaining medicines at a discount: chief physicians simply cannot give prescriptions to everyone who has the right to it, and pharmacists cannot release such a product.
This leads to the fact that the benefits are not used by the repressed, people spend personal money on drugs at the pharmacy, purchasing them at full cost. Lawyers say that in such a situation, you need to get a prescription from a doctor, and then ask for assistance in social protection. If the doctor refuses such a prescription, it is necessary, without hesitation, to write a complaint about his activity to the medical commission of the district or city level, and if it does not help, then to the regional body.
Health recovery: what other opportunities are there?
Victims of political repression of the Soviet period can count on special conditions for visiting sanatoriums and resorts. As part of the wellness program, benefits are given for vouchers, the payment of which falls on the regional budgets. Responsibility for the implementation of the social program lies with the social protection authorities. To take this chance, you must enroll in a special queue at the local, regional level. If we are talking about a pensioner who does not have a permanent place of work, then you should use the services of the nearest department of social protection bodies and write a statement in the prescribed form.
Rehabilitation and help
If a person whose rights have been infringed during the repressions needs help with rehabilitation, subject to the official consent of the EEC, it is possible to allocate a vehicle under manual control without payment. Only those for whom medical health indicators require appropriate equipment can receive such a machine.It is important that the person does not have restrictions on the use of the machine. A small preferential program allows you to get a discount on fuel, repair services. You can take advantage of preferences when purchasing spare parts for vehicles.
Roads, Roads ...
Having received the right to privileges under the program of rehabilitation of the repressed, automatically a person gets access to the opportunity to purchase tickets for railway transport at a discount. You can use this chance only once a year, but you are allowed to go in the direction of the purpose of the trip and back, without paying anything at all. If a person affected by political repression is interested in an alternative option, he can turn to social protection for a half discount on a ticket for air, sea, and road transport.
But public victims of Stalin's time can use it for free. This condition does not apply to fixed-route taxis, but other means of transportation are at the service of victims of previous years.
Housing: small benefits
Perhaps these benefits are most relevant for the majority, they are most often resorted to. When paying for utility bills, victims of repression, as well as their parents and children, can enjoy a discount - pay only half of the set cost.
If there is a need to improve housing conditions, then you should write a statement in the prescribed form. The victim of repression automatically falls into the list of the first stage, that is, among those who, according to the social program in their region, will be the first to receive a new area for living. This applies not only to those who have personally suffered from repression, but also to their immediate family.
A radio unit, a landline telephone in the homes of such people should be installed as soon as an application for this service is written. Also, people who have expressed such a desire, are among the first to issue a land, garden plot.
I need help!
By presenting a document confirming the right to preferences under the rehabilitation program for the repressed, the citizen automatically receives the right to free legal advice from a lawyer. If “crusts” have yet to be obtained, then the specialist will also explain free of charge what and how to do to take what is required by law.
Victims of reprisals are eligible to receive online without waiting in line. This is true in old age, especially for those who are recognized as disabled, has limited opportunities. The law provides for small financial payments. These compensations are intended only for those who personally suffered during the Stalinist repressions.
Everything is official: how to get it?
Preferences are given to those who, according to the law, have applied for benefits, received a special certificate. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities with a passport, a rehabilitation certificate, as well as papers confirming the pensioner's income.
Theoretical points: what is repression?
Everyone has a word - even schoolchildren know it from the course of history, but not everyone can clearly explain what it means. The term is applied to such a punitive measure, which is provoked by state power. At the same time, one cannot call victims who committed an obvious crime - theft, murder, violence.
Currently, preferences are given to those who in the previous era were recognized as a traitor to the homeland, a spy who allegedly betrayed the secrets of the state, who sided with the enemy. These are people mistakenly accused of sabotage, subversion, and terrorist activity. At the same time, the rules do not apply to everyone who received such a sentence, but only subsequently acquitted persons.
Currently, the official regulation of the situation with the repressed, their rehabilitation and rights is carried out by federal law. It was adopted in 1991 under the number 1761-1.Here it is indicated what is necessary to understand as repression, whom to recognize as victims, to whom what preferences on the basis of this should be provided. In particular, it is indicated that those who were forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital and also forced to work or move can rely on benefits under the program.
Fathers and Sons
In accordance with the laws, not only those who suffered during the era of the Soviet Union can be rehabilitated, but also their children, if their parents were deported, detained or executed without sufficient reason for this, and subsequently acknowledged the fallacy of such an act. If it was established that a similar fact took place, the rehabilitated person fully restores not only rights, but also awards, ranks, merits, status, including citizenship.
Money: how much is it?
Compensation payments vary greatly, determined by the characteristics of a particular case. The maximum size is 10 thousand rubles. This amount can be received by those who were in prison, a psychiatric clinic. Also 10 thousand rubles are due to those who, due to unlawful actions of the authorities, have lost property (including real estate). If this property is preserved to this day, then instead of compensation it is returned to the previous owner.
Victims of repression do not have to pay land tax. Since they are mainly pensioners, they have the right to all privileges granted to other citizens of our country who have reached advanced age. If you need to draw up documentation for benefits, you can seek help from social authorities. Those responsible for this will certainly provide all possible assistance.
= Only the neighbor’s denunciation was enough - and the person disappeared. =
That's why say so. Do you have a lot of such facts? I personally know this fact with my father. He was detained at the work of denouncing one of the employees "for failure to comply with the instructions for the conservation of vehicles received under lendlization during the Second World War." He refused to fill the autol in the cylinders of the engine. according to the instructions. Because at the front it was necessary to disassemble and flush the engine. A month later, he was promoted as a mechanic to the head of the base (Khabarovsk-2). The base was promoted to Moscow with a promotion. The scammer was transferred to another organization with a decrease in locksmiths.
And the denunciation was "firing" according to the laws of the military. time.