
Who is the administrative staff of the company?

Today, labor activity in the administrative service of the structure is often perceived as the initial stage of a career or as work for first-year students, which, as a rule, does not require serious preparation. What is meant by the concept administrative staff? Who is related to the appropriate category? Why? Answers to these and other equally important questions can be found in the process of reading this article.

Common features

administrative staff

Despite the fact that administrative staff often implies only the beginning of growth, many people build a successful career and receive professional recognition in this area. Such employees will not call this work not requiring appropriate qualifications and extremely easy. What are the responsibilities that a service typically performs? Administrative staff performs a number of tasks related to the organization of fundamental business processes. Among them are the following items:

  • Record keeping.
  • Control in terms of the execution of orders and orders of the head for different departments and divisions.
  • Administrative staff engaged in providing social, household, economic and material and technical services to the structure.
  • Organization and subsequent repair in the office, if necessary.
  • Organization of relocation.
  • Administrative staff is employees who are required to interact with the operations services.
  • Interaction with landlords.
  • Organization and subsequent holding of corporate events. It is important to add that in this case administrative staff provides only additional assistance.

It is important to note that this list can be concretized and supplemented depending on the needs and tasks of the company.

The practical aspect of the issue

administrative and technical staff

As it turned out, administrative staff is employees whose area of ​​activity includes the implementation of managerial functions or the performance of work related to organizational managerial issues in technical terms.

So, in government organizations, the personnel department, which manages personnel and selects personnel, is often included in the administrative department, the department of business administration, and so on. However, such a practice with respect to large-scale organizations of private property is not widespread - here the management department is an independent structure, of course, headed by the head. It is important to note that in administrative staff often, personal assistant managers and department assistants are not included. So, they relate, as a rule, to the staff of a given structural unit and are subordinate to the corresponding head. Their tasks are reduced directly to solving the issues of this unit. Characterizing the same administrative staff group colleagues solves the problems of the whole organization.

It should be noted that the number of administrative employees of the company mainly depends on its internal structure, size and area of ​​activity. For example, many state associations, management companies of large-scale enterprises or large holdings separate administrative personnel into an independent department. As a rule, it is called the administrative department or the general department.The department is a complex organization, the head of which organizes personnel management and reports to the head of the company.

State institutions

administrative staff

The administrative department of a state institution may include the following departments of an independent mode of activity:

  • Documentation support.
  • Protocol-organizational.
  • Control department.
  • Household support.
  • Public service and so on.

It is important to note that in large commercial structures Job. Administrative staff in this case represents the business department. It includes office managers, secretaries, maintenance staff (drivers, cleaners, couriers). The head of the corresponding category is fully responsible for the work of the department.

In companies that have a complex structure that includes several offices, administrative and technical staff, as a rule, is formed according to a single scheme. His work is supervised by the activities of the administrative director. Its tasks comprise the management and coordination of the activities of the administrative structure as a whole. The administrative director is subordinate to the heads of administrative departments, as well as office managers of structural units and independent offices.

Small companies

Administrative staff in small companies with commercial objectives, as a rule, consists of one employee. His position is referred to as an office manager or secretary. If this is absent, certain administrative functions (for example, organization of paperwork, document management or ordering the office) are assigned to a certain junior employee as an additional burden.

Traditionally administrative staff includes secretary, assistant department, personal assistant to the head, head of the administrative department. In addition, this list includes an office manager and administrative director. It is important to note that this includes a number of employees of maintenance staff (for example, administrative and technical personnel for electrical safety) In subsequent chapters, it will be appropriate to consider the most common administrative posts.

Office Manager

administrative staff is ...

As it turned out, characterizing administrative staff subdivided into administrative and technical spheres. The office manager belongs to the first group. In another way, he is called an administrative manager or senior administrator. The office manager reports to the recruiting director or executive director. In the circle of his subordinates are only employees supporting the functioning of the structure. The main goal of the senior administrator is to ensure the adequate functioning of the office and its smooth operation. Office manager how administrative support staff performs the following functions:

  • Providing control over the availability and operation of office equipment.
  • Budgeting expenses for office support.
  • Ensuring timely processing of both incoming and sent correspondence, its delivery in accordance with the purpose.
  • Participation in the inventory of office property complexes.
  • Exercise of control over the deadlines for the execution of securities and their competent execution.
  • Organization and control of the work of subordinate workers, among which, as a rule, telephone operators, secretaries, drivers, cleaners and security guards.
  • Control and support of the company file system.
  • Booking tickets, providing visa support and booking rooms for company employees.

The following requirements regarding experience and qualifications are relevant for the office manager:

  • Appropriate education (secondary special or higher).
  • Desired knowledge of one or more foreign languages.
  • Excellent knowledge of computer technology.
  • Knowledge of office technology.
  • Work experience in the administrative field for at least a year.
  • Sociability, stress resistance, abilities in organizational matters.

Head of the legal department

 administrative staff: who is it?

The head of this department reports exclusively to the general director. His subordinates include all employees of the legal department. The purpose of the chief's activity is the formation and further management of the legal service of the company. The employee in question performs the following functions:

  • Selection and further training of legal officers.
  • Legalization of the organizational structure of the enterprise.
  • Formation of internal corporation standards.
  • Creation of workflow according to developed corporate legal standards.
  • Organization of legal training for company employees.
  • Legal expertise of projects of various legal documentation, the preparation of which is carried out at the enterprise.
  • Organization of preparation of conclusions in accordance with legal issues arising in the course of the structure.
  • Representation of interests of the enterprise in the judicial authorities, as well as public and state associations in the study of legal issues.
  • Monitoring and taking measures to recover debts in accordance with previously executed agreements.

Requirements for a specialist in terms of qualifications and experience:

  • Legal education (preferably higher).
  • Experience in the relevant specialty for more than five years.
  • Knowledge of English at an average level.
  • Experience in negotiating and pre-trial settlement of issues.
  • Readiness for trips and business trips.
  • Knowledge in the following legal areas: civil, tax, administrative, corporate, arbitration and other branches of law.

Electrical Safety Administrative Staff

Electrical personnel who carry out work on electrical installations are classified into the following categories:

  • Administrative and technical workers are managers and specialists who perform the duties associated with the organization of operational and maintenance, installation, repair and commissioning in relation to electrical installations.
  • Operational employees - personnel who provide maintenance and operational management of electrical installations. This includes inspection, preparation of the workplace, operational switching, admission and subsequent supervision of employees, performance of work in accordance with the current operation.
  • Repair personnel - personnel who provide repair and maintenance, commissioning, installation, and equipment testing.
  • Operational and repair staff - repair personnel who are specially trained and trained to service the operational focus in a certain amount of electrical installations assigned to it.


work (administrative staff)

Often, a lawyer is called a legal adviser in a different way. He reports to the general director or the head of the relevant department. The subordinates of the lawyer are the clerks of this department. The main goal of his activities is to provide support for the work of the legal department. The key tasks of the specialist are the following points:

  • Development of legal documentation.
  • Providing methodological guidance for the legal activities of the company.
  • Implementation of measures to strengthen financial, contractual and labor discipline.
  • Consultation of the staff of the structure in terms of professional issues, assistance in the preparation of documentation and regulatory acts of a property orientation.

The legal adviser performs the following functions:

  • Participation in the development of legal documentation and contracts.
  • Participation in legal disputes.
  • Providing advice to employees and company management in accordance with legal aspects.
  • Participation in the verification of literacy of documentation, as well as contracts from a legal point of view.
  • Maintaining the file system of contracts.
  • Providing assistance to employees of the relevant department in the development of various kinds of projects.


The dispatcher reports directly to the head of production, but does not have subordinates. The main goal of his work is the operational regulation of the production process and other activities of the structure. The dispatcher performs the following functions:

  • Monitoring the availability of stocks that are necessary for an uninterrupted process of production of company divisions (components, materials, transport, equipment).
  • Organization of operational control over the production process, delivery of the finished product, performance of work or services according to the schedule of the production process.
  • Conducting a dispatch journal, the formation of reporting reports and other technical documentation in terms of the production process.

In the case of a dispatcher, the following requirements regarding qualifications and experience are relevant:

  • The presence of secondary vocational education.
  • Knowledge in the field of production planning at the enterprise.
  • Stress resistance, sociability.

Secretary General

electrical safety administrative staff

In another way, the position may be referred to as a personal assistant or secretary-referent. The employee reports to the Director of Human Resources or the General Director. There are no subordinates of the Secretary General. The main goal of the work of the secretary-referent is to provide high-quality administrative support to the director structure. A personal assistant performs the following tasks:

  • Ensuring proper workflow.
  • Organization of the director’s day in the work plan.

The assistant secretary mainly performs the following functions:

  • Scheduling for the CEO, organization of business meetings and business trips.
  • Editing, translation and execution of business letters and documentation.
  • Providing control of incoming correspondence and phone calls.
  • Preparation and execution of business letters, reports, other documentation.
  • Organization of interaction between the director and other employees of the structure.
  • Quality control of preparation, correct compilation, subsequent coordination and approval of documentation submitted for signature directly to the director of the organization.
  • Organization of work of the reception of the General Director.
  • Fulfillment of individual instructions of the head.
  • Escort of the head on business trips.

Actual requirements for experience and qualifications in this case are:

  • The presence of higher education.
  • Knowledge of a foreign (preferably English) language.
  • Excellent use of PC.
  • High standard regarding business etiquette.
  • At least two years of work experience.
  • Presentable appearance, sociability.

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